Pre-season Camp

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Not long after the World Cup ended did Arsenal have their first preseason camp in Germany. It's a place that the team typically goes every year so most of them are very familiar with the area.
Katie and Caitlin were very excited to find out they were sharing a room for obvious reasons. They were still in a relatively new relationship and could not keep their hands off each other.
The room had two queen beds. But it was quickly decided that they would only need one and their luggage was put on the other bed.
The day they arrived they didn't have a schedule set up so they could just hang out with each other. Katie had to attend a virtual meeting for the Irish team which would last about 1.5 hours after dinner and then promised Cait she'd come back and they could go for a walk and hang out.
As Caitlin waited for her to finish up she started walking around the area. As she was doing so she stepped outside to find Lia, Leah, and Steph sitting on some chairs. Steph gave her a big wave, but Lia and Leah weren't quite as friendly. It's not that they were being rude or anything, but Caitlin saw the forced soft smile and realized Lia probably didn't want her to come over and sit. This was really going to be the first time hanging out again since Katie and her got together. Since it happened towards the end of last season and then there was the World Cup. She had told Lia about the situation beforehand but there wasn't much discussion before Lia told her they weren't together anymore and that it was her life.

But now seeing that she wasn't exactly welcome made her a bit sad. She waved back to Steph and kept walking. She found herself on a familiar trial. One that brought back a lot of memories from last year with Lia where they had shared a little bit of an overly passionate kiss for it being outside. Trying to shake herself out of those thoughts. She turned back and walked past the pool. The pool where Caitlin had snaked her hands around Lias waist and they stood peacefully together watching the sunset. In fact no matter where Caitlin turned she found herself having memories of Lia.
She quickly went back to her room and started to over think everything. It wasn't that she suddenly was overcome with feelings for Lia again but the memories were a lot. She was sad she lost her friendship with Lia. Had she moved on to Katie too quickly? Would Lia hate her and Katie for being in a relationship now? Did Katie feel this way when she was at an Irish camp with Rue? Her thoughts had completely overtaken everything at this point and she realized Katie would be back soon. She realized that she couldn't have a normal conversation with Katie without sounding distracted right now and she didn't want to talk about what was on her mind. So instead she quickly got ready for bed and jumped into the spare bed that had originally been designated for luggage and pretended to be asleep.

About 15 minutes later Katie came back.
She noticed the lights were out before screaming upon her arrival. But when she walked in and saw Caitlin "asleep" in the other bed her heart dropped.
Caitlin could feel Katie's heart break as she let out a quiet and shaky "oh". Even though Caitlin's eyes were closed she could tell Katie was silently pacing next to her. The gears in her mind spinning about whether she should ask what's wrong and wake her up or just let her be. Caitlin then remembered a time that Katie told her she easily got stressed when she thought she did something wrong or that she was in trouble but didn't know what the problem may be. Caitlin almost sat up at the thought she was stressing Katie out but just decided to wait until the morning.
Katie crawled into the other bed and kept looking over at Caitlin. Deciding whether or not to go over to her. But eventually, after alot of tossing and turning, she finally fell asleep. Caitlin wasn't able to sleep until she heard Katie finally settle down. She didn't get much sleep, only a few hours before she woke up and realized it was about 6 am. She decided a good sunrise walk would help clear her mind. She quietly got out of bed and headed outside making sure not wake Katie up.

As she headed outside she found a chair to rest back in and wrapped herself up in a blanket. She was so distracted she didn't even here someone sit next to her.
"Mind if I join?" Lia asked with a cup of tea in hand.
"Oh! I didn't see you coming. Of course sit down."
After a few moments of silence Lia started again, "you guys had a great run in the World Cup. Looked like the whole country and half the world was behind you."
"Thank you. Yeah it was crazy but I am so happy to experienced it. Sorry you guys didn't make it further."
"Eh it's okay still proud of us."
"As you should be."
"Listen Lia I'm sorry if me and Katie have made being here hard on you. It was never my intention to hurt you if I have. I miss our friendship but if you don't want to talk to me anymore I'll understand. I'm sorry. Katie and I can act like nothing is going on between us if that will help you."
"Thank you for the offer. But I'm okay I promise. I've had time to process what's happened between us and I think we are better as friends. I'd like to be friendly with one another, but I don't think I'm ready to hang out all of the time or anything. And no please don't hide you're in a relationship. Plus you'd both fail even if you tried. It's written all over your faces how much you love each other."
Caitlin couldn't quite form a response so instead gave Lias hand a squeeze and nodded with smile in understanding.
"Why are you out here overthinking? Was it because you were worried about me?" Lia asked
"You can still read me like a book. Yeah I was worried about you. This place brings back a lot of memories. I'm worried Katie and I are moving too quickly. I'm just overthinking everything."
"Have you talked to her about it?"
"Um no."
"Well go and talk to her. Im fine I promise. But I can guarantee there's a nervous Irish girl in your room confused why you aren't in the room."
"You're right. Thank you Lia."
"Of course"

Caitlin made her way back to the room and opened the door slowly to find the lights on meaning Katie was awake.
She walked in to find Katie getting her practice uniform out for the day. Caitlin's uniform was already out meaning Katie had already prepared it for her. Caitlin walked closer and wrapped her hands around Katie's waist and put her chin on Katie's shoulder. She felt Katie tense up.
"I'm sorry. I've been in my head and didn't know how to talk about it. I'm sorry I shut you out and made you feel like this was your fault. It's not. I promise. I'd like to talk to you about all of it tonight since we have to go to breakfast soon. I promise everything is alright and there's nothing to worry about."
Katie slowly turned around in Caitlin's arms and Caitlin could see the tear stains on her cheeks. She took her thumb and whipped them away.
"You slept in the other bed and you weren't here this morning. I thought you were done with me."
"No darlin not even close. I love you so much. I'm sorry I made you feel that way. I'm really bad at sharing my feelings some times. I'm going to get better I promise. Starting tonight I'll tell you everything."
Katie finally released the tension In Her body and leaned into Caitlin's hug.

They went to breakfast and training. Came back and showered and then they both sat together in one bed, cuddled into each other. And Caitlin explained everything. After hours of talking they both had never felt closer to one another. That night they both fell asleep quickly and happily.

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