Sick Day

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Caitlin woke up before the sun was even shining and felt very hot. Like uncomfortably hot. She quickly realized that the source of the heat was coming from Katie who was curled into her side and had an arm wrapped extremely tight across her stomach. Caitlin thought this was weird at first because of course they cuddled all the time but when they slept they were never this close together. She reached her hand down to try and nudge Katie slightly to get her off but then felt that she was burning up. But also shivering at the same time. Great she has a fever.

Caitlin looked over at the clock and saw that it was 4:15. She really didn't want to get up but she needed to break Katie's fever. She somehow managed to maneuver out of Katie's grip and quickly put a pillow in place of her for Katie to hold on to.  She made her way to the bathroom and started running a bath. And then grabbed some medicine and water before going back to her girlfriend.

She sat down and started rubbing circles into Katie's back which was drenched in sweat from how bad her fever was. Katie slowly started to wake up and immediately felt her wave of sickness as her face scrunched up and she held on to the pillow even tighter

"Darlin can you sit up for me? You are going to take some medicine real quick and then take a quick bath and then you can go right back to bed."
Katie couldn't even form words. Instead just shaking her head no.
"Come on baby. I'll help you and it will make you feel better."
Without even opening her eyes, katie leaned into Caitlin's touch as she helped her sit up.
"Okay swallow these pills here's some water."
Katie did as she was told and allowed Cait to help her walk to the bathroom. She was shivering the whole way.
When Katie saw the water running she turned back to Caitlin quickly.
"I don't want to get in. I'm too cold." She said quietly
"I thought Katie McCabe didn't feel the cold?"
"This is different." Katie said clearly not in a joking mood right now.
"A quick bath babe. Just get in real quick. I'll change the sheets, bring you more clothes, and then you can get right back out."
"Okay" Katie said defeated.
Caitlin tried to help her out of her shirt, but Katie got very shy which was strange being that she's seen her naked more times than she can count by this point.
"What's wrong?"
"I can undress myself. You don't need to see me like this."
"Katie. There is never going to be a time that I don't find you incredibly attractive. I can promise you that. But right now I just want to help you feel better. I love you for you not because of how hot you are, which can I add is extremely."
Katie slowly raised her arms so Caitlin could take her shirt off. Katie noticed how Caitlin stared into her eyes the entire time and not at her body which made Katie feel a lot more comfortable. Caitlin quickly pulled her shorts off, again only staring up at Katie's face. And then helped her step into the bath and sit down. "I'll be back in five minutes okay. Try and relax a little"

Katie couldn't relax with how uncomfortable she was in her own skin right now but the water was helping her and she became instantly more relax seeing Caitlin return with new clothes.
Caitlin grabbed a towel and stood Katie up, helping her dry off and get into new clothes.

"I already texted Jonas that we won't be coming tomorrow. He will see it when he wakes up. Don't worry about anything just try and get some rest darlin." Caitlin said as she got back into bed next to Katie and pulled her close. Caitlin noted she was still warm but nearly as bad as before. She knew Katie needed to snuggle. She could deal with a little uncomfortable body heat.

"Thank you Cait I love you" was all Katie could manage before falling back to sleep instantly with her head on Caitlin's chest.

"I love you too" she said kissing the top of her head

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