I made it!

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Caitlin had been worried about making the Olympic roster since she knew Australia had qualified for Paris. It didn't matter if she was one of the star players she was always nervous for a roster release. And it didn't help that she got hurt after only 15 minutes of game play at one of the last games before the final roster was announced.
It didn't seem like that serious of an injury, but it didn't help her nerves that Tony wouldn't want to risk it.
Katie tried to calm her down, telling her she had nothing to worry about. But with the time difference and Katie's own international schedule she didn't get to talk as much as she wanted, mainly communicating through texts that didn't get answered for hours at a time. So Caitlin's mind was overthinking constantly.

Caitlin knew that the roster was going to be announced after the game. She knew Katies schedule for her camp so sent her a quick text
C: text me when you get back to your room tonight
K: it'll be in the middle of the night for you babe
C: doesn't matter just text me anyway 😘

Caitlin didn't care if it was the middle of the night. Whether she got the news she wanted or heard the news she'd been dreading she would want to hear from Katie either way.
So after the excitement of a win in front of a record breaking crowd she tried to calm her nerves as Tony called her into his office. Tony gave her one look and then a wink.
"See ya in Paris Foordy"
Caitlin let out of breath she didn't realize she was holding.
"Oh come on you really thought you weren't coming?"
"Didn't want to get my hopes up Tony!"
"I have all the belief in the world in you. You'll be a key player this tournament okay? Let's get us a medal yeah?"
"I'm all for that too!"

Caitlin was ecstatic. Even more so when she walked out and saw smiles on Macca and Lanis faces meaning they made it too. Steph and Kyra were happy too so they made it as well. Not that she was worried for any of them but the confirmation always felt good.

To celebrate the end of camp, winning today, and making the roster the team and some of their families decided to go out to get some drinks. Some drinks turned into many drinks and before she knew it Caitlin was drunk. She was going to get a water but then rhyme dust started playing and she sprinted (as fast as her bad hamstring would take her) to the dance floor with her best friends all around her. It wasn't until an hour later did she get off the dance floor when she felt her phone buzz.
K: just made it back to my room. Hope you're sleeping well talk tomorrow :)

But to Katie's surprise she instantly received a face time. Caitlin quickly said goodbye to her drunk friends and left the club happy her hotel was only a block away and called Katie.
"Caitlin you okay why are you up?"
"Hi baby" Caitlin said a little slow because of the alcohol
"Are you outside and alone? Caitlin it's like 3 am! What's wrong?"
"Nothings wrong look my hotel is right here!" Caitlin said shakily flipping the phone around so show her walking inside the hotel.
"Are you drunk?"
"Maybe hehe" Caitlin said giggling as katie finally smirked at her now that she felt better that Caitlin was inside her hotel
"Celebrating the win then huh?"
"Yeah and something else"
"And what would that be?" Katie said having a feeling she already knew what it would be but wanted to hear Caitlin say it.
"I made it Kates I'm going to the Olympics" Caitlin basically shouted, but she was now back in her room so hopefully not waking up too many people.  Her face looked like a little kid waking up on Christmas.
"I'm so happy for you! So so proud you are going to kill it!"
"I should have listened to you. I don't know why I was so nervous"
"You should always listen to me"
Caitlin in turn stuck her tongue out at Katie at that comment which made katie laugh at her drunk girlfriend.
"Thanks for believing in me tho" Caitlin said quietly
"I always do and always will. I can't wait to watch you this summer. My Olympian"
" I like that" Caitlin said smiling softly as she referenced the new nickname.
"I like you" katie said flirting knowing Caitlin couldn't control her blushing when she was drunk. And case was proven when Caitlin's cheeks turned bright red.
They talked a few more minutes before Caitlin started to yawn.
"Go to bed baby we can talk tomorrow after you shake off your hangover."
"Okay good luck in your game tomorrow. I'll be watching."
"Thanks baby. Now go to bed, I love you, my Aussie Olympian"

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