World Cup Drama

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The Ireland vs Australia matchup wasn't only an important date because it was the first game of the World Cup for both girls, but it also marked their 1 month anniversary. No matter the outcome of the game, the girls had planned to secretly meet in Caitlin's hotel room after the match and share some room service that they knew neither coach would approve us. But you only celebrate your one month anniversary once.
Katie had shared some scandalous photos of herself to Caitlin about 30 minutes before their game. Was it to try to throw Caitlin off her game or just an anniversary gift? Katie would never share her true motive. But Caitlin couldn't help but get a little distracted in the tunnel before walking out to their game when she saw Katie. Flashes of the pictures immediately went through her head causing her to blush looking up at the Irish captain.
Unknown to her, a certain blonde Irish midfielder was sending daggers into the back of Caitlin's head. Ruesha wasn't sure if they were dating. But she's seen the Ibiza pictures. She always hated how close Katie and Caitlin were and though she was fairly convinced that Katie didn't cheat on her she really didn't appreciate the short time between their relationship as she was still heartbroken. Of course she blamed Katie and avoided her as much as possible, but the girl that stole her away? Yeah she hated her.
Completely avoided Caitlin's hand in the handshake was just the first of many things that occurred during that game.
The game was physical but Ruesha didn't hold back when it came towards Caitlin. Pushing and pulling whenever she could. However the kicker really came at the end of the game. Caitlin was at an all time high. Winning a World Cup game on home soil?? It doesn't get better than that.
But leave it to Ruesha to ruin that.
Ruesha made a beeline for Caitlin while everyone was shaking hands and gave her a shove. Caitlin rolled her eyes and was about to head off before Ruesha spoke up.
"Don't walk away bitch"
"Just head back to your locker room and leave it. I don't even know what your on right now."
"Oh yeah you know. Don't hide it. Tell me I'm Curious. Does she taste the same? Does she make the same small noises right before she comes? Let's compare notes."
Oh Caitlin was pissed now and only seeing red now. She came right for Ruesha and if it hadn't been for Denise O'Sullivan to break them up Caitlin would have been swinging.

Katie meanwhile was oblivious to this whole thing. That was until the team got in the locker room and she heard Denise and Ruesha in a screaming match which quickly led to Katie and Ruesha having it out. Seven years of a relationship and every built up emotion was emptied right there in the locker room in front of the whole team. It wasn't until their coach came back from doing interviews was it broken up resulting in Katie being taken aside and yelled at to get act together or she wouldn't be captain for a second longer. Katie truly wasn't sure how this whole thing resulted in what she worked hardest for almost being taken away. But now she's sitting in the back of the bus in silence staring out the window crying. She felt too emotionally drained to go to Caitlin's. Plus Caitlin hasn't even texted her so she probably didn't want to see her especially after Caitlin had taken the most heat out of everyone in this weird triangle of people.
After taking a shower Katie sat on her bed and cried. She didn't know what she was crying about either. Feelings of her relationship with Ruesha ending and finally processing them, first World Cup for her country and the pressure of that, losing their first game, almost having her captains band taken. She was so overwhelmed she didn't even realize what time it was until there was a knock on the door. She didn't even try to whip her tears as she went to the door and was met with her equally red eyed, crying girlfriend
"You didn't come" Caitlin said with tears flowing down her cheeks which only caused Katie to cry more that she realized she messed up and disappointed Caitlin. She reached out and slowly pulled her into the room.
"I- I'm sorry. I didn't even realize the time. I haven't been able to stop crying."
"Yeah well I've been crying too because of your ex! Have you even seen what they've said about me? Or about us? We've only dated a month. Literally no one even knows besides our families and closest friends. Now the whole world knows and I'm getting blasted for it! And then you don't even show up for our anniversary date. You could have at least told me you weren't coming!"
Caitlin was angry and rightfully so. Except the problem was that this was their first fight and Katie couldn't handle more people yelling at her today. Ruesha and their coach, now Caitlin. Katie leaned against the wall and slowly sat down continuing her crying. After witnessing her girlfriend crumbling to the ground, Caitlin's anger dropped and she sat down next to her.
"Kates I'm sorry.."
"No! You shouldn't have to be sorry. It's my fault. All of it. It was my ex. I didn't call you after. I left you hanging on our 1 month of all days. God you should just break up with me before we get any further into this."
"What? Absolutely not are you kidding?"
"No I ruin everything I touch and I don't want to hurt you more than I already did tonight."
"Look at me Katie. I'm in this for the long run. It may be only one month with you but god it's been a good month I'm not that easy to get rid of."
"Are you sure? It's obviously not going to be easy."
"You think when I signed up to be Katie Mccards girlfriend I thought it would be easy? Nah you're stuck with me darlin."
Katie leaned in to Caitlin. "Good I like being stuck with you" she said giving her a quick kiss now that both of their tears had dried. Katie then quickly got up.
"Where are you going? I was enjoying that kiss."
"I owe my girl some room service food. And then I owe my girl some makeup sex."
"Not saying no to either of those" Caitlin said winking at Katie as she went over to hug Katie from behind as she ordered their food.

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