Surprise Gone Wrong

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Right before international break Caitlin tweaked her ankle. Not enough for any real injury but just enough she decided to drop out from international duty since it was just one friendly game and she probably wouldn't even play.
Instead she decided instead of staying in London she was going to fly over and surprise Katie in Dublin to watch one of her games.

So the day before her game, Caitlin flew over and met one of Katie's siblings at the airport. She knew the Irish staff was strict about the team having guests visit them. They weren't allowed to have anyone sleepover but family and friends could visit them after practices. So the plan was to surprise Katie tonight quickly and then tomorrow after her game she'd be able to hang out with her more.

Landing in Dublin, she tried to keep her secret from Katie by acting as everything was normal. Even took a picture of Coopurr earlier to make it seem like she was with him. She questioned what Katie's schedule was today so she knew exactly when she could come over. She got her sister to stop and allow her to pick up some flowers and then they made their way to Katie's hotel. Giving Caitlin some time, her sister told her the room number as she had been their earlier and then said she'd be across the street shopping and to just come get her when she's done.

Clearly trying to avoid people, Caitlin kept her head down and made her way to Katie's room. Luckily she was on the second floor, so just took the stairs instead of risking seeing anyone on the lift.

Knocking on Katie's door she waited with the flowers In front of her face so Katie wouldn't be able to see her through the peep hole.
Opening the door, Katie quickly gasped in surprise as Caitlin grinned around the bouquet.
Taking in Katie's appearance, she almost forgot to speak herself. Clearly just out of the shower, she had her wet hair down framing her face. A baggy sweatshirt and some shorts. But god. She was beautiful. "Surprise" Caitlin whispered still not sure how she couldn't compose herself after basically a year of dating each other.

"What are you doing here!" Katie yelled and jumped into Caitlin's arms. Both oblivious to the world as they were just hugging in the middle of the hallway.  Their bliss was soon interrupted as Ruesha turned the corner to see the two still hugging.
"Can't even last 24 hours apart can ya? Enjoy it while it lasts Caitlin she will drop ya when she gets bored."
Ruesha turned the corner before Katie could retort. She wanted to chase her, but Caitlin pulled her back. "She's not worth it. We've got a few minutes before I have to go back with your sister. I'd like to make it worth it if you know what I mean. And I'm going to make sure you aren't quiet." Caitlin said to her. Making sure to whisper the last line so that Katie would blush and pull her quickly into her room.

Caitlin headed back to her sister soon after with a big grin on her face and wished Katie good luck for her game tomorrow. As she walked out of the hotel she could have sworn a blonde was staring at her from the window but decided not to give it too much thought and headed across the street to the store.

The next day was Katie's game. It was a big matchup for the Ireland team and part of euro qualification. After the 2-0 loss Caitlin knew that Katie would be really upset. So she texted her hey I cancelled our reservation. I'm going to pick up food from the same place for us and we can just sit in your room and eat it in comfy sweats! I'm proud of you always darlin

Caitlin then headed out and headed to the restaurant to order to go. Receiving a thank you text from Katie for being understand and that she was going to be a few minutes late because of media obligations.

Caitlin slowly made her way back to the hotel knowing she would be waiting outside her room for a few minutes, but Katie was worth the wait.
She got another text Katie was five minutes away so Caitlin patiently waited outside of her room just aimlessly scrolling on her phone.
She heard someone turn the corner expecting to see her girl but instead was met with a blonde midfielder instead.
"Not who you were expectin?"
"Not quite" Caitlin responding going back to her phone.
"Do you really not believe she's going to dump you just like she did me?" Ruesha started making Caitlin roll her eyes.
"I've known her since she was a teenager. I know her in and out. She falls head over heels and then gets bored. She's going to do the same with you. Literally wha my makes you think you are any different? She doesnt even like brunettes she told me that once. Maybe if you died your hair it would give you a better chance?  And what are you going to do when you guys retire? She's not moving to Australia. Hope you are prepared to move to Dublin."
Caitlin didn't want to start anything. She was going to be the bigger person. But she tuned out Ruesha when she mentioned the moving thing. It had been something that had been in the back of her mind but didn't want to jump to conclusions or start something that was years away from even happening. Live in the present she kept telling herself. But now that Ruesha brought it up her insecurities were on overdrive. Feeling tears starting to form she started to walk away. Continuing to ignore Ruesha making comments about her turning down a fight.
Before she could turn down the stairs Katie made a timely appearance. Taking In her view, she saw Caitlin starting to cry looking defeated and Ruesha looking triumphant standing in front of her room.
"What happened?" Katie said looking directly at Caitlin
"I'm sorry I can't right now Katie. Here's your food. I'll see you back in London." Caitlin said as she handed the food over and walked away despite Katie pleading with her to say. As soon as Caitlin left Katie turned around with anger in her eyes.
"What the hell did you say to her!!"
"Nothing she probably hasn't thought of before. Just trying to help her out really before you break her heart too"
"Ruesha! God damn it get over yourself. We broke up! I'm sorry it's not what you wanted but it was breaking me. I'm with Caitlin now. I love Caitlin. I hope you move on and find someone like I did I really do. But don't you ever take your anger for me out on her again or I swear to god you'll regret it. She is everything you could never be for me and more."
Katie knew the last line was a low blow but she didn't care as she turned around and ran out to the street to try and track down Caitlin. She couldn't have gotten that far. She opened her tracking app on her phone which she rarely used but today it was needed. She found Caitlin's location a couple streets over and it looked like she stopped moving. Quickly running through the streets realizing just now she still had the to go bag in her hand found Caitlin sitting on a bench crying and it broke her heart.

"Hey baby" she said slowly as to not scare her.
"Can you tell me what happened?"
Caitlin shook her head but Katie felt slightly relieved she didn't pull away when Katie went to give her a hug.
After a few minutes, Caitlin finally calmed down.
"Please don't leave me Katie. You mean too much to me. I'll I'll- yeah I'll move to Ireland if you want me too after we retire. I'll do it. Please don't leave me."
"Caitlin! Caity baby I'm not going to leave you. I'm not going anywhere. Is that what she said? Damn it. I promise I'm not leaving you. I love you too much to ever do that. What we have is different I promise you mean the world to me. We have years to figure out where we move after retirement okay? Don't let that get you worried. And If it means anything to you, I'd move to Australia for you too"

Caitlin finally looked at her and smiled drying her tears. Nodding that she was okay but also making it known she'd like to continue the conversation later. Katie agreed and after hugging a bit longer they both agreed that they were starving and ate their now somewhat cold food together on the park bench and even had a few laughs after that emotional last hour or so.

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