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The Ireland vs Canada game started better than Katie could have ever imagined. She scored a goal 5 minutes into the game and it wasn't just any goal. It was an Olimpico. Leave it Katie McCabe to score a banger for the first goal of the World Cup. She was on a high the rest of the first half until right before half time when Canada tied it up. The Irish girls tried to keep the motivation going but eventually going down 2-1 it was tough to keep up the energy.
When the final whistle blew the emotions hit Katie. They had only played two games but after losing both by one goal they were now at the bottom of the group and eliminated. It didn't matter the outcome of the third game they would be leaving as quick as they came.
The elation she felt in the first five minutes were quickly forgotten as tears slipped out of her eyes standing on the field. With the cameras in the star player for Ireland at all times it meant that Caitlin saw her girlfriend crying and her heart instantly dropped. Being that Australia had a rest day the next day Caitlin decided to surprise Katie at her hotel room later that night.
Knocking on her door a little while after she knew she'd return to the hotel Katie opened the door with blood shot eyes and tear stained cheeks.
"Hi darlin" caitlin said inviting herself in and wrapping Katie up in a huge hug. And giving her a few forehead kisses until Katie finally calmed down.
"What are you doing here?" Katie mumbled into her neck
"I saw my girl crying and couldn't let her be alone tonight. Plus. We need to celebrate! You scored the first goal for your country!"
"It doesn't matter though does it?" Katie said defeated sitting down on the bed.
Caitlin sat next to her a picked her chin up to make Katie look at her.
"Listen to me. You played a massive part in getting your team qualified for the first World Cup. You have helped Ireland grow to become a world contender. You scored your countries first goal. And not just any goal a freakin olimpico. Because Katie McCabe only scores bangers right? You should not have your head down right now. You and your team played hard. You guys will be back and it's because you set the ground work for years to come. I'm soo proud of you baby. You should be too. Got it?"
"Thank you Cait I appreciate that more than I can verbalize right now. it's just so hard. I just want to get my mind off it and forget for a little bit! My mind is just overthinking everything."
"Oh hm well I think my reward for you for having such a great goal will help you forget." Caitlin said with a flirty tone but Katie was still too in her head to really notice.
"What could my surprise possibly be to quiet my brain right now."
Caitlin moved her body to straddle Katie which quickly got her attention.
"Well it's starts with me kissing from behind your ear down to your jaw then to that sweet spot on your neck you love so much. I'll use my tongue to smooth the skin I suck on a little too hard. And then I'll move to your lips." Caitlin stated. As she did so her lips followed the directions she was saying to Katie.
Caitlin moved her hands up to take Katie's shirt off and then bra. Grabbing one of Katie's boobs she slid it up slightly to press against where Katie's heart would be before continuing with her talking.
"Then once I feel your heart beat pick up  I'll slowly climb off of you and kneel down in front of you. I'm going to be painstakingly slow in sliding your shorts off because I know how much you hate the teasing but it turns you on so much."
Again following her own actions, Caitlin got down to the ground and pulled Katie to the edge of the bed. As promised, she took her time sliding Katie's shorts off. Meanwhile katie was a moaning mess,thoroughly distracted from her own thoughts and only concentrated on Caitlin's words.
"I'm going to kiss up your right leg from your knee to the inside of your thigh and then repeat on the left. Before I kiss where you really want me I'm going to take one finger and feel just how wet you are for me."
As Caitlin's fingers finally touched Katie she clenched her jaw shut to try and maintain the Moans to a minimum.
"And then when you least expect it I'm going to enter you with two fingers and immediately start sucking on your clit."
Caitlin didn't give Katie time to process the statement as she immediately dived in and pleasured Katie as well as she could. She moved her other hand to Katie's stomach to put pressure there and keep her still. It didn't take long for Katie to have white knuckles from holding onto the bed sheets so hard. Having Caitlin say everything she was going to do before she did it was a turn on that she didn't know about but goodness Katie felt like she was about to burst. And she pretty much did when her orgasm hit. She could probably count the amount  of orgasms in her life that made her see stars and forget how to breath but this one might have been the most powerful one she's ever felt. She was so overwhelmed that when Caitlin didn't immediately stop after her first orgasm she came again because she was so sensitive.
Finally coming to her own senses she leaned down to grab Caitlin's shirt and pulled her up to give her huge kiss. Deepening it as much as she could.
"Thank you Cait. I needed that"
"Of course baby. Anything for my olimpico scoring girlfriend."
"Oh shut up and kiss me again."

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