WAG Prep

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Katie and Caitlin were cuddled up on the couch watching Netflix when the doorbell rang.
"I'll get it" Caitlin said as she jumped up from her spot. Katie paused the show and checked her phone as she waited for Caitlin to return.
"Katie what did you order?!" Caitlin exclaimed as she came back into the room carrying a box so big she could barely look over.
Katie turned around surprised, but then quickly remembered what was in the box.
"It's nothing!" She said trying to grab the box out of Caitlin's arms, but Caitlin didn't release the box. A tugging match between the two with a box so big they had to look to the side of it in order to see each other.
"A box bigger than the Both of us doesn't look like nothing kates" Caitlin said giving her a questioning look with her raised eyebrow.
"It's just some clothes for the summer okay. No big deal."
"Oh well try them on for me! Fashion show!" Caitlin said excitedly as she finally let Katie have the box.
"Not this time baby!"
"Why are you being so weird about some clothes?" Caitlin said slightly annoyed now and when Katie turned around to look at her Caitlin had her mad eyes glare on and hands on her hips. A look she knew Katie would cave with. She knew cause it worked every time without fail.
"It's a few things for the Olympics. Just got some things for the games" Katie said a little quieter.
"Oh well now I gotta know what it is. Come on open up!"
Katie caved. With a sigh, she put the box down and opened it up.
Caitlin peered inside and her mouth dropped instantly.
"Did you buy the whole team store?!" Caitlin practically yelled as she pulled out jersey after jersey. All things Australian. Gold and green coated everything.
Katie grabbed her hands to stop her from taking literally everything out. "No! It just happened! I was just looking at some jerseys online. Was going to see if you could get me one. But at the time I was on the phone with my mam and told her what I was doing. Then she asked for one too. Of course Lauryn overheard and wanted one too and asked our family group chat who else wanted one. And then you know my family. The entire clan asked for something. Nieces and nephews included. So I couldn't ask you to get me anything anymore because there's no way they'd give you this many jerseys. I don't even think you wear this many a year actually."
If possible, Caitlin's smile would have reached her ears.
"I don't think I've ever heard anything better in my life. Here I help you sort through all of them" Caitlin said reaching back in the box.
"No!" Katie said grabbing the box back
"Okay back to you being weird. Just spill it so I don't have to give you the look again."
"I bought something for me that's not a jersey. Well I guess it's more for you than me."
Now Caitlin was intrigued. Basically pushing Katie backwards, she dumped the box over and sorted through jersey after jersey until she found something that peaked her interest. It was a gold and green lingerie set that had "tillies" printed across the back of the bottom piece.
"Was gonna wear it under my outfit to one of your games and surprise you in your hotel room after a win as a reward."
Katie muttered, cheeks a little red.
Caitlin's eyes were wide and she was basically drooling.
"I need you in this right now. And then every game we play too. This will definitely give me some extra motivation." Caitlin said with a smirk.
"If you tell a soul I'm wearing this. And I mean anyone finds out I'm wearing anything more than just your jersey I'll break up with you. On the spot."
Caitlin giggled and flung the set in Katie's direction and shoved her in the direction of the bathroom to go change. "Won't tell anyone don't worry. Although if I do people might really think you are half Aussie."
Katie gave her a glare and stomped off towards the bathroom.
Caitlin quickly pushed every jersey sitting on their bed off to the floor now and threw her own shirt off to. Waiting patiently on the bed for Katie's return, well kinda patient, as best she could knowing what was about to happen when Katie walked out.
And when Katie finally did reappear, well it was better than Caitlin could have imagined. Katie's body somehow made that sexy lingerie set even sexier. Now Caitlin was drooling.
"Like what you see?"
Caitlin only nodded and shifted into a sitting up position so she could reach out and grab Katie's hand.
"Did I make ya speechless baby?" Katie teased. But Caitlin didn't answer. Instead finally grabbed Katie's hand and pulled her onto the bed. Let's just say No jerseys were sorted that night. But a few other articles of clothing were added to the pile.

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