Plane ride

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Katie had watched three episodes of F1 on Netflix when she decided to take a little break from her iPad. She turned towards Caitlin who was sound asleep in seat across the aisle from her. Katie loved watching Caitlin sleep. In as non of a creepy way as possible, but she loved how peaceful she looked and how she would sometimes scrunch up her nose. So Katie stared for a few minutes before deciding to get up and fix the blanket that was falling off of Caitlin's lap and then stretch a little, it was a long flight after all. Well as luck would happen as soon as Katie stood up and in front of Caitlin to fix the blanket, turbulence hit, just enough to make Katie lose her balance and fall forward on to her girlfriend causing her to immediately wake up
"Oh shit sorry Cait I was trying to fix the blanket"
"Not the worst way I've ever been woken up Caitlin said cheekily seeing as Katie was basically laying on top of her now. But before anything could come from that comment Teyah decided to yell loud enough for the whole plane to hear, "Katie and Caitlin are trying to join the mile high club!!"
Obviously Katie sprang off as fast as she could before the whole team turned around. And just as fast as that she made it over to Teyah and Vic's chairs and hit both of them on the head for laughing.
"You two aren't funny" she said in her Irish accent.
"Yes we are. But anyways now that you're awake Caitlin you and Katie have to play some games with me Vic"
"Ugh no we don't."
"Uh yes you do. With Kim and Steph up front you two are the oldest sitting in the back with us. Up to you guys to parent and keep us entertained. Simple logic" Teyah replied
Caitlin did a quick scan and somehow it was true Katie and Caitlin were the senior members of the team for the back half of the seating.
"Well damn I feel old now" the Aussie said
"I can't believe they left us with all the kids and Steph and Kim get to just sit up front with no one to watch after."
After a few more minutes of complaining, Katie and Caitlin finally caved. Playing games with Teyah and Vic, then katie having to help pick a show for Kyra to watch, caitlin answered a bunch of questions about Australia that the teenagers had, and then they both had to separate Teyah and Vic when they were fighting after Teyah stuck her foot in Vic's face.
"Mothering is hard" katie said to caitlin when they finally got their seats back.
"We don't give Kim enough credit"
"I'd rather go back to being the chaos leader"
"Well you do such a good job of it darling, that title will always belong to you."
Katie smiled at the compliment and leaned across the aisle to whisper something to Caitlin.
"Just so you know, I'm always 100% ready to join the mile high club" she said with a wink and she leaned back and grabbed her iPad again.
Caitlin blushed and had to talk herself out of not immediately grabbing Katie and taking her to the bathrooms.

Short one today, sorry guys!

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