Sick day pt 2

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After many weeks of international travel, a lot of games and practices, both girls nursing small injuries, and everything else going on in their lives the couple decided they needed a date night. They had decided that a simple dinner at a nice restaurant and spending the rest of the night together would be all the needed. Little did Katie know, Caitlin went a step further a booked them a small bed a breakfast just in the outside of town that they would stay in after dinner. Caitlin went to bed so excited the night before their date night which is why she couldn't believe when she woke up the next morning she felt absolutely terrible.

She had a headache, sore throat, and a cough was starting to form too. Not to mention she started her period a few days early. Unbelievable she thought to herself. But Caitlin was determined not to let this night go to waste. As quickly as her aching body would take her, she made it to the store down the street to pick up some things to try and make her feel better. She took pretty much as much medication as she possibly could to try and cure all of her ailments. But nothing was working. She took a long hot shower which somehow made her feel worse. She ordered some warm soup and had it delivered, but could barely stomach it. She was about to tell Katie she wasn't sure if she could make it tonight, but right as the thought crossed her mind a text from Katie appeared.
Katie: hi baby! Hope you are having a good day so far. I CANT wait to see you later tonight. I have been looking forward to spending some 1 on 1 time with you for so long. Wear that green suit you have to dinner tonight 😉, it will make it nearly impossible to get my eyes off of you.

Damn it. Caitlin thought to herself she can't cancel now. Katie is so excited and it would kill her to have to let her down now. Caitlin looked at the clock and realized she had 2 hours before she would have to go get Katie for dinner. She made her way to her closet and pulled out the green suit. Luckily it was ironed and ready to go because Caitlin wasn't sure if she'd be able to manage that right now. Since she had already showered she realized she could take a short nap in hopes of curing her ailments and then have plenty of time to get ready. Taking one more thing of medicine she quickly jumped it bed and closed her eyes. Unfortunately for Caitlin, she forgot to set an alarm for her nap. Which is why when she woke up hours later and took a quick glance at her phone to see it was 15 minutes passed their dinner reservation time she freaked out. A second later she noticed about million missed calls and texts from Katie wondering where she was and why she hasn't come to pick her up.
After saying about every curse word she could possibly think of Caitlin quickly got out of bed and tried to call Katie back while reaching for her suit to put on. To her surprise, the suit was not where she left it and she heard another phone ringing from somewhere outside her bedroom.
That's when she took a second to look around and noticed her water cup had been refilled, there were now tissues next to her bed, and another round of medicine had been laid out.

Caitlin opened her bedroom door and made her way down the hall to see Katie sitting on her couch watching tv, heels discarded, but dinner outfit still on.
"Katie I am so so sorry. I can get ready in 10 minutes. I'll call and I'm sure they'll be able to fit us in."
"Caitlin babe it's okay you're clearly sick. Why didn't you just tell me?" She said patting the couch seat next to her.
"I didn't want to disappoint you. And I was looking forward to this as much as you were." Seeing how beautiful Katie was plus the feeling of still being very sick and add on period hormones Caitlin couldn't help but let a few tears fall.
"Hey babygirl come here" Katie said whipping the tears away and pulling Caitlin in close to rub her back.
"I would have understood. I'll never be disappointed if you don't feel well. I would have liked to be with you all day to try and help you. You did such a great job of taking care of me before I would have liked to return the favor."
"I - I rented us a bed and breakfast for tonight. I was going to surprise you." Caitlin said crying even more.
"You know the cool things about reservations is that they can be moved. Lucky for you I was able to get the dinner plans moved to this time next week and Ms. Foord, next time you want to surprise me don't put both of our numbers down on the reservation. I knew about your little plan for a week now. But don't worry they have an open room next week too." All Caitlin could do was laugh at how Katie had taken care of everything for her as she cuddled up close to Katie.
"Now let's get you back to bed. And I'll throw on a movie for us." Caitlin nodded back happily as her tears dried up. She took her last dose of medicine for the day and curled into Katie's side. Only taking five minutes to fall completely asleep as her girlfriend rubbed her back the whole time.

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