First for Everything

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AN: This will be a bit of a longer story and will contain mature content towards the end!

There had been a lot on Katie's mind lately. All of it revolves around two very important relationships she had. The first with her current girlfriend and the second with her best friend and girl she couldn't get her mind off of. No her and Caitlin had not done anything that was inappropriate for two friends to do when one was in a relationship. But that didn't mean Katie hadn't noticed things about Caitlin recently.
Like how Caitlin blushed when Katie laughed at her joke. Or when a tackle at practice resulted in Caitlin falling on top of her at practice and they looked into each others eyes a second too long before Caitlin quickly got up and took a big calming breath. Little things like this went on for weeks after Caitlin and Lia broke up. It wasn't until Caitlin started to grow distant from Katie that it started bothering her.
Which brings us to Katie's current position. Laying in bed staring at her ceiling. Next to her Ruesha lightly snores, her girlfriend of 7 years is right next to her, but Caitlin is on her mind. She doesn't understand what she did to make Caitlin avoid her. She missed talking to her, missed hanging out, missed her blue eyes. Wait wait wait Katie had to stop herself. Why am I thinking about Caitlin's eyes right now??
Unfortunately she's been in this position before. Kept telling herself that she'd move on and she loved Rue so it was just a weird phase in their relationship. But it wasn't a phase. Katie wasn't really happy anymore and this morning she decided she would have to do the inevitable and it was going to be painful.

Katie got up and went downstairs to make her and Rue a coffee. As she was sitting there waiting for her girlfriend to wake up tears started forming in her eyes and that's when Rue decided to make her appearance.
"Katie what's wrong?"
"Can we talk?" She mumbled silently. Ruesha nodded and sat down.
"I- I- haven't been happy for a while now Rue. It's nothing you did. It's just idk I can't do this anymore. I haven't been treating you like you should be treated and that's unfair to you. I think we should break up."
"Katie don't do this. Is this because of her?? Did you cheat on me?!"
"What no of course not I would never do that to you. I just have lost feelings."
"Unbelievable" Rue said standing up and storming to their room to change and leave the house quickly.

Katie spent the rest of morning in bed until she had to get up and go to training. She hadn't told anyone yet what happened. She showed up at the last possible second so she wouldn't have to talk to anyone. Although she wasn't crying anymore at practice, she was quiet and not joking around. She didn't stick around for team lunch afterwards either and just quickly made her way out of the building. Caitlin noticed everything going on with Katie but she looked like she was about to break down into tears at any moment so didn't ask her what was wrong at practice. When she noticed she didn't come to eat with the team she sent her a quick text.
Caitlin: hey you seemed a little off today. Everything okay?
Katie: I'm fine thanks for checking
Caitlin: you sure? You can talk to me about anything
Katie: really? Then why have you been ignoring me recently.
Katie regretted it as soon as she sent the text. She was just made at the world right now. Not at Caitlin, but here she was talking her anger out on her.
Caitlin: okay I probably deserved that. I'm coming over. I'll be there in 20.

Katie wasn't even going to try to hide her tears as Caitlin let herself into her house.
"Katie what's going on?" She said pulling her into a hug.
"Rue and I broke up"
"Oh Katie I'm so sorry" she said holding her close and rubbing her back letting her cry into her shoulder.

Katie wasn't sure where the wave of confidence came from but she was already speaking again before she realize what she was saying.
"I broke up with her because I couldn't get my mind off of you."
"Wh- what?"
"You heard me Caitlin. And I think you might feel the same way?"
Caitlin did not have the same confidence Katie did right now and couldn't form the words.
"Tell me why you've been avoiding me."
"Katie I-" caitlin started stuttering out.
Katie leaned closer, only a few inches from Caitlin's face. "Tell me this isn't what you want."Katie closed her eyes and leaned in but It wasn't until Katie's lips were almost on her did Caitlin react. And her reaction was to push Katie away.
"You just broke up with Ruesha this morning. I don't know what you think but im not going to be some rebound for you."
"Caitlin wait that's not what I was trying to do?"
"Get your feelings in check before you talk to me again Katie. Im not going to put my heart on the line just for you to treat me like this."
And with that Caitlin got up and walked away.

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