Sneaking Around

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One of the first away games after Katie and Caitlin had gotten together was unfortunately also one where they all had separate rooms. And with some travel delays causing them to get in late they were under strict instructions to go straight to their rooms and turn in for the night in order to get plenty of sleep before their early game.  

The girls hadn't told anyone about their new relationship yet, but they knew they would have to soon as they literally couldn't keep their hands off of each other.  Even on the bus ride over with a blanket wrapped over them, Katie's hands were getting dangerously close to right in between Caitlin's thighs.  And that wasn't all the toughing that was done on this bus ride.  Caitlin could play the game too which is now where they find themselves.  Both horny from earlier but stuck in their own rooms, an entire hallway dividing them. Caitlin, believing that Katie had one upped her on the bus, decided to keep the little game going.  Quickly discarding all of her clothes she leaned up against the headboard and took a picture of the tv in the distance.  Sending it to Katie with the caption "there's nothing good on tv".

But when Katie received the picture she didn't even notice the tv in the background.  No. She only saw Caitlin's entire naked body from the neck down in the bottom half of the picture.  With her hand in a similar position to where Katie's was on her body earlier on the bus.  

"Don't send me that when there is nothing I can do about it right now."

Caitlin could hear the growl in Katie's voice over the text and knew she now won the game.  

"Oh come on McCabe.  Scared of some rules? I'm room 301, last in the hallway."

"Cait... don't tempt me"

"Fineee I'll have to take care of myself then." Caitlin said knowing she's pushing her boundaries and knowing she is dangerously close to making Katie break some team rules to come see her. 

"No stop don't touch yourself.  I'm coming. But wait by your door to let me in quickly I don't want to be caught."

For some reason Caitlin's heart was racing.  Like she was sneaking out of the house for the first time, or when she almost got caught drinking when she was far too young.  She tried to shake the nervousness. She was letting her girlfriend in her room. Come on get over it!  But there was something about the sneaking around, with their teammates and coaches surrounding them that made this exciting.  

Quickly throwing her tshirt back over her body and made her way to the door to peak through the peep hole to make sure she would open it as soon as Katie was in sight.  She unlocked the door as silently as possible not to alert anyone who was rooming next to her and waited for her girl to come into viewpoint.

Katies POV

God this girl is going to be the death of me... or at least get me kicked off of this team.  Katie thought to herself as she quietly opened her door and peaked into the hallway luckily not seeing a soul.  She gave it a second to make sure she didn't hear any footsteps. Then got outside her door and closed it as quickly and quietly as possible.  She knew running would make to much sound so she kept her a quick pace, but her footsteps quiet. She was almost halfway to the end of the hall when she heard a set of footsteps coming around the corner.  With some quick thinking and a bit of luck that there was a stairwell right next to her at the time she dipped into the sidehall and hide behind the pillar of the staircase.  Peaking around just enough she saw Jonas walk right past her. Jesus Christ I really am going to get kicked off this team. 

Waiting a few minutes until she heard Jonas get into his room and hear the door click she finally made her way into the hallway and quickly made it to Caitlin's without anymore interruptions. Thank god Caitlin was paying attention and opened the door immediately for her.

"Where were you?! I thought you chickened out" Caitlin whisper yelled at her.

"I almost got caught! By Jonas! Because I'm too addicted to touching you"

Caitlin blushed as if remembering what the whole reason behind this meeting was actually for.  Caitlin moved a piece of hair out of Katie's face and leaned in to capture her lips, "I'm glad you made it" 

Katie backed away, leaving Caitlin confused, and went to the bathroom and turned on the shower. Still not understanding, Katie spoke up again, "The water will drown out the sounds of the moans I'm going to force out of you. Now get in." 

Caitlin's tshirt was off just as quick as she slipped it back on and jumped in the shower quickly followed by Katie.  Within a second Caitlin was pushed against the shower wall with her back facing Katie and her nipples rubbing against the wall with just enough pressure.  There was enough buildup on the bus and with Caitlin's picture earlier that neither wanted any foreplay.  Katie reached her left hand around Caitlin's waist and dipped between her thighs as her right went up to apply just slight pressure to her neck. Just enough to make her thoughts clouded with lust.  Katie started by dipping two fingers into her and slowly going in and out, but Caitlin was more than needy right now and kept bucking her hips to tell her she needed more.  Picking her pace up and flattening her palm out to rub against her clit, Caitlin quickly started to grind down on her hand.  And with the moans slipping out of her mouth Katie wasn't sure the water was going to soundproof anything, but there was no way she was going to say anything the sounds themself could get Katie off.  

It didn't take long before Katie was helping Caitlin down from her high.  Turning her around to kiss her deeply and then grabbed towels for both them.  She was about to head out and grab her clothes that lay on the floor before Caitlin quickly dropped her own towel and grabbed Katie from behind cause a slight squeal to fall out of Katie's mouth. Caitlin ripped Katie's towel off and placed her on the bathroom counter positioning herself in the middle of her legs and made sure they were spread apart.  Grabbing a small wash cloth, she folded it and placed it in Katie's mouth, "bite this so no one can hear you." Before Katie could argue Caitlin dropped to her knees and dove in tongue first, literally. Caitlin wasted no time to licking up every inch of Katie, sucking so hard that Katie's knuckles were turning white. Katie realized that she was coming so hard and her thighs were certaintly clenched too tight around Caitlin's head.  For a second she thought she had suffocated her girlfriend as her face looked a little red from the lack of oxygen, but the first thing out of Caitlin's mouth was "my god that was hot."

Both now thoroughly satisfied took a moment to lay in bed and cuddle before Katie would have to make the trek back to her room. unfortunately for them they both fell asleep within minutes not waking up until Caitlin's alarm went off 20 minutes before they were due for breakfast. 

"Oh shit.... Katie! Katie wake up now"

Dazed from sleep, Katie quickly realized the problem as she saw sunlight peaking through the blinds and jumped out of bed to grab her clothes.  

"I'll uhh sneak back real quick and meet you at breakfast."

"Yeah yeah go!" Caitlin said quickly walking her to the door. 

Unfortunately for both of them, Steph and Beth were standing right outside Caitlin's door about to ask her to join for coffee.  

"Ahh well there's McCabe. Makes sense why she didn't answer her door." Beth said with a grin

"Don't get ahead of yourself Meado, I needed a tampon this morning when I woke up and texted Caitlin for one." Katie tried to say as nonchalantly as possible. 

Steph was staring at Caitlin trying to get any reading off of Caitlin's face as Beth continued to stare at Katie with an all too knowing look.  

"If you don't mind. I need to go change before breakfast. See you all there." Katie said pushing past Beth.

"Alrighty McCabe, oh and while you're changing give Caitlin her shorts back."


 In the midst of throwing on clothes as quickly as possible she didnt realize she grabbed the wrong shorts. Caitlin went red, Steph looked shocked, Beth was dying of laughter, and Katie was having a little hissy fit as she stomped back to her room realizing they got caught.

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