I love you

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It had been a little over a month since Katie and Ruesha broke up. Some days were better than others for her emotionally wise but today in particular she wasn't okay. While allowing herself to have a day to herself she curled up in bed with her cheat meal. Two things came to her mind throughout her pity party. The first was the constant reminder that her 7 year relationship was over and although it didn't end well they did have good moments and she did love Ruesha. The second being that her best friend in london had barely checked on her at all since her break up. She wanted caitlin to be with her and comforting her. She wanted her to be near her while she was watching movies and crying. She wanted her friend when she needed her the most but Caitlin had suddenly went Mia.
Stewing over that for a while led Katie to get more and more angry and before she knew it she was ringing the bell to Caitlin's front door.
"Uh Katie what are you doing here?" Caitlin asked clearly confused as to why her friend was knocking down her door.
Katie, being Katie, barged into her house without saying a word and waited for Caitlin to close the door.
"Why are you ignoring me!"
"What do you mean?"
"Don't play dumb. You've been ignoring me for weeks. Ever since I broke up with Ruesha. I needed my best friend and you weren't there."
Caitlin knew she was right but looked down to the floor instead of answering Katie.
"So you're going to ignore me again while I'm right in front of you. God I thought we were friends Cait."
Katie said angrily before heading to the door. Caitlin finally snapped out of it and grabbed Katie's arm "don't leave. Please."
"Give me a reason not to. Tell me why you've been ignoring me."
Caitlin went mute again. Katie scoffed in return and turned to the door to leave.
"Because your single now! That's why!"

Katie knew instantly what Caitlin was implying but when she heard the words her feelings clicked into place. She didn't want Caitlin to only comfort her after her breakup as a friend. She wanted her as more than that. She was mad at Caitlin because she missed her. She missed her presence. She didn't know where this realization came from but she had a sudden desire to kiss Caitlin.

"What does me being single have to do with this" Katie said slowly, still facing the door.
"Because if you're single there's nothing stopping me from ruining our friendship. Because I've had a crush on you for so long and haven't been able to act on it. Because I never thought I'd have to admit this and I had just prepared myself to keep this hidden the rest of my life. Because I-"

"Because you what? Say it."Katie said turning back around and walking towards Caitlin.
"Because I love you Katie. I've been ignoring you because I love you but I've pushed it so far down. But now your single and I have might have a chance but it would only take a second to fuck this up. Telling you too soon? Problem. Telling you too late and waiting for someone else to swoop in and get you? Problem. Telling you and you not returning the feelings? Problem and embarrassment. But god above all that I can't lose my friend. So please if you don't feel this way which I wouldn't blame you if you didn't please just ignore me. Give me a few weeks to recover and go back to being my friend."
Katie stared into her bright blue eyes for longer than Caitlin would have liked.
"Say it again"
"Say that whole thing again??? Are you kidding me."
"No Cait just say it again" Katie said laughing hoping she'd understand this time.
Finally clicking in her head, "oh. I uh I love you Katie. I love you so much."
Within a millisecond Katie's lips were on here and her arms were pulling Caitlin as close as possible.
Needing air, Katie pulled away. "You didn't ruin anything. I love you too. I don't think I truly understood my feelings until recently but I love you Caitlin."
Caitlin probably could have cried of happiness or the embarrassment leaving her body. Instead she grabbed her shirt and pulled her into another kiss. Both realized this was more than just a heated kiss or one night thing, so pulled away before they would get ahead of themselves. They knew they had a lot of feelings to talk about. But for now they would be completely happy cuddling up on the couch sharing light kisses with each other all night.

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