Goodbyes are Hard

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Usually Katie and Caitlin loved walking around the field after a game to take pictures and sign autographs, but today they knew every minute they stayed here was a minute less they'd have together afterwards. They had just finished the all star game in Australia and Katie would be flying back early in the morning with the rest of the team while Caitlin and the Aussies would remain here for their upcoming camp.

They eventually made it back to their hotel, opting out of getting food with the rest of the team and just ordering food to Caitlin's room instead. They were both so silent, neither really knowing how to process being apart for so long and the thought of it was in the back of both of their minds. Before this, the longest they had gone apart was 2 weeks for international breaks, but this would be closer to almost two months apart with international breaks and then Caitlin remaining in Australia to spend some time with her family. It was a hard decision for Caitlin choosing to stay, but Katie convinced her to. That they would be fine and Caitlin needed some family time.

But here they sat together, as close as possible, slowly picking on their food, and Caitlin was regretting her decision.
"I can't change my flight back. I can leave after the games and join you and Jordan on vacation."
Caitlin said breaking the silence.
"Cait we talked about this"
"I can't be apart this long Katie"
"I know I can't either. But we will get through it together. We will talk every day. Our time apart will be over before we realize it both being busy with camp and then you'll get some family time! It will be good!" Katie said trying her absolute best to sound enthusiastic and encouraging.

Caitlin smiled weakly as she pushed her food away not really hungry anymore.
"Come on baby let's make the most of these last couple of hours instead of pouting" Katie said while straddling Caitlin with a little sparkle in her eyes. Caitlin sure wasn't going to fight that request as she immediately went to removing Katie's top. They had absolutely no concern whatsoever for anyone who had been in adjoining rooms as they made sure to pleasure each other thoroughly until both were too tired to continue and left no doubt that there would be  an ache and soreness left the next day as a reminder for both of them.
Eventually they settled down into bed knowing Katie's alarm would go off in just a few hours to be able to make the bus in time. She was thanking her past self for packing everything up before the game so she wouldn't have to get up even earlier to do so.
They slept on the same pillow that night, face to face basically with their noses touching in an effort to be as close as possible. Their legs were tangled together and arms around each other waists. They both loved cuddling, but agreed it was too hot to actually sleep like that usually. Today they didn't care.
The alarm went off too soon for either of their likings. Caitlin immediately gripped onto Katie tighter and kissed her forehead, then nose, skipping to her neck, and finally her lips before releasing Katie to get up and get ready.
They had agreed previously that Caitlin wouldn't follow her out knowing how many cameras would be there and that they would say there goodbyes in the room.
Katie eventually came out of the bathroom after getting ready for her flight home. The silence was back knowing these were their last few moments together. 
Caitlin slowly got out of bed and went over to Katie, both immediately wrapping their arms around each other in a tight embrace and held on for a few minutes. They kissed slowly, almost savoring it so they would remember exactly how each other felt and tasted until they would see each other again, not that they could ever forget.
"I'm going to miss you so much darlin"
"I will too baby. I love you so much" Katie responded.
"I love you too." Caitlin responded with one more kiss.

Katie reluctantly turned to the door after one more little wave and dragged her luggage with her.
"Wait!" Caitlin shouted, " I want you to have this. Keep it for me yeah?" Caitlin said as she unclasped her necklace and put it around Katie's neck.
Katie gripped it in her fingers and smiled and shaking her head in agreement. And then immediately dropping her bag in attempt to find something to give to Caitlin in return.
"Don't worry about it, I already stole your sweatshirt" Caitlin said and giggled
"Of course you did" Katie said smirking and giving her one more kiss before turning to the door again. If she didn't go now she knew she'd never leave.
As soon as Katie heard the door click she let herself have a moment to let a tear fall before she had to calm herself knowing all the cameras would be on her as she headed to the bus. She didn't want them seeing her cry.
Maybe it was the early morning and everyone was tired, but she was grateful none of her teammates questioned as she avoided her usual place in the back of the bus and instead sat by herself up front, head towards the window, as she allowed herself just a few more silent tears to fall.

Caitlin had been fortunate enough to have a few more hours to get ready. She already knew she wouldn't be able to go back to bed. So instead she sat their quietly staring around the room remember everywhere her and Katie had been last night and every position. She didn't want to be in her anymore. She left her room and walked down a few rooms to Steph's who clearly wasn't too happy to be awoken, but her mood quickly changed when she saw Caitlin's bloodshot eyes and she didn't say a word as she let her friend into her room. She knew what was wrong and knew Caitlin wouldn't want to talk so instead she just went back to bed after making sure Caitlin at least laid down on the other side of the bed. Steph extended her hand to give Caitlin's a little squeeze. A little sign that she was here for her as Caitlin cried silently.

Teyah knew Katie wasn't okay either and did her best on the plane to distract her. No matter how many snapchats they took Katie's usual energy just wasn't there. But Teyah still pretended like she couldn't tell. Just to act as normal as possible.

They both then began the countdown until they would be reunited.  And that day couldn't come soon enough

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