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Caitlin wouldn't change her childhood for the world, but there were some different experiences she had only having grown up with a single mother compared to those kids who grew up with a happily married couple as parents.  She grew up watching her mother be very independent and do everything for her two girls, so in turn Caitlin grew up independent too.  It wasn't until she met Katie did she finally really start letting herself allow herself to rely on someone else.  It started with little things, Caitlin realized that Katie would also pour her and Caitlin a glass of water before bed because Caitlin had woken up one time in the middle of the night and needed a drink. Now it became Katie's ritual. Or that Katie always gives the Caitlin the larger half if they are sharing something even if she pretends she doesn't.  Or even last week when Caitlin was cooking and turned around to grab a dish to find Katie already standing there with one in hand.

These little things started to add up enough that Caitlin started to take notice.  Now she has come to notice that their nightly routines are so intertwined with each other doing little things for one another that Caitlin's not even sure she would be able to function properly without Katie living with her.  Caitlin is zoned out thinking about how domesticated they both seem with one another that she doesn't even realize she has been brushing her teeth for a very long time. In fact, it takes Katie poking her to wake her out of her trance.

"Cait, I think they are clean!" Katie said laughing at her in her Irish accent.

Caitlin quickly came back to earth and spit out her toothpaste and turned to smile at Katie knowing she still had toothpaste all over her mouth.

"Think ya missed a spot" Katie said trying to wipe away the leftover on her lips, but Caitlin was still in her little love haze from earlier and took Katie's hand away, instead leaning down to use Katie's lips to remove the residue instead by giving her a very passionate kiss.  

As things started to get heated, Caitlin leaned down to pick Katie up and led her to the bedroom. not failing to notice that Katie had already folded down the covers, as she did every night because she knew Caitlin liked it. 

She threw Katie on the bed and lets just say they had their fair share of cardio that night.  Usually after a "workout" that long both girls would be tired and fall asleep quickly.  Katie had snuggled into Caitlin and had almost fallen asleep when she opened her eyes up to look at Caitlin, who was staring at the ceiling not realizing Katie was wide awake now.

"Why aren't you sleeping? There's something on your mind?"

"I thought you were asleep Kates"

"Unless im dead tired and cant keep my eyes open I try to wait until you go to sleep.  Your heart rate didnt settle down I knew you were wide awake still."

Caitlin stared at her with wide eyes and was lost for words with a response

"Err sorry I know thats a little creepy I'll stop doing that" Katie said feeling a little embarrassed at her revelation.

"No no don't stop god I love you Katie do you know that?"

"Yeah you've told me once or twice." Katie said blushing

Caitlin felt herself blush a little as she built up the courage to express what she was feeling.

"I was thinking that I don't know how to live without you now.  Like I don't know how I ever lived alone. We just work so well together, like read each other's next move. I just never knew someone could know and understand me so well.  I'm so entirely in love with you."

Katie started laughing, making Caitlin a little confused at the response to pouring her heart out. 

"It's funny you say that. I was literally trying to come up with ways to ask if you felt the same way I did without asking you directly for the past couple of days. I really have never felt this attached to anyone. Have you um- no- ah um what are your thoughts on marriage?"

Caitlin wanted to make fun of Katie for stumbling so much over her words but she was now just as nervous, talking about a topic she really had never given too much thought to. 

"Honestly I never really thought too much about it when I was younger, because I didn't have married parents, just my mum. I don't know what it looks like, I always feared I wouldn't be "good at it" when I was younger because of that so I kinda pushed it out of my mind back then."

"Well that was when you were little. Do you have any I guess more recent thoughts?"

"I guess the past couple of months have made me realize that it would be impossible to leave a certain Irish girl, so it might have crossed my mind once or twice."

"Its crossed my mind too.. once or twice" Katie said trying to play it cool, "and if you really think about it we kinda act like an old married couple. At least that's what Ella told me when I was talking about it."

"Oh so you're talking about marriage with your sister? sounds like you have been thinking about it more than once or twice Kates." Caitlin said jokingly.

Katie turned red as she turned her head more into Caitlin's body. 

"Yeah I have thought about it.. alot. But I think its a bit too soon? And I didn't know how you felt about it either so I didn't want to push."

"I think its a bit too soon too, but I will marry you one day Katie McCabe." This statement brought Katie's head out from her hiding place so she could quickly attack Caitlin's lips with her own which quickly led to cardio session number 2 for the night.  This time though they both fell asleep immediately after.

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