Flu Season Pt 2

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Katie woke up the next day feeling great after getting her flu shot. She was proud of herself for getting through the shot without having a panic attack but that more so had everything to do with Caitlin comforting her throughout the whole day and then distracting her right before the shot. The memory of that brought her attention immediately to the person in question who just so happened to be asleep next to her.
Katie thought it would be nice to express how grateful she had been for Caitlin's help yesterday by rewarding her with some early morning pleasure.
She shifted her body to start laying on top of Caitlin and gently started peppering her cheeks and neck with kisses. She was going to keep going until Caitlin had finally woken up and groggily told her to stop before scrunching her face up in pain.
Katie quickly sat back and observed her girlfriend who couldn't keep her eyes open. She had a pale face and looked to be cold even under the covers.
"What's wrong baby?" Katie asked gently moving the hair off of Caitlin's face.
"Shot made me sick" Caitlin said quietly back.
Katie knew that happened sometimes after getting a flu shot that the shot itself could make you sick before giving you immunity. Usually it would be pretty quick maybe about 12 hours to a day and then you'd feel normal again. She hoped this was the case for Caitlin
"What hurts the most?"
"Throat and head" Caitlin said again rolling over to bury her head in the pillow.
"Okay I'll be right back then just try and get comfortable."

Katie got up and quickly went down to get some medicine and make Caitlin a hot tea to help her throat. She also got a hot compress together that would hopefully help her out too.
Making her way back up stairs she helped Caitlin sit up and then gave her the medicine and tea. The tea at least helped soothe her throat enough to be able to speak up and thank Katie.

She pushed Caitlin back down into the bed fluffed her pillows, put the hot compress on, got her water and tissues and told her to go back to bed and when she woke up she'd have a nice warm meal awaiting her.

And that's exactly what she did. She got to work on making her moms famous "get well soon" soup which always fixed all 11 McCabe children right up. And then also made one of Caitlin's favorite childhood meals.

The medicine must have helped Caitlin slightly because two hours later she came out to the kitchen wrapped in a blanket.
"What are you doing out of bed? I would have come to you. Come on let's go back!"
Katie said trying to shuffle Caitlin back, but Caitlin ignored her and sat on the couch.
"Smells too good out here to miss out." Caitlin responded with a bit more life in her voice than she previously had this morning.

"You want some to eat?"
"Yeah just a bit please" Caitlin said closing her eyes and leaning her head on the pillow.

Katie poured her a bowl of soup and dished up some of Caitlin's favorite meal and served her which resulted in the first smile she saw the girl have all day.
"You did all this for me?"
"Well of course I did. Hope it tastes good"
"I'm sure it's delicious darlin." Caitlin started digging into her food and gave Katie the second smile of the day.
"Out did yourself Katie"
"Hope it cures you up. Don't like when my girl is feeling down."
Caitlin slowly ate as much as she could before she had to stop. "I promise it's delicious I just can't eat more right now. When I'm better I'll finish the whole dish."
"Don't worry about it" Katie said giving her a kiss on her temple before picking up her dishes and cleaning up the kitchen. She returned to Caitlin who was half asleep and positioned her to lay on her lap so she could brush her fingers through her hair. This made Caitlin immediately fall asleep. And stayed that way for a while longer, but Katie remained by her side the whole time. She noticed over the course of the day as Caitlin slept on her, some color returned to her cheeks and her face looked less and less in pain.

When Caitlin finally did wake up she seemed almost herself again in that her eyes shown bright and that signature Caitlin sparkle to them.

"Feeling better are we?"
"Yeah much! Think it was that delicious food you made me cured me right up. Speaking of which can I have some more." Caitlin asked realizing just how hungry she was.
Katie happily served her up another serving and Caitlin scarfed it down. They decided to go for a short walk afterwards since they've been cooped up literally all day and Cait was feeling better.

They usually go for a much longer walk, but Katie noticed her girlfriend seemed to be getting tired again clearly not 100% better yet so she made them cut it short.

They got ready for bed and curled up together putting on a movie to watch. Katie laughed as Caitlin fell sleep in a few moments.

The next day they both woke up around a similar time and smiled at one another. Caitlin initiated the morning kiss and deepened it slightly.
"Feeling better than are we?" Katie joked
"Yeah much! Figured we could pick up what you were trying to start yesterday morning" she said as she kissed down Katie's neck.
"Let me get to work then" Katie said in return immediately taking control of the situation and slid down Caitlin's body. This time Caitlin couldn't keep her eyes open again, not because she was tired, but because she couldn't control them rolling to the back of her head as katie went down on her. 

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