Words Hurt

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Katie's sister Ella had been living with Katie for a little while now. She had known it was only her and Katie in the house right now and she was hungry. So in typical little sister fashion she just walked right into Katie's room without knocking. What she hadn't expected was to see her big sister crying.
"Katie what's wrong?" She asked worriedly there were very very few times she had actually witnessed her tough sister crying.
"Get out Ella. I'm fine it's not that concerns you."
"Did something happen with Caitlin?"
"No it doesn't involve her at all either please just leave me alone."
"Why won't you let me help you?"
"Because you wouldn't get it now please just get out." Katie said angrily
Ella was initially really annoyed as she left , but realized this was really abnormal for her sister so she called the only person who she thought could help.
"Hi Caitlin"
"Hey everything okay?"
"Uh well not really. I walked into Katie's room and she was crying but won't tell me what's wrong. I didn't know if she talked to you? You don't have to tell me what it is if she had."
"No she actually hasn't responded to me in a while i figured you two were doing something. I'll be over in 10"
"Thanks Caitlin"

10 minutes later Caitlin walked in and greeted Ella downstairs. "She's in her room be prepared for her to chew your head off. She's in a mood."
"Thanks for the warning" Caitlin laughed as she headed upstairs.
She also just walked into Katie's room without knocking. She saw Katie laying with her back towards the door but clearly still crying.
"Ella I told you to get out!" She yelled taking a pillow and whipping it towards the door not realizing who it was until she had thrown it.
"Hi darlin it's just me."
"What are you doing here?"
"Heard from a concerned sister that you were a bit upset. Also that you were in a mood but I think we can let that one slide right?" Caitlin said while taking her shoes off and laying down next to her girlfriend. They were now looking at each other while Caitlin whipped away a few tears.
"Want to tell me what's going on?"
"Not really. It's stupid and I know I shouldn't let it bother me."
"I promise you it's not stupid if it's bothering you this much."
Katie took a breath and looked away. Caitlin let her, but grabbed her hand to reassure her she wasn't going anywhere.
"You know how there was that guy taking videos of me while I taking corner kicks at the game? Well that has been bothering me a bit, but also I saw a clip of Rueshas podcast talking about it. I think she just trying to be funny, but it was really insensitive. And she made a comment about how she's seen my arse a bunch and it's nothing special. It just made me feel really insecure I guess. I don't get why that guy had to take those videos it's just awful. And I also don't get why Ruesha can't just move on privately. I get I hurt her but she has made so many comments about me, this one the worse. And I mean it's not like everyone doesn't know we are together, but her being the one to confirm it really pisses me off."
"Oh baby I didn't realize that guy had affected you so much. I'm sorry I didn't ask you about it. I should have been more attentive to that. I apologize. As far as Ruesha goes you have to just treat her like any other social media out there. I know it hurts more because of your past. But it probably hurts more because she can make it a bit more targeted and that's what hurts.
I'm going to send a message to security and make sure they don't allow that guy at the emirates or meadowpark ever again."
"Thank you Caitlin that would mean a lot to me. And I know it's just so hard to ignore her when I'm tagged in everything."
"I know it is. But let me remind you of something. You. Katie McCabe." She said kissing her forehead, "are the most beautiful girl I have ever laid my eyes on. You are kind and caring you love your friends and family and me so so hard. And no matter what anyone out there says about you whether you've known them your whole life or they are just a random person behind a screen you just have to remember who you are. And that person is the one I love and care for more than anyone."
"Thank you Caitlin I needed that today."
"Of course I'm always here for you. Next time just call me yourself yeah? Saves from yelling at Ella"
"Yeah I know I just didn't want to get you involved in all this. It's my ex ya know."
"Your ex but you're my girlfriend. Everything you are involved in involves me now."
"Well I'm glad because I really like you by my side."
Caitlin kissed her again. "Let's get you out of bed then yeah?"
They made their way downstairs to find Ella cooking some food. It happened to be one of Katie's favorite childhood meals which made Katie smile. Ella wasn't looking at her, clearly still annoyed she got yelled at earlier.
Ella put food on three plates gave Caitlin and Katie's theirs and attempted to take hers upstairs.
"Where are you going El?"
"You told me to stay away."
"Come here. I'm sorry I was upset. I shouldn't have yelled at you. Thank you for calling Caitlin and thank you for cooking this food. I sometimes forget you're not my kid sister anymore. I guess I could start opening up to you a bit more."
"Yeah that would be nice. You never tell me anything."
"I'll fix that okay. Thanks for helping me today." Katie said kissing her sisters head and went back to inhaling her food. Caitlin giving a smirk to both sisters before eating her plate as well.

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