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It was Caitlin's birthday and despite the constant smile on her face Katie had just felt like something was off. But they were only a few months into their relationship and Katie didn't want to bring up any bad memories or anything that were causing Caitlin's mood to just be a little off, so she left it. She had meant to bring it up but she never got the impression that Caitlin wasn't okay after that and didn't find a good time to bring it up. That was until she was spending Christmas in Australia with Caitlin and her family. There was one drunken night with all the girls and Caitlin's family just sitting around sharing stories when mention of Caitlin's birthdays from when she was little got brought up.
"God Caitlin used to stuff her face with as many pieces of lamington as she could on her birthday" her sister said while laughing at her sister. Katie laughed along as she sneakily tried to google "what is lamington" as Caits family continued to laugh at her. As she read quickly that it's a famous cake in Australia made of chocolate and coconut she heard Caitlin's mother continue the stories.
"I'd have to have some ready for her as soon as she got up, another piece for lunch, and then dinner too. For being such a skinny little kid that girl could eat."
Caitlin was drunk and didn't seem to even realize how close of attention Katie was paying to the stories. Katie made a mental note oh the story and didn't mention it again. But she didn't fail to notice how Caitlin's face lit up at the memories of her birthday and cake.
Before they left Australia Caitlin had went off to spend a few hours alone with her sister while Katie stayed back with her mom.
Katie felt nervous walking up to Caitlin's mom to ask her a question but she sucked it up and walked into the kitchen anyway.
"Hi um I was wondering if you still had the recipe for the cake you'd make Caitlin on her birthday. The other day it sounded like it was one of her favorite childhood memories. And I'd like to try my best to make it for her at her next birthday."
Her mom gave her a knowing smile and looked up shaking her head as she moved towards the area she kept her recipes.
"You can keep the card, I've got this memorized by now. Little hint it's easier if you freeze the cake before you coat it in chocolate and coconut."
"I appreciate that! Thank you! I'm sure it won't come close to yours but I'll do my best"
"I'm sure it'll turn out great honey"

Fast forward almost a year to November of the following year, Katie woke up very early to start making Caitlin's favorite cake. Katie wasn't a baker. Never had been. So this wasn't the easiest task she ever tried to accomplish, but she did her best for her girl. Around 7:30 Katie made her way back up to their room. She lit a few candles on top of the cake and walked in singing happy birthday lowly to start to wake Caitlin up.
".....happy birthday my beautiful girl happy birthday to you"
Caitlin slowly sat up and turned around to see Katie standing there was a big smile and a plate full of her favorite cake.
Suddenly her face was full of excitement.
"Is that what I think it is?!"
"Yeah uh your mom's recipe actually. Hope it didn't turn out horrible."
"Give me a fork let me try!!" Caitlin basically yelled in a voice so high pitched it sounded like she was 8 years old.
"Okay okay here ya go"
Caitlin took one bite. Then another. Then shoved the whole thing into her mouth.
"Omg Katie this is delicious" or at least that's what Katie thought she said but it was hard to tell with how full her mouth was.
"Is it really? Did it turn out okay? I know it's not as pretty as your mom made it"
"Katie it's perfect. I can't believe you did this or how you even knew. This is best gift you could ever give me."
"Well I'm glad you like it. I made enough for you to have some every meal. Now come on get up! We've got a full day ahead and plenty more cake to eat!"
"Hmm I think I have something I want to do first" Caitlin said grabbing Katie's hand to pull her on top of her.
"I think we can fit that into the schedule." Katie said as she slid down in between Caitlin's legs.
"Happy birthday baby" Katie said with a smirk.
The rest of the day Caitlin's smile was genuine and grew every time she ate a piece of cake. This birthday Caitlin was genuinely happy all day long. This birthday Caitlin felt like nothing was missing and she was couldn't have wiped the smile off her face if she tried.

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