International Break

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The locker room was buzzing after the 3-1 win over United.  "You guys coming out with us right?!" Kyra and Teyah shouted over the music to Katie and Caitlin.
"Nah we are going home. I got to finish packing. Which I'll remind you Kyra we have to fly out tomorrow morning."
"I'll be fine. I'm not old like you."
Caitlin rolled her eyes and pushed Kyra out of the way grabbing hers and Katie's bag. "Whatever have fun don't complain to me if you are hungover tomorrow."
"Have fun being whipped by Katie." Teyah laughed nodding to the fact Caitlin was holding both bags.
"Come on baby don't listen to them." Katie said leading Caitlin out.

Heading to Katie's car she noticed Caitlin had a slight limp. "Caitlin you said your hamstring was fine. You weren't supposed to go in if it hurt."
"I know and it didn't hurt but steph got hurt. What was I going to do. I had to go in for her."
"You better ice it as soon as we get home."
"Yes mum" caitlin said rolling her eyes but grabbing Katie's hand in the car as soon as they pulled out of the parking lot and away from the cameras.
They got to Caitlin's place so she could finish packing. But Katie immediately pushed her on the bed.
Caitlin's eyes immediately turn lustful and Katie catches on. "Ha not what you think baby. You are laying down. I'm going to go get you some ice. And then I'll finish packing for you."
Katie saw another eyeroll from her girlfriend but just ignored her. She came back with ice. Elevated her leg for her and made sure she was comfortable.
"Okay now what do you have left to pack?"
Caitlin started listing out all of the things she still needed while Katie went around her room and collected everything.
"Okay last thing I just need some socks and underwear"
Katie put the socks in her bag and then grabbed a few pairs of underwear before coming across a very shear green lacy thong that she hadn't seen before.
"Oh? Where did this come from?"
"I was trying to keep those hidden from you. I uh bought them for st. Patrick's day. Thought I would celebrate an Irish holiday with you this year."
Now it was Katie with the lust filled eyes. "This is the greatest gift. But I don't think I can wait until then. Will you wear them while you're away and send me a pic?"
Caitlin nodded while blushing slightly as Katie quickly tucked them into her bag.  And then started to climb next to her girlfriend after zipping the bag up.
"How's the leg baby?"
"It will be completely fine. The ice helped a lot thank you."
"You tell me if anything stops hurting. But I'd like to give you a little goodbye gift before you go get your team qualified for the Olympics. Does that sound alright to you?"
Caitlin couldn't quite form the words she needed to as Katie straddled her and started to untie the strings on her joggers. Instead a quick nod was all she could muster up as she swallowed thickly in anticipation.

The next morning they woke up still curled into each other with limbs tangled together.
"I know it's only two weeks but I'm going to miss you so much."
"I'll miss you more I can promise you that. Let's see if we can both get a hatrick again."
"Deal baby."

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