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One of the last nights in Dublin Katie and Caitlin met some of Katie's friends out at the bar. Caitlin had met them all before except for one girl who was named Sophie but she seemed nice enough except for the extra long hug she gave Katie when they walked into the bar.
As the night went on the group got more and more intoxicated. They ended up sitting at a round table to start playing a game. Caitlin and Katie sat next to each other, but to Caitlin's annoyance Sophie went on the other side of Katie. Sophie hadn't done anything wrong yet but throughout the night she would touch Katie unnecessarily or look at her a little too long. Caitlin brushed it off, they had known each other since they were teenagers, they were probably just close friends. Well that all went out the window when Caitlin heard Sophie's first answer to the game they were playing.
"Sophie who was your best kiss?"
"Well McCabe obviously" Sophie said laughing and leaned over to Katie. Caitlin's eyes shot towards the two friends immediately, mind going a million miles an hour. When was this?
Katie unknowingly answered her, " there's no way I was your best. I was 15. You were my first kiss for gods sake." She drunkingly joked back.
"Hell of a first kiss then" Sophie winked back.
Underneath the table Caitlin was clenching her fists together and ended up downing her drink so she'd have an excuse to get up and away from Sophie instead of punching her in the face.
Unknown to Caitlin at the time, Katie had immediately sensed Caitlin's change in attitude as soon as Sophie became a little more handsy. She was in no way going to let it go further than this, but she had never seen Caitlin jealous and wanted to see what that was like. Katie may or may not have a thing for jealousy, but never told Cait about it because it's always better when it's natural.
So for the next hour or so she felt Caitlin about to explode in the seat next to her. It wasn't until Sophie suggested that they go to one more bar did Caitlin finally speak up to say they were going back to the hotel and grip Katie's thigh tightly telling her this wasn't up for discussion.
Making their way to the hotel, Katie decided to push her luck again. "Isn't Sophie great?!"
Caitlin didn't even give her words as a response, just a small grunt and eye roll. 
Katie was getting her key card out for their room when she looked back at Caitlin, " what? Didn't you like her?" But I'm looking back at Caitlin she noticed her eyes had changed. They were darker. Katie knew what that meant. And it meant her plan worked.  As soon as the lock flashed green, Caitlin's hands were on her and pushing her inside the room kicking the door shut behind them. Katie's front was pressed against the closest wall with Caitlin's hands on her everywhere. She could feel Caitlin's breath right behind her ear. "You listen to me. You are mine. Not Sophie's. She may have been your first kiss but I'm gonna be your last. Got it?"
Well that was officially hotter than Katie could have ever imagined.
"Ye- yes got it"
"Good girl" Caitlin whispered back before biting her ear lobe and sliding her knee up between Katie's legs. She started to kiss on both sides of her neck as she removed her shirt and bra and then reached around to undo her pants button. Kissing all the way down Katie's spine she got down on her knees and pulled her pants down as she went. Finally she flipped Katie around. Who had barely been touched and was an absolute mess.
Throwing one of Katie's legs over her shoulder, her eyes somehow got even darker and she wasted no time in putting her lips on Katie's clit. Caitlin clearly wasn't playing around. She was being completely dominant right now. Not that Katie could complain.
With one hand she pushed Katie's stomach back so she was supported against the wall. And the other hand was being used to enter Katie with two fingers. Katie gripped onto Caitlin's hair pushing her in as far she would go, but with how fast Katie's orgasm was building she knew she was holding on more for inevitable of her body giving out on her. And she was right. Not even a few moments later was Katie clenching around Caitlin's fingers and her clit throbbing on caits tongue.

Finally pulling back and standing up Caitlin looked Katie in the eye, mouth still covered in Katie, "you're mine. Say it."
"I'm yours Cait. Forever."
Katie was quickly picked up and thrown on the bed. This time Caitlin had a smile and went back to tenderly kissing her, which was completely different from what just occurred. Either way Katie's body was shaking again pretty soon after. By the third one Katie's head was so fuzzy she couldn't even speak English. She tried to reciprocate for Caitlin but was quickly pushed further into the bed, arms held above her head.
"You don't touch me tonight. It's all about showing you you're mine and no one else's."
The fourth orgasm came and Katie was calling quits. She thought the air in her lungs was never going to return after that one. Caitlin gave her one last kiss, picked her up, sat her on the bathroom counter. Cleaned her up and got ready for bed and then snuggled so close together that Katie felt a little suffocated. But if this is how she died she's be okay with that.
"I'm yours cait" she said before falling into one of the deepest sleeps of her life.

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