Rude messages

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Caitlin had just returned back from the World Cup  ever since she had she had been receiving some harsh messages from Ruesha. When the first few came through that called her every name possible she was just going to block the number. Not have to worry about Ruesha again, but right before she did the threat of "if you block me I'll start spreading rumors about Katie online."
Caitlin couldn't have that. No Katie's name had been thrown under the bus enough after the events of the World Cup so she needed to protect her. She didn't answer any of the messages, but that didn't mean it didn't hurt when they flashed across her screen.
At first they started simple, uncreative. Just name calling. "Girlfriend stealer" was used a lot.
That Caitlin could deal with because she knew every thing Ruesha was saying was petty and un true. But then things started to get a little more intense and personal.
Ruesha started to say things like Caitlin wasn't good enough for Katie.
That Caitlin should be expecting a breakup in a few years because Katie will get bored.
That Katie would never choose Caitlin over her family and Ireland.
These things started to affect Caitlin mentality. Was she good enough for Katie? She hoped so, but maybe she wasn't. She started to double guess little things in their relationship which wasn't necessarily great so early in their dating life.
But then the messages that made Caitlin's skin boil started to be sent in.
Messages like "do you like Katie in the green or blue bra more? I personally always preferred the blue."
"Does Katie still make that little whimper during sex?"
"I'm going to get Katie to make that sound again at the next Ireland camp. She won't be able to resist me. Maybe we will share a room like we used to."
And so many more personal and inappropriate messages. If Ruesha had been physically in front of her she would have punched her in the face.
But not the worst part was that these messages were affecting her relationship with Katie. She didn't want to tell her about them. She could deal with it. Or so she thought.
She hadn't even realized Katie had been talking to her until she started yelling in her face basically.
"Oh sorry darlin what's up?"
"I've been callin your name for like a minute. Are you okay?"
"All good baby"
"Then why do you keep checking your phone? You look upset?"
"Uh no I'm not it's all good don't worry"
Katie didn't believe her obviously, "is Lia texting you?"
"What no of course not? Why would you say that?"
"You just look like something is bothering you and keep checking your phone."
"It's nothing Katie just drop it okay. I'm not texting lia"
"Well you're clearly looking at someone's messages! Are you talking to another girl?"
"No of course not! Stop jumping to conclusions!"
"I wouldn't jump to conclusions if you would just tell me what was going on and stop being so sketchy." Katie yelled while getting up and walking away clearly very irritated with the way this conversation went. And Caitlin couldn't blame her. She was mad too that she let it get this far.

Caitlin took a big breath to calm herself. And to accept the fact that no matter how much she wanted to avoid telling Katie what was going on it would be better than fighting with her.
She made her way to the bedroom and found Katie purposefully ignoring her.
She decided to just rip the bandaid off.
"The messages I keep looking at are from Ruesha."
Well that got Katie's attention.
"What?! You're texting Ruesha??"
"No I'm not texting her. She keeps messaging me. Stuff to get in my head. Nothing for you to worry about okay I just didn't like hiding the information earlier so I apologize for lying about that."
"What's she texting you? Why not just block her?"
"It's not that simple Kates. I promise it's all okay please don't worry about it."
"Caitlin I'm getting pissed off you better just stop trying to hide this and show me what she's messaging you. Or you can sleep on the couch until you do."
Caitlin considered her options. But she knew she couldn't hide this forever so she unlocked her phone scrolled up all the way to the top and handed her phone over. She watched as Katie's face changed from a mix of anger to sadness to rage.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?"
"I didn't want this impact you too. You've already dealt with enough."
"I want you to block her"
"I'm not going to. You saw the threat. I have no doubt she'll come through with it."
"I don't care what she says about me. I care about what she says to you though!"
"Well I can just flip the script on you baby. I don't want her saying bad things to you or about you."

They realized the problem they were in. And didn't really see a way out until Katie thought of something.
"I'm going to tell Shebahn to make her lay off. We are still friendly enough I think she would help us out here. Caitlin liked the idea. Luckily a few days later the messages did slow down until eventually they ended all together.
"Do I even want to know what you said to shebahn to make sure Ruesha stopped?" Caitlin said giggling as they were cuddled up in bed one night.
"No you probably don't" Katie replied smiling with her cheeky grin as she gave Caitlin a quick kiss and snuggled in tighter to her.

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