Flirty McCabe pt 2

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Warning Mature content!!

The next day both girls slept in as they were both up late the night before. But around mid morning Caitlin woke up as she felt Katie start to stir in her arms. Neither of them had moved much all night so Katie was still little spoon in her arms.
After a few more minutes Katie was officially awake too and shuffled around to face Caitlin instead of having her back towards her.
"Goodmorning Cait" she said in her raspy morning voice
"Morning darlin how are you feeling?"
After Katie did a quick self check to see if she was hungover or not she gave Caitlin a smile "surprisingly I'm fine which is shocking after everything I drank last night."
"Surprised you even remember you were very drunk last night!" Caitlin said making fun of her.
"Oh no. I remember every detail including you saying something along the lines of "I'll let you do terrible dirty things to me tomorrow" it's tomorrow Cait. Don't have any objections now do ya?"
Caitlin felt her heartbeat pick up as Katie's hands slowly snaked down the side of her bottom and stopped at her hip, giving a squeeze, before moving behind to grab her ass and pull her even closer.
"Hmm yeah no objections that I can think of. Do your worst Katie" Caitlin responded as she surged forward to attach her lips to Katie's. In the process Katie pushed Caitlin on her back so she could get on top of her. After a few moments of heated kissing Katie's hands found the hem of Caitlin's shirt and took it off instantly. She was about to repeat the action with her own shirt, when she finally got a glance of the all Aussie outfit she had on. "Hey don't be taking advantage of drunk me to dress me up like this"
"Mhmm don't know what you mean think you look great" Caitlin responded sitting up now to attach her lips to Katie's neck.
After a momentary lapse in dominance as Caitlin locked in right on her sweet spot, she remember what her plan was and snapped back into action. She pushed Caitlin back again and kissed down the length of her of her whole body. She threw off her shorts and left a few hickeys and bite marks around her hips and inner thighs.
She then started to move one finger up and down Caitlin's folds and watched as her breathing increased and eyes clenched shut.
Katie always got a boost of confidence as she saw the flush of Caitlin's cheeks and the red tint return to her face. But now that she had her thoroughly worked up she lowered her mouth again and started to kiss her most sensitive area. Slowly she started to introduce her tongue and repeat the motions her fingers were doing moments before.
Right when Caitlin started to squirm did Katie insert her tongue inside her. Her famous tongue trick involved a motion flicks and licks inside her as her thumb remained applying pressure kn her clit.
Now Caitlin couldn't contain her moans and her knuckles were white as she gripped the bed sheets. Katie finished her off by sucking hard as she switched the position of her thumb and mouth.
Katie helped her ride it out and then climbed back up her body kissing slowly until she got to her lips and kissed her slowly and sweetly.
"That was amazing Katie" Caitlin said still a little out of breath.
"Mhm well anything for my baby who took such great care of me last night"
"If taking care of you gets me this reward then I couldn't think of a better reason to look after you for the rest of my life."
"Oh so you wouldn't take care of me just because you love me and want to be a good girlfriend?"
"Nah this is a better reason for sure" Caitlin said back but grabbed Katie and flipped her so that she was laying on top now.
"Hmm I really like my jersey on you but I think I need this off right now"
"Not stopping you"
Caitlin quickly took off all of the clothing that remained on Katie and leaned over into the bedside table to grab one of their vibrating toys. She used her fingers to get Katie worked up, but it didn't take long as Katie was already turned on by what she did to Caitlin. She used one hand to message Katie's boobs and the other to insert the toy and turn the setting to Katie's favorite setting.
She leaned down to reaatch her lips to that same spot on Katie's neck that left her speechless every time. Katie gripped onto Caitlin's back as she started to reach climax and left little nail marks which Caitlin loved when it happened and sucked  harder on Katie's neck so that she would in turn grab her back harder.
Katie had finally had enough and Caitlin turned the toy off and removed it.
"God what a morning!" Katie said when she caught her breath.
Caitlin grinned against Katie's cheek as she cuddled into her. "I agree pretty perfect if you ask me. I'll go make breakfast for you"
But Katie stopped her as she tried to get up, "nope you took care of me last night. My turn now. Avo toast and eggs coming up for my girl"
"You're the best"
"I know" Katie said cockily as she strutted off, still naked, to go make food. And Caitlin thought she'd never see a more beautiful sight again.

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