Moving Day

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Every relationship comes to a point where someone wants to take the next step, but before you can do that there has to be a conversation about it. More often then not bringing up the conversation is harder than actually doing whatever that next step might be. This is where Caitlin finds herself.
After getting her own apartment after moving out of Jordan's place she only got a year lease. And she was close to having to choose to renew it or find somewhere else to live. The problem was she was unsure what she wanted to do. And the fact that she spent most of her time with Katie anyway was making her wonder if moving into together was an option. But was it too soon?? She had moved in very quickly with Lia and that ended up not working out so now this was a big source of Caitlin's overthinking.
She was currently sitting in Katie's living room on her laptop looking up apartments waiting for Katie to get finished in the shower. As soon as she heard Katie enter the room she slammed her laptop shut.
"What are you hiding?" Katie asked laughing
"Nothing important" Caitlin said trying to act nonchalant, but being caught and the fact Katie was just in a towel she was having a very hard time acting normal.
"You're acting like I caught you watching porn or something." Katie said laughing way too hard now.
"What? No I wasn't!"
"Oh come on Cait if you wanted to see someone naked you could have just asked" Katie said dropping her towel.
Caitlin's mouth went dry. No matter how many times she saw Katie like this it shocked her how much it affected her every time.  She stood up to kiss and touch Katie, but Katie quickly pushed back and stopped her.
"Nope! We've got plans today and I need to get changed or we will be late."
"We have plans??" Caitlin said more annoyed at the fact she didn't get a chance to touch her naked girlfriend than she was at not knowing the plans.
"Yeah I booked some appointments to go look at some townhouses. Kinda want to see what else is out there ya know?"
The absolute shock that hit Caitlin at the moment left her unable to process anything. Luckily Katie left her to go get changed and gave Caitlin a moment alone.
By the time they left Caitlin was just plain confused. She didn't realize Katie had wanted to move. But then again Caitlin hadn't mentioned her own situation either. Should Caitlin bring up that she needs a place too? But Katie would have asked her if she wanted to live together if she was looking for places right?

Caitlin hadn't been much help at the first place, but luckily Katie hadn't liked it and they moved quickly to the second.
"Caitlin what do you think of this place?"
"Uh yeah it's nice"
"Well what do you like about it?"
"Hmm paints nice"
"Seriously? The paint. You can change paint Cait. Now tell me what do you like. What would you look for in a place?"
Caitlin tried to pull it together because she could tell Katie was getting a little annoyed.
"I like the outdoor area and it's nice having a small bathroom close to the door."
That seemed to please Katie enough for her to drop her slightly annoyed face.
After the third and fourth place Katie had basically gave up asking Caitlin questions.

They finally got back to Katie's and Caitlin just felt like she needed to go home.
"Hey Katie I'm a little tired I'm going to head home. We can talk about the places more tomorrow if you want."
"Talk about them more? We didn't even talk about them today because you were mute the whole day!"
"Well like I said im tired and you kinda just sprung this on me!"
"I was trying to surprise you!"
"Surprise me with what? A long day of walking around staring at stupid houses."
Katie looked a little sad that this was starting to turn into a fight. She had really tried to do something nice today.
"Shit. This is not how this was supposed to turn out. I accidentally answered your phone last week because it was right next to mine. It was landlord asking if you were going to renew or not. It got me thinking. I thought maybe we would be ready to move in together but I knew you would be scared to bring it up because you've told me you thought you and Lia moved too fast because of moving in together. I didn't want to freak you out. I thought maybe we could look at places together and I could hear about certain things you like and then that way I could find a place that would be perfect for both of us. I thought maybe it would be easier to ask you if you wanted to live together at a place that would be OUR place and not just moving into MY place."
Katie turned and sat down on the couch defeated.

Caitlin in turn felt like the biggest idiot on the planet. She walked over and straddled Katie's lap.
"I am so sorry that I turned your incredibly sweet gesture into this huge misunderstanding. This has got to be one of the nicest things anyone has done for me. You know me way too well and what you were trying to do would have been perfect if I wasn't being an ass today." She leaned down to give a quick kiss. "I'd love to move in with you if you still want to. And I promise we can sit down and discuss things we both like in houses and I will take it very seriously unlike today. I really want to take this step forward with you thank you for being brave and bringing it up. I'm going to try to be better at communicating too."

"You're sure? You aren't just saying that because we were fighting right? I want to live with you but if you aren't ready I can wait for however long you need."

"I'm positive baby."

They both smiled and leaned into kiss each other. Within a couple of minutes Katie looked very similar to how she did earlier in the day. Naked in her living room.

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