World Cup Reunion

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The weeks between Ireland returning back home after their World Cup campaign and the Australian girls finally getting home after making it to the third place game and then spending a little while longer with loved ones seemed like years in Katie's eyes. She was only able to talk to Caitlin briefly throughout their time apart. The time difference being a huge problem, but also Katie not wanting to be a distraction to her girlfriend of only a little over two months. Caitlin kept telling her she missed her, but Katie couldn't believe that Caitlin missed her as much as Katie had missed her. Caitlin had distractions and games. Katie was stuck at home watching her on tv. Cheering for her second favorite country now.

But the day has finally come for Caitlin to come home. Katie had the whole day planned. Take Caitlin home for her to shower and change (and of course a quickie in the shower because god she missed Caitlin's body too). Then she was going to take them to their favorite cafe to get a snack and coffee. Their afternoon would be walking around St. Albans going to the shops and just talking about everything. Then top it off with dinner reservations where they went on their first date. And if she was lucky, Caitlin would be her dessert for the night.

The second Caitlin walked out from collecting her bags Katie's stomach flipped. God she is absolutely beautiful. They quickly embraced into each others arms and Katie thought for a second Caitlin was going to break her ribs with how hard she was squeezing but that would be quite alright with Katie.

"Hi darlin I missed you"
"Hi Cait. Omg your eye" Katie said reaching up to gently touch her girlfriends cheek near her black eye that she got in the the last game she played.
"Looks worse than it feels don't worry. It's already healed up a bunch too."
Katie really wanted to kiss her but they had both agreed not to in public. They never knew who would take a picture of them now that the World Cup had brought them a lot of attention. Plus the World Cup drama between the two of them and Ruesha was fresh on everyone's mind.
"Come on now let's get you home."

As soon as they stepped into the comfort of their own place Caitlin's lips were on Katie's in a millisecond.
"Mhmm" Katie moaned into Caitlin's mouth and led her to the shower. Sticking to Katie's plans, Caitlin got cleaned up in the shower and they got their quickie in too, to both of their delight.

"Go get changed baby I just gotta put a little bit of makeup on." Katie said giving her a quick kiss and pushing her toward their room.

Everything was going perfectly to plan. The one thing she didn't account for was her girlfriends jet lag. Bouncing into the room, full of excitement for their day, Katies smile quickly dropped seeing Caitlin sound asleep still wrapped in her towel on top of the covers. Even though there was a moment of disappointment that swept through Katies body she couldn't help but stare at her girl and how much she missed her in her her bed for the past couple of weeks.
Katie took the towel off of Caitlin and threw the covers over her. She put her clothes away and stripped down climbing under the covers and pulling Caitlin into her body.
Subconsciously Caitlin curled into her, but was still dead to the world. Katie leaned down and kissed her forehead.
Yeah it might not have been their original plans, but this wasn't a terrible alternative either.

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