World Cup Reunion

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Looking back on it now Katie and Caitlin realize the timing of becoming an official couple was probably not the best. During their trip to Ibiza they realized they couldn't hide their feelings for one another any longer and were overjoyed to find themselves in a relationship. What hadn't occurred to them was just two weeks after they had to head off to their respective national teams for World Cup prep and they wouldn't see each other until the first game which they just so happened to be playing each other in.

The days seemed to drag on without being able to see each other. The time difference didn't help either with Katie in Ireland for a little bit before traveling with her team to Australia.

Of course they'd been friends for a while and knew a lot about one another. But there's a lot to be discovered about one another when you get into a relationship. A lot of which is discovered in the first couple of months and to both Katie and Caitlin's disappointment a 20 minute face time call or text message throughout the day wasn't cutting it.

It somehow got worse for both of them when Ireland finally got to Australia. Knowing they were so close to one another and couldn't see each other killed them. But with opposite training schedules, a ton of media days for both of them, and trying to stay focused for the biggest tournament of their lives they couldn't find a time to see each other.

The day before the game was interesting for both of them. Usual pregame talk consisted of strategies they were thinking about or where they think they could attack. But they couldn't quite do that now. The day of the game only resulted in one text from each other.
Katie: Good luck today!
Caitlin: You too! I'll see ya on the pitch :)

It was like they had gone back three years when they were just becoming friends. That's how awkward the text felt.
But that all changed the second both teams stepped into the tunnel before the game. Caitlin's team came out second so she had the advantage of seeing Katie at the front of her line. A wave of mixed feelings hit her all at once. First she was so proud of Katie for leading her country to their first World Cup. She wanted to run up and hug her. She also wanted to push her against the wall and kiss her because her game face was a major turn on. But then a second that feeling faded. She had to play a game and needed to focus. She tried to hide the fact she was smirking at Katie and fix her attention forward. That was until Katie turned around and locked eyes with her. The look through her eyes made Caitlin realize Katie was feeling the same things she just was a second ago. After the moment passed they both turned forward and walked out for their first game of the World Cup.

Although they ended up guarding each other every once in a while they didn't talk. They were both in game mode.  When the game ended Caitlin was ecstatic. They won their first game on home soil! It wasn't until after when she saw the Irish players walking off did she realize she felt terrible for Katie. She didn't even see her on the pitch anymore and felt instant guilt for not realizing that sooner.
But then Ruesha approached and looked ready to fight. Caitlin wanted no part of that but when Ruesha got in her way she had no choice. And the fact that she ignored her handshake before the game didn't quite put Caitlin in a good mood either. She was about to say and do something she would probably really regret before Denise O'Sullivan stepped in the way of the two of them and dragged Ruesha off.

Caitlin tried to push all things Ruesha out of her head and focus on their win with her teammates. It wasn't until a couple of hours later did she actually text her phone and didn't see a single text from Katie. Contemplating whether or not she should call her Caitlin decided to just start with a text.
Caitlin: You played great today I'm really proud of you. I'm sure you are really disappointed right now but if you want to I'll be up for a while if you want to give me a call.
Katie: thanks. I'm happy for you just wish it didn't have to be against us. If you don't mind I'll give you a call tomorrow.
Caitlin: of course darlin. Try to get some sleep.

About an hour later Caitlin's phone started ringing and saw it was Katie which she thought was weird especially after their earlier conversation.

Caitlin I just checked socials and talked to Denise about what happened. I'm so sorry. I didn't realize Ruesha ignored you and tried to fight you after the game?? Are you okay? Did she say anything. I swear to god I'll kill her if she said something to you.

Katie calm down. It's okay. Yeah she said some stuff but nothing I can't handle. I will admit that the social media stuff hasn't been pretty so I've had to turn it off. But I'm okay I promise. Thanks for checking.

Why didn't you tell me?

I know how you are after a loss. Especially in the World Cup I'm sure you aren't handling it too well. I didn't want to add any stress.

Can I- Can I come see you tonight? We have off tomorrow.

Of course you can! We actually have off tomorrow too. God I can't wait to see you. Let me send you an Uber.

You don't have to do that Cait.

Shush it's already done. I'll see you soon baby.

Around 20 minutes later a knock came to Caitlin's hotel door. And she quickly opened it to find her blue eyed beautiful girlfriend. Katie stepped in and the two embraced in a hug so tight they weren't sure if the other could breath. They lasted like that for a few minutes before Caitlin whispered out, "I didn't think it was possible to miss someone so much."

In lieu of response, Katie slowly turned Caitlin's head turned her and leaned in for a tender and sweet kiss. Like it was the first time they were every exploring each others lips. Things slowly started heating up as Caitlin led Katie to her bed, with their lips still attached of course. It was at this moment she realized she's never been happier in her life for her own room.

The two slowly started to remove every piece of clothing from one another continued to kiss and touch every inch of one another. After hours of taking care of each other and the game finally catching up with them they both were too tired to even move. They both whispered to one another about how much they missed each other. How important they realized one another was after spending time apart. How they didn't know it was possible to fall for someone this quickly. How it felt like the universe was pulling them together for some time and they were idiots not to see it. They fell asleep in each others arms happy and peaceful that night.

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