Ibiza PT 2

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Making their way back to their room after recently disclosing their feelings on the beach both girls get like they were on cloud 9.
They both quickly got dressed for dinner and stared at each other lovingly before heading out.
"Wait!" Katie said quickly grabbing Caitlin's arm.
"I know we literally are just starting this thing out but I'd love to take you on a date tomorrow. There's a little cafe the two of us could go to down the road? I know we are both pretty recently single but I feel more myself around you then anyone I know so I just want you to know I'm not trying to just mess around or anything."
Feeling the relief of getting that off of her chest, Katie took a big breath she didn't realize she was holding.
Caitlin grabbed her hand and gave it squeeze. "I'd love to go out with you tomorrrow. I feel the same way about you I just didn't know how to bring it up honestly. So thank you for taking that step. Would you be okay just keeping this between us? Just for a little until we figure it out. You know at our pace."
"Oh course darlin. Although I'll add that Jordan knows. She's the one that basically told me to woman up and ask you out. She must have read it on our faces."
"Of course she did haha well that's okay with me if Jordan already know happy it's her actually."

That night the girls went to dinner with the group and did their best to act normal like they didn't just have the most magical first kiss of their lives a few hours ago. Besides a few winks from Jordan they managed to do pretty well they thought.
They both called it an early night and headed back to the villa, quickly doing their night time routine and settling into bed together. One bed. Not two like the previous night.
It was almost like instinct to cuddle up together.
"It's crazy how comfortable I am with you already. We haven't even gone on our first date yet" Caitlin laughed. "To be honest with you I've never been able to be this relaxed with someone so quickly before" Caitlin said a little more shyly.
"Well no matter wait Cait we are and will always be best friends. Maybe that has something to do with it. But I agree this just feels right."
Although both had internal urges to rip each others clothes off they wanted to start slow. So after a few more kisses they went to bed snuggled up together.

The next morning Katie threw on a white tank with a white flowy shirt and Caitlin put a blue tank top on. They went to the cafe down the road and had a delicious meal. Enjoying each other and the view. Laughing and having a conversation that didn't seem to have an end in sight. Honestly both girls felt so happy they couldn't rub the smile off their face as they made their way hand in hand back to the villa. Quickly being told to get changed because there was a rave they were going to.
Knowing they were on vacation with a group and that they had all the time in the world to enjoy each other later they didn't hesitate to follow the command.

At the concert the drinks were flowing, the music was loud, and there was no chance to separate from one another as the crowd surrounding them was large. So it was no surprise that the combination of those things led to a makeout session right behind their friends who turned around to witness this new development.
Jordan gave a loud wolf whistle which didn't even seem to phase them. After a couple pictures were taken of them they quickly broke away. All the friends promised to only keep them as joke purposes but didn't fail to bring them up in the comments of a future Instagram post.

Throughout the week more of the same continued. Drinks. Parties. Discovering more about each other. Enjoying this new development and wherever that may lead. But they both knew that Jordan was the one that invited them. Jordan was the one that set them up and Jordan was the one to always be there for both girls. So even though there were some initial complaints about not wanting to third wheel Katie and Caitlin made sure to include Jordan in every thing they did the rest of the week. The last thing they wanted was to make her feel left out.

On the flight home Jordan was passed out from exhaustion. Katie was close to sleeping but the light patterns being drawn on her arm by Caitlin were just enough to keep her awake long enough to look up, give a quick kiss to her cheek, and whisper, "this is hands down the best vacation of my life. I'm so happy it's with you Caity Girl"
Caitlin smiled and kissed Katie's forehead in return and watched her fall asleep.

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