Trouble in Paradise pt 3

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Katie and Caitlin were back in Australia with the rest of the Arsenal girls for a game against the A league all stars. They had spent a lovely few days in Melbourne and Caitlin had enjoyed showing Katie and some of their friends around.
The game itself was closer than expected, but they still came out on top so a win is a win.
After the game the girls took a lap around the field like always, but with big names like Beth and Leah missing, plus the even bigger fact that they were in Australia, Katie and Caitlin had gotten a ton of attention. After a round of interviews and one last lap around the field, Caitlin and Katie were almost was about to head out when they heard Caitlin's name being yelled by a man's voice. Katie would have ignored it, but Caitlin knew that voice and it made her pause for a second before remembering they were in public and she needed to keep it together. She didn't want anyone to know who he was.
Katie noticed the change in mood immediately and turned towards Caitlin to follow after her as she headed towards the man. After getting a good look at him, she was pretty sure she knew who he was. Caitlin had never shown her a picture, but you could tell if you looked closely enough they were related.
"I didn't know you were coming" she said without a lot of emotion, but was internally so happy her mum and sister didn't come since she would see them in a few days back home.
"Didn't know if I'd ever get over to London to see you play in the Arsenal jersey. Wanted to make sure I got to see you!" He said back, "you played great! And you back there played pretty well yourself." He said referring to Katie who was stuck between deciding if she should give Cait space or be there to support. The awkward caught in between both was what got her called out.
By now the stadium was pretty empty, so Caitlin nodded Katie over.
"Katie this is my uh Dad." She felt herself cringe at the pause, but realized she's never introduced him to anyone before.
"Hi I'm Katie nice to meet you." She said sticking out her hand to shake. Katie was a hugger, hugged Caitlin's mum and sister immediately upon meeting them, but she didn't want to hug him, didn't feel right.
"Lovely to meet you as well. Listen not sure what your post game responsibilities are, but I'd love to grab a quick bite. Or maybe a drink with you two if you'd like."
Katie knew it wasn't her place to answer, but hated that he was giving Caitlin time to make the decision. Would have been nice if he had informed her he was coming to the game, because Katie could see Caitlin's mind wheeling right now.
"Uh yeah we probably have an interview or two to do."
"I can wait"
"Sure then I guess. We can go get one drink. I guess we are officially done with the season. That okay with you Katie?"
"Of course Cait" Katie tried to say supportingly

Katie and Caitlin showered and got ready to meet him, Caitlin noticeably quieter in the locker room. Before they headed out, katie grabbed Caitlin's arm and pulled her to the side.
"We don't have to do this if you don't want to."
"I know"
"You just signal me if you want to leave and I'll get us out of there okay. You're not alone baby."
"Thanks Kates sorry you got dragged into this."
"This isn't being dragged in. This is apart of your life, I want to help you through it if I can. And be there for you always." Katie said giving her a quick peck on the lips before they walked towards the meeting place.

One drink was what was agreed upon and one drink was all Caitlin could do with a surprise like this not giving her enough time to mentally prepare. The conversation started off as small chat again, but then her dad started asking Katie questions to get to know her. And the conversation actually went well? They all sort of loosened up and somehow Caitlin found herself relaxed for a moment. She had been enjoying her dad and girlfriend having a normal conversation. But then the waitress came and asked if they wanted one more drink if she could offer them anything off of their dessert menu. Caitlin initially refused, having had just enough of a good time, before her dad spoke up.
"Oh come on Cait, they have chocolate pie. It's your favorite!"

Chocolate pie had never been her favorite. But the first time he had come to take his two daughters out for some bonding when she was 10 years old they went to a diner to get food and she was nervous and got the first thing she saw which happened to be the pie. Then the four times she can remember being out with him over her teenage years he would pre order her chocolate pie. She never wanted to say anything. She was a kid, but now almost 30, who cared. He didn't know what her favorite anything was.

"It's not actually. I actually don't even like chocolate pie that much. I just was too nervous to tell you otherwise growing up."
The waitress felt to hostility and excused herself.
"Oh well I'm sorry Cait- what is your favorite dessert then?"
"No you don't get to call me Cait. That's what my friends and family call me." Katie tried to grab her hand to calm her down, but Caitlin brushed it off.
"Why do you keep trying to come back into my life? Why aren't you reaching out to Jamie?"
Caitlin basically yelled at him.

"I well, I guess I woke up one day and realized how royally I messed up in my life and the opportunity I wasted to be you girls father. I wanted to try to at least get to know you both a bit better, but Jamie told me off years ago. Told me she never wanted to see me again. Figured it might be a better idea to start with you." He said trying to crack a smile.

"Well I'm not some push over you can just buy a coffee and drink for and then the last 30 years are totally okay. You have no idea what it was like for mum. Having to raise us both."

"No I don't but I'd like to learn."

Caitlin wasn't sure how to answer that. The last time she heard her father have a similar conversation with her mum years and years ago he implied he wanted nothing to do with them besides a yearly visit or two. But he just said he wanted to learn. And she couldn't handle that change so suddenly.

"Let's go Katie"  she said as tears started to form in her eyes and headed off. Katie quickly grabbed their stuff to follow, but pitied the man looking defeated.
"Look showing up to one or two things for Caitlin now is not going to change anything. You want to actually change prove it. Get to know her like you did for me tonight, reach out to her after a game or something. don't just assume you know anything about her cause you don't. She's beyond an amazing person. Take the time to learn that."

"Thanks Katie. I appreciate that. Thanks for being there for her."

"Peanut brittle. Her favorite dessert is anything to do with peanut brittle  or cookies. The girl can eat a pack of cookies in a sitting."

"I'll keep that in mind. Thanks" he said with the smile returning to his face briefly.

Katie ran out to the street to find Caitlin slowly pacing up and down the sidewalk. She handed her her sweatshirt and quickly took her hand. She knew Caitlin wouldn't want to talk right now. But she'd be there for her when she did.

There's been a lot of requests for Katie at tillies camp, so I'll do that next but struggling for ideas. Let me know if there's anything In particular you want to see

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