Mine PT 2

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Warning mature Content!!!!!!!!!

Katie was scrolling through Instagram and saw her girlfriend had recently posted a story. She instantly found herself smiling because she really missed Caitlin and any additional pictures she got to see of her made her happy.
She kept her smile clicking through the story seeing how happy Caitlin looked with her sister, knowing she really missed her family and it was hard on her being so far away sometimes.
But then her smile faded as she saw Caitlin with her arm around someone she didn't recognize sitting very close together on a couch.
Caitlin had told her she was going to be with her sister and some friends today but Katie hadn't asked who. Katie then went down a spiral of looking at the photos Caitlin's sister posted and then the photos that other friends posted as well. All photos she saw had Caitlin and mystery girl close to one another and a little too friendly looking for Katie's liking.

It was late for Caitlin. Middle of the night actually when she finally decided to go to sleep. But right before she was about to go to sleep she saw her phone light up, she was going to ignore it until she realized it was Katie FaceTiming her.

"Hey baby I was just about to go to sleep everything okay?"
"Yeah fine. How was your night?" Katie asked back but Caitlin could hear that her tone was a little harsher which made her sit up and turn on her bedroom light to wake herself up a bit more.
"You sure you're okay Kates?"
"Yes yes I'm fine I didn't call to talk about me though."
Caitlin really sensed she had done something wrong and was trying to wrack her brain and figure out where she messed up. She decided her best course of action would be to just answer her questions right now and try to pinpoint the problem along the way.
"Oh yeah well night was fun. We were at Jamie's and had some appetizers and drank some. Played a few games. But it was good to catch up with some of those girls hadn't seen them in quite some time."
"Yeah you looked very cozy with some." Katie said with no hint of amusement anywhere in her voice. She sounded jealous. Oh. OH. that's the problem then. Caitlin was now catching on and not sure exactly how to deal with this over a phone call.
"We are all just close friends Katie. Nothing more you know that right?" Caitlin said trying her best not to sound defensive because she had nothing to hide. "In fact I talked about you most of the night anyway." Caitlin added hoping to reassure Katie that she was thinking about her even though she had her arm around another girl in a picture. There was nothing meant by it.

"Good. At least if I wasn't there to show everyone you're mine they were all reminded."
"Okay then miss possessive what would you have done to show everyone." Caitlin said winking into the phone screen trying to lighten the mood a bit.
Katies mood did change. And her eyes turned a dark shade quickly.
"Oh I'd start off with small things. Touching your shoulder. Brushing your fingertips with mine." Katie started off with saying as her voice turned to a different sound. Something very lustful.

"Then as the drinks started flowing and peoples eyes started looking at your gorgeous body a little closer I'd let my hand rest on your thigh. Maybe squeeze it every once in a while. I'd start giving you a quick kiss on the cheek every so often.  Each slowly getting closer and closer to the corner of your mouth."
Caitlin could feel her cheeks flush at the thought. Her breath started to get slightly heavier.

"Then towards the end of the night I'd wrap an arm around your waist squeezing your hips tightly as if giving you a little preview of what would come later that night.  We would leave your sisters and make our way to our hotel. I'd start telling you how amazing you look. How beautiful your eyes are. I'd be so close to you I would basically be whispering it in your ear. Can you feel my breath near your ear and neck Caitlin?
Caitlin nodded as her eyes started to close as if to be able to picture the scenario Katie was describing better in head. She felt her other hand start to wonder under the cover to between her legs.
"Do you remember our Dublin trip? When you reminded me I was yours four times that night? That would just be round 1 for us. I'd remind you on every surface of that hotel room that you are my girl. We'd start in the shower. Pressed you right up against the cold tile. You'd be squirming but I won't let you move. I'd move you to the bathroom counter and drop to my knees right before you. Then right when you catch your breath after you come on my face im going to pick you up and slam you against the wall. I want you open to me. Want to feel you against me as I kiss all over your face and neck.
I'd move you to the bed. I'd hover over top of you while my fingers are in between your legs.
Can you feel me Caitlin?"

Caitlin was a moaning mess at this point. As her fingers were doing their own magic right now as she followed Katie's detailed descriptions and pretended they were Katie's own fingers in her right now.

"I'd flip you over and slide my knee up for you to grind. Watching you on top of me makes me weak. But that won't stop me from pulling you on top of me right when you're about to finish. Right when your body just starts to shake. I'll pull to my face. Let my mouth finish you off again."

It was that last sentence that sent Caitlin over the edge. She was out of breath as she came down from her high. She finally opened her eyes to see Katie staring at her with a big cocky grin.

"Fuck Katie. I'm yours. Yeah I'm all yours" Caitlin whispered out still catching her breath.

"I wish I was in person to remind you. This distance thing sucks Cait. I miss you so much. I um didn't mean to get that jealous over a few pictures. I know they don't mean anything."  Katie said trading her cocky smile in for a I'm sorry one.

"I know darlin. But if that's what happens when you're jealous. Get jealous every night will ya?"

"Oh shush."

Caitlin laughed as tiredness was really overtaking her now.
"I love you Katie. Talk tomorrow okay?"
"I love you too"
"I'm yours and you're mine." Caitlin said right before hanging up and falling into a deep sleep.

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