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Katie was impatiently waiting for Caitlin to arrive to their hotel as she showed up a few hours earlier than Caitlin. Caitlin had texted her that she was just checking in and should be there soon which led Katie to anxiously pace around in the room. Finally she heard the door handle click indicating someone was coming in, but she hadn't expected the person to be a man. The butler had led Caitlin to the room with all of her baggage and was taking his sweet old time leaving. Katie and Caitlin were both staring at each other from across the room. Almost not believing they were finally together again after missing almost 2 months apart.
The butler must have noticed the tension and got the hint as he escorted himself out of the room. The second the door closed Caitlin and Katie closed the gap between them with in milliseconds. Wrapping each other up in the tightest hug and not letting go until the need to kiss one another was almost too unbearable. The kiss started slow but quickly picked up in intensity as Caitlin led Katie backwards to the bed. Quickly she pulled away because she realized they hadn't even spoken yet.
"Hi" Caitlin whispered as they fell backwards together onto the bed.
"Hi baby I missed you" Katie said back slowly sliding her hands down to the hem of Caitlin's shirt.
Satisfied with the greeting, Caitlin went right back to kissing Katie. They didn't stop for a solid hour catching up on two months of lost time.
After eventually being tired out, and with jet lag catching up to Caitlin, having flown over from Australia, they cuddled up and took a quick nap together.
When they woke up, Caitlin remembered a surprise she had for Katie.
"Ah I almost forgot! My hat merch came in! I'm going to have do some promoting for it while we are here, but I have a couple of samples. Do you want to see?!"
"Ohh yes of course!! Show me!"
Caitlin pulled out a neon green and cream colored hat that had her name and small image of her knitted across the top.
"Omg these look so good Cait!" Katie said as she got a good view of every angle. "Wait look it has your signature on it. That's so cool"
"I know right. I really like how they turned out!"
"Can I keep them?"
"Yeah they are for us so we can share and have both colors."
"Perfect!" Katie said as she grabbed the neon green one and put it on her head.

The next couple of days was spent between laying out by their back patio, by the pool, and by the ocean on the beach. Both girls captured some pictures of one another sprawled out on the chairs relaxing. But also for their own viewing making sure to keep the pictures of how good their girlfriend looked in a bikini stored on their phone. And also some funny pictures of one another like Caitlin munching on some chicken tenders at the beach.

Towards the middle of their vacation Caitlin had excitedly proclaimed that signed them up for snorkeling. Being that Caitlin's excitement was undeniable, Katie couldn't admit that she was a little nervous for it. She wasn't the best swimmer by any means, but it never came up with Caitlin. They had been to many pools together and Katie had never shied away from jumping in so Caitlin probably hadn't even realized she wasn't a great swimmer. Plus Cait had basically grown up in the ocean so this was second nature for her. But instead of telling her fears of swimming in a big body of water she grabbed the snorkel mask and posed for a funny picture. Around 30 minutes later they were ready to go out as a group for snorkeling and despite Caitlin basically jumping off the walls with excitement she could feel Katie's energy drop by the second.
Caitlin pulled Katie slightly away from the group to ask about it.
"Are you alright?"
"Just a little nervous I guess" Katie said quickly trying to brush it off and rejoin the group.
"We don't have to go!" Caitlin said grabbing her arm to turn her around.
"No I want to!" Katie defended. And she did she really did want to go because of how excited Caitlin had looked. "It's just I'm not a very good swimmer. It's kinda embarrassing. I mean it's not hard to swim I should be able to it's just in big areas like this I think I get nervous and then just can't swim very well as a result."
"Well how about we just stay close to the boat taking us out. We can get back on at any time and I'll be by your side the entire time. Just squeeze my hand if you don't want to go anymore."
"Yeah okay that sounds good" Katie responded as Caitlin grabbed her hand and led her back towards the group.
Caitlin was so comforting the entire time and jumped in the water first so Katie could follow after her. As soon as Katie jumped in, Caitlin was there to grab her hand and help her float. Then made sure all her snorkeling gear was on properly. She slowly lead them around the boat, staying close as she promised. And then as she felt Katie's tension lessen she started leading them further away without Katie even realizing. As she noticed Katie starting to tire a bit she led them back towards the boat area so they would be close just in case she wanted to stop. But the entire time Caitlin was pointing out things under water which kept Katie entranced in the underwater life, having never really experienced it this far off shore. By the time they were wrapping up and back on the boat, Katie's smile was bigger than Caitlin's.
"That was awesome!!! Thank you so much for helping me. I couldn't have don't that without you."
"Happy to help darlin" Caitlin said giving her a quick peck on the lips.
They went out to a nice dinner that night, walking hand in hand, and even snapping a few pictures or two of them doing so. They talked about how this was the most perfect vacation and how they didn't want to leave. After dinner they walked on the beach and complied all of their favorite videos and photos that Jamie would use to put together a video of their stay for their sponsorship.
They couldn't help but giggle at all the funny videos especially one where they were flicking water at each other. They had to cut the video off early though because the end of the video would have shown Katie climbing on top of Caitlin and giving her a big kiss. But the first part was definitely going out to the public.
As they watched the sun set on their final night they leaned their heads on one another and listened to the waves. The only other sound that could be heard was a faint whisper from Katie saying I love you and Caitlin's return being I love you more.

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