Finally reunited

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Warning Mature content *******

It had been so long. So incredibly long since Katie and Caitlin had been together in person. Not since the Arsenal tour down under in May. It is now July and Caitlin is just a few days out from the Olympics. Caitlin finally got some time off from camp and was planning on spending the day with Katie.

As Katie made her way to Caitlin hotel room she was nervous. God why was she nervous to see her girlfriend of over a year?? It had just been so long. And then there was the whole social media scandal. Of course they had talked about the situation thoroughly but it just wasn't the same as in person. Katie wanted to buy a ticket to Australia to be with Caitlin through the whole thing, but Caitlin promised her she was fine. And that Katie should stay in London. Get ready for the Irish camp. But Katie wishes she would have went for her own sanity. It felt like everyone was against her. And she may have failed to mention to Caitlin that she's been crying every night alone just because of the awful comments. And not having anyone to comfort her has been hard.

But she tried to shove that all out of her mind as she approached Caitlin's door. The door flung open before Katie even knocked and Caitlin was in front of her in a second pulling her into a tight hug. Their bodies melted together like they hadn't just spent almost 3 months apart. The familiar smell of Caitlin's shampoo was overwhelming for Katie and she buried her head into Caitlin's neck tighter.
"Want to kiss you" Caitlin whispered trying to pry Katie's head out from its hiding place.
The kiss was intense, but loving. Like trying to make up for 3 months of missed time. Katie considered for a split second that she didn't need air and could keep kissing Caitlin for eternity.

But eventually they pulled apart and stared each other in their eyes almost making sure that they both were actually real. But as Katie stared into Caitlin's eyes she saw as her eyes got darker. She knew what that meant. But it was further confirmed as Caitlin's hands slipped under Katie shirt and gripped her hips hard which made Katie's breath hitch.

As Caitlin brought Katie's body right against hers, Katie's hands went to the back of Caitlin's neck to pull her into a kiss which Katie dominated as she put her tongue far into Caitlin's mouth. Caitlin walked Katie backwards until her legs hit the bed and then they fell backward on top of each other. Caitlin quickly removed Katie's shirt and followed suit with her own while Katie put her knee up to give Caitlin some much needed pressure which elicited a moan right away. They both knew they were deprived for a long time so neither expected this first time to last very long.

But Katie decided not to make Cait wait a second longer as she flipped them and pulled off Caitlin's shorts in a move that made Caitlin's mouth drop. Katie used her fingers to enter Caitlin as her thumb circled her clit. She leaned over to kiss her deeply and kiss on her pulse point on her neck. Caitlin's cheeks flushed and her breathing was erratic as Katie didn't let up her pace at all. Soon Caitlin was clenching around Katie's fingers as Katie helped her ride it out.

Katie rolled off of her and slung an arm over Caitlin's stomach as he cuddled close.
Caitlins breathing finally evened out and as it did she tried to flip their position so she could be on top of Katie and return the favor.
"No just stay please" Katie said in a small voice which made Caitlin quickly turn her attention to Katie's face who was trying to hide it in Caitlin's neck again.
"Katie? You okay?"
"I just really missed you"
"I missed you too. So much. But there's something else going on in your head. Tell me"
"I just- I'm so sorry I caused all this drama. I wish you didn't have to deal with any of this."
"Katie we've talked about this a million times. I'm okay. Okay baby? I promise we are okay. You have nothing to worry about."
Caitlin hadn't realized how much this had affected Katie. Usually social media things impacted her more than Katie. But Katie hadn't answered her and now she could feel her shoulder getting wet. Katie was crying. Caitlin quickly maneuvered them so Katie was in her arms. As Caitlin held her tight she was cursing herself for not realizing Katie wasn't okay this whole time. Every time they talked was just Katie apologizing for causing this and making sure Caitlin was okay, but she realized now Katie was holding in all of her emotions. And probably didn't help she was alone in her house this whole time with Ella on vacation. Katie had just needed someone to hug her as Caitlin's family had done for her. So she was going to make sure that she did that now and held her even tighter as Katie continued to cry.

After a while Katie calmed down, but Caitlin's grip on her didn't release as she continued to kiss the top of Katie's head.
"Why didn't you tell me you weren't okay Katie?"
"I caused enough issues I didn't need to start more"
"Kates no matter what happens I'm always going to be there for you dont forget that okay? But I think it's my turn to apologize. I should have realized. I should have done better at checking in. I'm sorry for letting you down."
"You could never let me down. I promise you that."
They both smiled at each other and hugged each other tight. After both of their moods improved they went for round 2... and 3. And then traveled around the city to try a cute cafe and do a bit of sight seeing. Katie departed Caitlin that night with a handful of #9 Aussie Jerseys as she prepared to go full WAG for the next couple of weeks. On her walk back to her hotel she felt lighter like the emotions she's been holding in have been holding her down for weeks.

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