President of the Fan Club

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Katie and Caitlin had just gotten home from Rome and were tired from traveling all day, Caitlin especially.
"I'm going to go shower and then go straight to bed." Caitlin said tiredly
"Okay I'll shower after you" Katie said as she sat on her bed to wait. She scrolled through her phone for a few minutes before going through photos they took on their trip and then saw her phone ringing. A call from Vivianne Miedema. Her and Viv were besties, but not necessarily the type that called and texted all day long, so she was, a bit surprised when she saw a call coming through late on a Sunday night.
"Hey Viv you alright?"
"Hey Katie um yeah I just wanted to tell you something that you are going to hear at practice tomorrow."
"Okay go ahead" Katie said nervously. Viv sounded distraught. Katie had no idea what she was about to tell her, but what came out of Viv's mouth was absolutely the last thing she thought she would say.
"My contract isn't being renewed. I- I won't be playing at arsenal next year. I'm not sure where I'm going yet, teams in England can't reach out until the end of the month."
Katie was silent. In fact she was so quiet that Viv had to speak up to get her out of her trance, "Katie you there?"
"What do you mean they aren't renewing?!"
"Jonas wants to go a different direction. I guess im not in that picture."
"Is he a fucking idiot? How are YOU, Vivianne Miedema, not in his vision. You're the goat. You literally have like every record possible. Why is he letting you go? I- I" Katie stopped talking as she started to get chocked up.
"I know. I don't know exactly what he has planned, but I guess things happen for a reason."
"How are you so calm?" Katie asked now not hiding her tears anymore as they rolled down her cheeks.
"Uh I've known for a little while now. Had some time to process. I had to tell Beth a little bit ago and that was really hard. We cried for a long time. Probably still will for a while to come. But you're my best friend on the team we've been together since what we were like 20/21? Babies. We grew up together. I just wanted to thank you for always supporting me and all the memories we share. Just wanted you to hear before the group meeting tomorrow"
Katie was full on sobbing uncontrollably now. "Viv I can't form the correct words right now. But this isn't the end of us okay. I don't care where you go I'll always back you. You are the goat. Nothing is ever going to change that and nothing will ever change is being best friends okay? I love you Viv."
"I love you to Katie. I'll see you tomorrow yeah?"
"Yeah okay"

Katie hung up and sat on the bed still crying. Her sobs had stopped but the tears hadn't. She almost was completely dazed and didn't notice that Caitlin walked into the room as she just stared into space and cried.
Caitlin walked into the closet and grabbed some clothes to change into and yelled out that she could go shower now. But when she didn't hear a response or hear any movement she peaked her head out of the closet as she threw her tshirt on and saw a sight that broke her heart. Katie was clutching her knees and silently crying her eyes out. All of a sudden all tiredness Caitlin felt was thrown out the window as she was just now worried for her girl.
"Katie? Katie what's wrong?" Caitlin said as she scrambled onto the bed to hold her hands that were clutching her knees.
It took Katie until Caitlin grabbed her hands to realize she was right in front of her.
"What's wrong darlin?" Caitlin said again.
"They aren't renewing Vivs contract" Katie whispered at barely an audible level.
"I'm sorry baby can you say that again I couldn't hear you."
"They aren't renewing Vivs contract!" Katie yelled and broke into sobs again.
Caitlin was shocked by the news. And she honestly wanted to cry too, but she knew how much Viv meant to Katie. She could have her moment later right now she needed to be there for Katie. She crawled behind Katie and put her legs on either side of her, so Katie was sitting between her legs. She wrapped both arms around her and pulled her back into her chest. Katie turned slightly and let go of her legs so her head was against Caitlin's chest and her arms clutched around Caitlin's stomach.
Caitlin stayed quiet for a little, letting Katie cry, as she rubbed her back and kissed her forehead.
"I'm so sorry baby. I'm so sorry. It's going to be okay. Viv is going to thrive where ever she goes."
"But she doesn't deserve this. She should retire at this club. For everything she gave us. And her and Beth probably have to live apart now. That's not fair."
"No none of it is fair. I hate that this is happening to her. But we will be there for her and Beth okay? We will check in on both of them more. And we can go visit Viv all the time whereever she moves to okay?"
Katie didn't answer just nodded her head as she slowly stopped crying as much.
Caitlin slowly sat up and led Katie to the shower. Caitlin's hair was still wet from hers so she didn't mind getting back in the shower again. Katie held onto her the entire time, a few tears still escaping as Caitlin washed her hair and body. And then got her ready for bed. They slipped into bed and the tiredness from travel and emotions overtook Katie quickly as she fell asleep on Caitlin's chest while Caitlin combed through her hair with her fingers to calm her down.

The next day was rough hearing the announcement again and facing all of their teammates reactions. Caitlin finally couldn't hold it in any longer and let some tears fall as well at the team meeting.
The week of practice wasn't fun either just knowing this was the last time.
At the final game the only time for celebration during this whole week came from a Beth assist to Viv one touch goal. It was written in the stars really. Throughout the end of game celebrations Katie couldn't stop hugging Viv. Caitlin knew Katie needed the physical contact. She always did when she was really sad. And being in the public she wasn't going to cry so the extra hugs were compensating for that. Caitlin waited patiently behind Katie at one point to finish her hug so that she could also give Viv a hug and congratulate her on a great career.
At the end of the post game they gave Viv a goodbye ceremony. All the players and coaches lined up on both sides of the field for Viv to walk through. As Viv was giving a little speech Caitlin noticed a single tear escaping Katie's eyes and leaned down to give her a subtle kiss on her shoulder just to remind her she was right next to her and there if she needs her.
That night Katie curled into Caitlin's side and Caitlin took a second to lighten the mood by saying she looked like coopurr when he sleeps all curled up. Katie laughed for a second. It was good to see the smile back even for a moment. They fell asleep that night holding each other after having a brief conversation that if this situation happened to one of them it would change nothing between them and they'd find a way to manage the distance, but at the same time it was a short conversation because neither of them wanted to give it too much thought.

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