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Katie came in all smiles from the backyard and giggling to herself after getting off of the phone with a few of her siblings.
"What's so funny?" Caitlin asked
"I just got off the phone with some of my siblings and my sister was telling us what happened at the bar this weekend with her friends. It was pretty funny."
Caitlin tried to swallow down the feeling of self pity and homesickness that suddenly overcame her.
"Tell me about it!" She tried to say while faking a smile.
But Katie picked up on it. "What's wrong?"
"Sorry it's really nothing. I'm just a little homesick right now. I've called home a couple times this week but the time difference isn't working. And Jamie's work schedule shifted so the only time she has to talk is when we are at practice. But I'm fine I promise. Tell me your sisters story."
Katie ignored it for now but knew she would address this again later as she shared the story about her sister to Caitlin.

Next day

They had the day off today so Caitlin was excited to have a good lie in.  When she did finally wake up it was around 11am  she rolled over to find the other side of the bed empty. And the sheets were cold meaning Katie had been up for a while. She never slept this late so she was surprised when she saw the time. Caitlin got out of bed and headed downstairs where she could smell food being cooked. And not just any food but something that smelled very similar to her favorite childhood breakfast.
"Hey baby. This smells delicious." She said taking a peak into the pan. "Wait is this what I think it is?!"
"Yes you got it. I asked your mom for the recipe when we went to your home for Christmas. Can't promise it'll taste as good though." Katie said pushing Caitlin towards the table with a cup of coffee In hand for her.
Caitlin took a big bite of her food "omg Katie this is so good! You did amazing. Thank you!"
"I'm glad you like it baby"
"What did I do to deserve this today?"
"Nothing I just wanted to treat you. Now go upstairs and change into a bikini while I Clean this up."
"Why do you want me to change?"
"Besides the fact I want to see you in a bikini? Nah I got a little surprise for you in the backyard. And it's a nice day outside! Now no peaking outside. Go change."
Caitlin ran upstairs confused but also very excited to see what the surprise might be. She came back down to see Katie handing her a fruity drink inside of a pineapple. "Welcome to the beach" Katie said opening up the door to reveal and blow up pool with a bit of sand surrounding it and a fake palm tree.
"Katie. How did you? What is this?"
"You were homesick. I'm just trying to bring a little bit of Australia to London."
"Katie..." Caitlin said close to tears "you don't know how much this means to me."
"You can thank me later. Right now you need to get your cute ass into the pool" Katie said while taking her clothes off to reveal she was already wearing her bikini.  "Come on babe"
The couple drank their drinks and laughed for a while in the pool until Katie's phone rang. Katie gave Caitlin a quick smirk as she handed her phone to her. "Answer it."
"Just answer it before they hang up."
Caitlin answered the face time to reveal her sister, mom and nanas face.
"What are you guys doing! It's so late there!"
"We can stay up a little bit to talk to our girl." Caitlin's mom said.
"I'll give you guys some time to talk" Katie said getting out of the pool and heading inside.
About 20 minutes later Caitlin was ending the call to let her family go to sleep. "Before we hang up just a quick reminder that Katie is a keeper and you found a good one" her sister said winking at her.
"I know she is really the best isn't she?" Caitlin said dreamily.
After she hung up she went back inside to see Katie in the kitchen with something behind her back.
"Katie I can't begin to thank you for today."
"Well I got one more surprise for ya. I know it's not quite right but it's the closest I could find." She pulled out a little stuffed animal that looked close to representing Caitlin's dog peach. "I hope you like it."
Caitlin couldn't hold it in anymore and started crying.
"I really don't deserve you. Today has been perfect. I don't know how you pulled this off or how early you had to get up to do all of this but I can't possibly love you more than I do right now."
"I'm happy I could help make you a little happier."
"You make me so happy. This was the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me. Now come on let's go back to the beach. I want to hold a gorgeous girl in my arms."
"Well it is your day so whatever you want we can do."
"Huh is that right? Does that apply in the bedroom too?"
"Don't get ahead of yourself Foordy." Katie said with a wink as she lead Caitlin out to the "beach" and gave her a quick kiss

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