Keeping Secrets

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Katie and Caitlin had recently started dating but had not told a single person on the Arsenal team yet. There was a team bonding event at Beth and Vivs house later that day and both girls agreed to drive separately to avoid any suspicions but for now they were over at Katie's house having a lazy morning.
At one point Caitlin had tried to get up to make some breakfast but Katie grabbed her stomach, not allowing her to get up, and snuggle in closer.
"You good Kates?" Caitlin laughed at how snuggly Katie was.
"Mhhm" she responded not very convincingly
"Clearly not what's up?"
"I'm just a little homesick right now. My sister had another baby late last night and I'm just a little upset I won't get to meet the new McCabe for a while. I'm just always the last to get involved. I know you have it even worst being across the world and I feel bad complaining."
"Hey no never apologize for your feelings. I do completely understand what you mean which is why you shouldn't be apologizing it makes you question our job sometimes. But it'll all be worth it in the end when your new niece grows up and wears a McCabe jersey to school telling everyone that you are her aunt."
"Thanks baby I needed to hear that."
Even though Caitlin had cheered her up slightly she still wasn't really up to social activities but had to go to the team event anyway.
Caitlin left first and Katie followed five minutes later. Once all the girls had arrived they grabbed food and went to take a seat. Caitlin got caught up talking to Beth and was the last to sit down. There were only two seats left. One near Lia and one near Katie. Jesus. Normally this would be a no brainer. Sit next to your current girlfriend. Not your ex. But Katie and Caitlin had both agreed no sitting next to each other. Since the relationship was new they were really struggling with self control and keeping their hands to themselves and didn't want any touches or little looks to give them away either. So Caitlin made an awkward smile and she slid in next to Lia who was too nice to tell her to move.
The team night was going along just fine most of the girls laughing the whole time. It wasn't until Beth noticed Katie was quiet and off on her own did she decide to try to bring her into the conversation.
"McCabe! You're abnormally silent today I almost forgot my little Irish girl was here."
"Sorry Beffy I was just listening to you talk for the both of us!" Trying to get the attention off of her.
"Nah you seem down. Are you okay?"
Katie really didn't want to talk about her feelings to the whole team. She really just wanted to go home and hold on to Caitlin.
"All good Meado"
"Nah I know what's wrong! I get it breakups are hard. You need a new girl to get your mind off of your 7 year relationship."
"No I'm good th-"
"Nope! Come on girls got any suggestions for McCabe to go flirt with."
Caitlin was internally fuming as her teammates shouted out names of other girls who they knew would want to hook up with Katie. Katie wanted to be sucked into a hole and clearly was becoming visibly uncomfortable. Surprisingly enough it was Lia who spoke up, "okay that's enough she clearly hasn't moved on yet let's not hound the poor girl."
The fact it come from Lia was even worse. Katie had moved on. With Lia's ex. But all Katie could do was nod thankfully at Lia and wait for the subject to change. After about another hour, Katie called it a night and said she was heading home. It was a little early to leave but she really wasn't feeling it. She mouthed to Caitlin to stay for a little while longer. So after another 45 min Caitlin finally left and headed right to Katie's to find her curled in bed.
"That sucked." Katie said turning to face Caitlin
"I know. How are we ever going to tell them?"
"God I have no idea but we need to tell Lia before the rest. We can't spring this on her."
"I feel like I should do it, maybe alone if that's okay with you."
"Yeah of course Cait whatever you think is best."
"I really don't like the fact that half of the wsl wants to hook up with you either."
"Can you blame them?" Katie said cheekily
"Oh shush you."
"Don't worry baby I'm yours." Katie said snuggling in. Katie felt emotionally drained after the day but until Caitlin had gotten home she didn't feel like she'd be able to sleep. But as soon as she put her head on her chest, felt her heartbeat, and felt Caitlin's fingers comb through her hair she fell asleep in a minute.

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