Conti Cup Champs

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The final whistle finally blew after 120 minutes of a grueling game.  The relief was instant as the girls all realized they put their 4-1 loss to Chelsea out of their mind and played up to their standards this time around winning the cup for the second year in a row.  

As soon as the third whistle sounded Katie was channeling every ounce of energy she had left to sprint onto the field to cheer with her fellow teammates. Jumping on the first person she saw, Katie barreled into Alessia, screaming in her ear. But like a magnet, her arm was quickly reaching out and grabbing Caitlin who she saw out of the corner of her eye to bring her in for a quick hug. 

This whole season they had decided that celebrations at the end of the game should be no more than a high five or quick hug.  Well Caitlin had really requested that especially out of respect for Lia and not really enjoying all of the attention from the cameras. Something Katie understood and appreciated where Caitlin was coming from. But as they made their rounds waving to fans and celebrating their win they felt more drawn to each other than usual.  In fact, at one point Katie found herself needing to walk away from Caitlin because as they were standing their talking she wanted nothing more than to lean in and kiss her girl for her brilliant assist.  Pointing to the stands and coming up with the excuse that she was going to find Ella she turned around to walk off, but that only lasted a second as she felt Caitlin's hands come over her shoulder and yell out "wait!"

The split second she took to look in Caitlin's eyes confirmed that she was okay with a little bit of physical touch for this game, a special exception today.  And that was all it took to lean down and pick up her girl in a big hug. They didn't exchange any words in that moment, but Katie felt something shift. Something in not needing to hide her love for Cait and need for constant physical touch made her head dizzy.  Shaking herself out of her thoughts she continued to celebrate with her teammates, but making sure she kept an eye out for Caitlin at all times.  

When the trophy celebration started, to no ones surprise, Katie went to grab the champagne. She was determined to keep the tradition going of her and Caitlin being the two that sprayed the bottles as the trophy was being raised, just like last year.  The smiles couldn't be erased from either girls face for more reasons than just winning.  As the drinks continued to flow, or at least for Katie who didnt seem to be seen without a champagne bottle for the rest of the night she felt herself getting tipsier. She could handle her alcohol, but after an exhausting game, she was as good as a lightweight.  So on their final lap around the stadium when she saw Caitlin in front of her she skipped over to her girl and slid her arm around her waist.

"Hehe hi Caity"

"Uh oh someone is a little drunk" Caitlin laughed back at her

But Katie was stuck in a trance staring at her girl with heart eyes and with the influence of alcohol in her system quickly leaned in to kiss her cheek. Caitlin was quick to pull apart, giving Katie a moment of anxiety and nervousness thinking she went to far, but Caitlin's big smile put her at ease again and she quickly relaxed.  

The locker room and bus ride home were filled with more drinks and celebrating. Each girl celebrating with their other teammates knowing as soon as they stepped into their house later that night there would be no stopping each other from ripping clothes off. And that was exactly what happened not even a second after the front door had shut was there a trail of clothes leading to their room.  A big win like that plus the looming fact in the back of both their minds that they wouldn't see each other for two weeks with international break upon them left each other totally consumed with one another.  

Laying in each others arms afterwards, both trying to avoid sleep to be able to be in each others presence as long as possible, Katie felt Caitlin grip on her increase ever so slightly.  If she hadn't sobered up from earlier she wouldn't have noticed it. She thought maybe international break was on her girlfriend's mind and it wasn't worth bringing up, but they've been through this before and this seemed different for some reason.  shifting slightly, she took a peak at Caitlin's face and it seemed to be lost in thought.  

"Cait, you okay?"

Caitlin seemed to choke up not able to express what she was thinking and held onto Katie tighter as tears threatened to escape.

"Baby? What's wrong?" Katie said turning fully and shifting so that she was now holding Caitlin instead of the other way around.

"Seeing Frida on the ground was so scary. I know she's okay, but that was something I never want to see again."

"I know baby that was terrible, but she's okay. She's going to be completely fine."

"If - if that had been you Katie. I dont- I couldn't handle- I- I-" Caitlin completely broke down at this point causing Katie to hold her tighter.

"Cait don't go there. It didn't happen to me okay I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere. I'm right here baby calm down.  I know that was traumatizing for everyone, but Frida is okay.  It was a freak accident don't start making up scenarios in that pretty mind of yours."

After a few more minutes of holding her tightly she finally calmed down. Katie was worried for her, but had to show in her face that she was completely fine at least enough to convince Caitlin nothing was wrong and force that awful image out her brain.  Caitlin curled into Katie's side as katie continued to kiss her forehead multiple times and whispering everything was okay.  Caitlin quickly fell asleep but Katie stayed up a little longer just making sure all was okay.  The emotions of the day taking a 180 very quickly left Katie feeling very drained, but before she fell asleep she made sure to text Mackenzie and Alanna asking them to take care of her girl without giving too many details, but feeling alot better knowing someone would be looking out for Caitlin when she wasn't there.

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