Double Date

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During winter break while Caitlin, Katie and Jordan were in Australia Jordan had said that one night while they were in Sydney she was going to go off and hang out with some friends that she had there in town. Not that Jordan ever felt like she was third wheeling but she knew sometimes she needed to give the couple alone time especially when they were together the whole break.
As Caitlin and Katie were planning what they were going to do that night, Jamie, Caitlin's sister, and her fiancé walked in.
"There's actually a new restaurant downtown that we are going to tonight. If you guys want to join." Jaime offered, overhearing their conversation.
Caitlin knew she and Katie had wanted to be alone, but she also really missed her sister, so she struggled with her answer. Lucky for her, Katie quickly responded with a happy yes. Caitlin didn't forget the conversation they had five minutes ago where Katie was saying how excited she was for a night alone, but she knew Katie also remembered 2 months ago when Caitlin cried into her shoulder about how much she missed her mum and sister.
So it was settled they were all going out to dinner tonight and both couples went to their own rooms to start getting ready.
After a quick shower together, obviously for water saving purposes, they got changed and put on a bit of makeup.
"God you look beautiful Cait"
"Nah you're the beautiful one." Cait said pulling her in for a quick kiss.
Making their way downstairs, they found their companions for the night waiting for them.
"Took you long enough Jesus Caitlin" her sister exclaimed.
"And just when I thought I was excited to spend the night with you."
"Always the sarcastic one little sister" Jamie said rolling her eyes and grabbing her fiancés hand before walking out. Caitlin rolled her eyes in return and turned back to Katie who was just laughing at her and her sisters antics.

Jamie had always been protective of Caitlin, so she was never the easiest to get along with when it came to Caitlin's girlfriends. But she could tell Caitlin was different with Katie. 100% herself and not trying to put on a show or impress anyone when she was with Katie. That didn't mean that she wasn't still cautious of her. I mean she knew Caitlin had been head over heels for her for a while, but she didn't love how quickly Katie had moved on from her last relationship.

As dinner progressed the conversation was flowing with all four girls laughing a having a great time. Caitlin was thinking that this probably couldn't have gone any better. That was until the conversation changed as the food arrived.
"Ah that was so quick!" The Irishwoman spoke as the food arrived.
"Yeah just as quick as you moved on to Caitlin. Do you plan on sticking around with this one for a while?" Jamie said nodding her head towards Caitlin. Jamie wasn't sure why she said it. She just had a wave of protectiveness hit her and it came out. She regretted it the second she said it but there was nothing she could do now.
"What the hell Jamie?" Caitlin yelled 
"Sorry sorry I didn't mean it like that."
"Well then how did you mean it?"
"Cait it's fine. It was just a joke that didn't hit. Right Jamie?" Katie tried to sound like she was fine.
"Right yeah. Yeah I'm sorry Katie. Bad joke."
Katie was trying to put on a brave face and smiled back politely. But was slowly shutting down. Caitlin on the other hand was fuming. But instead of causing a scene at the table. She quickly excused herself to the bathroom.
"I should go follow her" Katie said,but Jamie interrupted her, "no it's my fault. I'll go fix it."
Katie was left with Marie at the table. "I'm sorry for what Jamie said. She gets protective. Just the other day she was saying she loves you two together. I'm sorry she reacted like that."
"I get it. I just hate to think she's actually worried I'll leave Caitlin."
"I can tell you and Cait are perfect. I'll knock some sense into her don't worry."
"Thanks Marie." Katie said quietly going back to her food clearly still affected by Jamie's comment.
Meanwhile Caitlin was so mad she didn't remember to lock the door behind her to the bathroom. She had her back turned towards the door so when she heard it open she just assumed it was Katie.
"Katie I'm fine I promise. I'm sorry I stormed out you should be the one mad. Not me. I'm sorry I just left you." Caitlin said as she turned around to see her sister standing there and immediately went back to being mad.
"I don't want to see you right now." Caitlin said trying to get past Jamie who pushed her back.
"Cait come on let me apologize and talk to you."
"No Jamie. You always do this! You always are a bitch to my girlfriends. I thought you had changed because you were being nice for the first part of the dinner. I thought you had changed cause you can see how much she means to me. I love her. I'll choose her every time so if you don't like her that's too bad. Now I'm going back get out of my way."
"Caitlin just wait!! I'm sorry okay. I do like her. I can tell you guys are perfect for each other. You found your Marie and that's what made me scared for you. I don't want her to break your heart. And I know I shouldn't have said what I said. There was no right for me to. She did absolutely nothing wrong and has not shown any signs of breaking your heart, but I'm not going to apologize for trying to protect you."
"I don't need you to protect me from her. She's not going to hurt me. And if you can't see that we are leaving. You have no idea all the hate she has gotten for the exact thing you just called her out for. That comment is going to really affect her."
"Just let me apologize to her too please. Let's finish dinner. I didn't mean to hurt either of your feelings. I'm sorry. I really really am."
"Fine. But you better make it a meaningful apology and you're paying tonight."

Going back to the table they saw Marie and Katie making small talk and looking somewhat like a normal conversation. Caitlin sat down and grabbed Katie's hand and kissed her forehead asking if she was okay to which Katie only gave a small nod.

Jamie took a big breath before sitting down. "Katie I want to say how truly sorry I am for what I said."
Katie, trying to avoid this conversation, cut her off, "Jamie it's okay I forgive you. I have three older and three younger sisters. I understand both sides of it so I get where you were coming from."

"No it's really not okay. Although I'll always try and protect Cait, no matter how much she doesn't want me to, I had no right to say that. Nor was it called for. You have done absolutely nothing wrong. In fact you have been the perfect girlfriend from everything I've heard and I'm sorry if I even put a sliver of doubt in your head that you weren't. I've never seen Caitlin this happy with someone and I know I don't know you all that well but I could tell she makes you just as happy. So please let's just start this night over. Im so sorry and hope you both can forgive me."

The couple in question looked at each other and Katie finally got a smile back and gave Caitlin a nod who in turn gave her sister a head nod. Clearly not as forgiving as her girlfriend, but was going to move on for the sake of her.

Katie got a mischievous look in her eye.
"I'll forgive you on one condition."
"Of course name it."
"Break sister code and tell me some of Caitlin's most embarrassing moments. I've heard something about an awful first kiss but can't get the whole story out of her."
Caitlin look mortified glancing between her sister and girlfriend. And Jamie cracked a huge smile clearly eager to share a story to embarrass her sister.

The four finished up dinner, which Jamie paid for, and headed to get some ice cream. The comment wasn't quite forgotten from earlier, but the tension was gone. It was back to normal and the girls were all enjoying themselves.
"Thanks for a fun night girls" Marie said
"Yeah you too. We had a good time" Katie said wrapping her arm around Caitlin. "Come to London and we can do it again!"
"We might just have to do that. Just so I can keep an eye on this one." Jamie said bumping into Caitlin.
"Don't worry I'll take care of her like always until you get there." Katie said with a love struck look in her eye as she looked towards Cait.
"I know you will. I wouldn't pick anyone else to do so Katie." She said giving her a little hug as one final apology for earlier.
Caitlin had a big smile. Her sister had never once hugged anyone she ever dated. This was huge. It was like the sign of approval she didn't realize she was looking for.

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