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First of all thank you so so so much for over 100K reads!!!!!!

WARNING mature content!!!!

Caitlin had just arrived from Australia was anxiously awaiting for her luggage to arrive at baggage claim so she could get in a taxi and meet up with Jordan and Katie at the villa they rented in Ibiza. It was the same place that they had rented before, just one summer before. Back when Caitlin and Katie were skirting around their feelings until one drunken night when they admitted everything. Caitlin giggled to herself as she thought of the memories.

It had been way too long since Caitlin had seen either Jordan or Katie. As Caitlin finally arrived at the villa she saw Jordan right away out front getting some stuff together to walk towards the beach. They hugged each other and Caitlin asked how she had been and what she has missed while she was gone. Jordan began to answer her, but then noticed that no matter how hard Caitlin was trying to be attentive and give Jordan the respect of her attention while talking she kept taking glances toward the house.
Pausing midsentence, Jordan said, " go. She's in the kitchen.  We will catch up later chick"
"Thanks Jord, I'm sorry"
"I get it Cait go go you're girl is waiting"

Caitlin busted into the house and discarded all her bags at the door and then ran towards the kitchen. She was the back of Katie's head first, but she quickly turned around when she heard the commotion. There was a moments pause for the two of them as they took each other in. Just staring. But then Katie reacted and was already midair before Caitlin could process anything. Luckily her reflexes took over and she caught Katie as she jumped on her and held her in a bear hug.
"God I missed you so much!" Katie whispered into Caitlin's neck as she gave it a quick kiss.
"Me too." Caitlin said pulling her head away to look Katie in the eyes. She walked her over to the counter and set her down before stepping in between her legs, wrapping her arms around her neck and bringing Katie in for a very deep and overdue kiss. After a few minutes they pulled apart and rested their foreheads against one another smiling softly
That was all the reunion they got for now as Jordan and some other girls entered back into the house to announce it was time to leave for the beach and that Caitlin needed to hurry up and change.
The rest of the day was perfect with the group enjoying the beach and then going out for some dinner. By the time dinner was over, the jet lag from Australia was finally hitting Caitlin and she said was going to return back to the villa tonight instead of going to the club with everyone else.
"I'll go back with you too then" Katie announced
"No it's okay you can go to the club too if you want."
"Nah I'm a little tired too" but the look Katie gave her was anything but tired as her pupils dilated and she slowly slide her hand up Caitlin's back.

The couple enjoyed their stroll back as they walked hand in hand catching up even though they talked every day while away. It was just different in person. But that sweet attitude quickly changed as they entered back to the villa. Katie basically pulled Caitlin up the stairs to their room and threw her on the bed. Clothes were scattered just as quickly. Katie didn't give Caitlin a second to breath as she dropped to her knees, pulled Caitlin to the edge of the bed, and dropped her head down in between her legs. Having been properly sex deprived, Caitlin didn't last long. But her embarrassment didn't last long as she looked down to see to see Katie climbing back on top of her with a wicked grin and still some of Caitlin's wetness all over her face. They made out for a little while like that until Caitlin tried to flip Katie over.
"You can reciprocate tomorrow. I know that you weren't lying about the jet lag. Let's go to bed."
Caitlin tried to object, but Katie wouldn't let her as she maneuvered them both under the covers and rested her head on Caitlin's chest. Caitlin fell asleep in 5 seconds thanks to the effects of travel and just having an incredible orgasm.

Katie gave Caitlin a kiss on the cheek and followed suit falling asleep fairly quickly as she held Caitlin tight.

Caitlin awoke to a noise late in the night. After a few moments she realized the rest of the girls must have returned from the club and were headed to bed. She checked her phone and realized it was 3 am. Unfortunately no matter how tired she was her body was still thinking it was on Australia time and that she should be up right now so she had a hard time falling back asleep. She rubbed Katie back gently as she stared at the ceiling and tried to fall asleep. That was until a memory popped into her head. Well more a fantasy than anything. This time last year after all the tension between Katie and her had finally dissipated and they shared their first kiss all Caitlin had thought about was how much she wanted to have her way with Katie in the pool. With all the time they had spent their last year she had seen Katie lounging around in many different bikinis around the pool area and her mind wasn't able to control her thoughts. But with how new their relationship was she didn't act on it at the time.
But now.
Well now the only thing stopping her was the fact she'd have to wake Katie up, but honestly Katie could yell at her tomorrow for being tired. This was going to happen. Caitlin took a few extra moments to thoroughly listen to make sure she couldn't hear anyone else up and then she moved her body a little bit to get a good angle of Katie's neck. She started kissing up and down and rubbing her hands a little harder on Katie's back and sides.
Eventually Katie started to stir awake
"Cait what are you doing it can't be morning yet" Katie said groggily.
"I know baby but I have this idea and I need your help"
"It's 3:30 am. I'll help you tomorrow"
"I think you'll like it though. And it's a bit of a fantasy of mine." At the word fantasy, Katie had perked up. She'd always been a little more open and willing to share when it came to that. Caitlin was a little more reserved, but was starting to get better with sharing exactly what she wanted or liked.
"Well alright what is it"
"Just take me hand and follow me"
Katie must have been to tired to even question why Caitlin grabbed two towels or why neither her or Caitlin bothered to put clothes on as they exited their room quietly. If Caitlin hadn't cared about being caught naked then Katie didn't either apparently.
As quietly as she could Caitlin led them to the backyard where the pool was and slowly closed the sliding door. She threw the towels near the edge of the pool and took Katie's hand as she led her into the water.
"No questions?"
Caitlin asked as she walked backwards into the pool and stared into Katie's eyes following her in.
" nah I trust you baby" Katie responded
Caitlin quickly pulled Katie close and kissed her deeply. She then lead them over the side of the pool and pushed Katie against the edge. She kissed the side of her neck up to ear lobe and bit on it softly, which knew Katie couldn't resist. Then she wrapped her hand around Katie's waist and slid it down her body until she was rubbing against her clit.  Her other hand was everywhere and anywhere and soon Katie was a moaning mess. Caitlin took her roaming hand and brought it down to enter Katie with two fingers. With both of her hands wrapped around her waist and giving her plenty of attention, she felt Katie's walls soon start to pulse around her and Katie let out one more shaky breath before leaning even further onto the edge of the pool.
Caitlin helped her through it and then turned her around and kissed her softly. She gently picked up Katie and wrapped her legs around her waist. That was the best part of the pool. She could hold Katie for hours this way.
The kissing got heated again and this led to Caitlin's hand sliding down the front of Katie's abs again. Although the angle was awkward she made it work and started to pump her fingers inside of her again. This time wasn't as aggressive. This time they held the contact the whole time. This was what love felt like Caitlin realized. There were a few times her and Katie had had sex where it just felt like more. Maybe more powerful or meaningful? But this she wanted forever.
"I love you" Caitlin whispered as Katie came again.
"I love you so much more" Katie replied out of breath.

They made their way back to their room after that and were both soundly asleep soon after. They also didn't make eye contact with anyone who entered the pool the next day. None the wiser to what had occurred in it just hours before.

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