Getaway PT 2

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Warning Mature Content!!!

After spending a little too much time in bed after their initial arrival they decided to order room service and enjoy the champagne and strawberries waiting for them and then get up early the next day to explore the area. 

Morning came and they both changed into their bikinis and coverups and made it down to breakfast which was served in a cabana overlooking the ocean.  They both were too happy enjoying each other's company and the view to need to have a conversation.  Katie took a peak over at Caitlin and realized just how happy her girl was. There was always something about being near water that brought an extra spark to Caitlin's eyes, but especially the ocean because it reminded her of home.  Caitlin finally noticed Katie looking at her and took a glance towards her.

"You're beautiful" Katie whispered towards her causing a slight blush to form on Caitlin's cheeks. Katie grabbed her hand and turned her attention back to the breaking waves while sipping on her coffee with the other hand.

After breakfast the two made their way down to the beach where they had planned on spending the majority of their day today. Caitlin was quick to get out the sunscreen so she could rub it on Katie's back. For some reason since showing up here she was really looking for any reason to touch Katie. Maybe it was the thought of a romantic getaway and knowing she had a week of uninterrupted time with her girl, but whatever it was she felt like there was a magnet between her and Katie and who was she to fight it.  

As the day passed they spent their time reading their books, making up stories about every person they saw, swimming in the water (obviously with a makeout session a little off shore away from prying eyes), and mostly tanning. Throughout the day one of them would head towards the bar and grab drinks or chips and guac and other snacks. Eventually the drinks started to catch up to both of them and they agreed that they should go back to the room to rest for a bit before getting ready for dinner.

Back in the room Katie decided to return a call from her mom as Caitlin made her way out to the jacuzzi with some water in hand to sip on before needing to get in the shower. She was so relaxed that she didn't even hear Katie come out until she felt the water move and someone straddle her. For the first time since arriving Caitlin's brain wasn't immediately on sex as she was still dazed from her slight nap beforehand, but Katie clearly had other ideas as she immediately went to kiss Caitlin's neck and hands found the back of her neck. Slowly she untied Caitlin's bikini top and left it fall off her shoulders. Caitlin was happy her hands seemed to know what to do as they gripped Katie's ass because her brain sure as hell wasn't catching up as she was too overwhelmed with Katie knowing exactly where she likes to be kissed. 

Katie moved down to kiss both of Caitlin's boobs and then moved back up to kiss her mouth as she let her hand dip under the water down between Caitlin's legs. She immediately went to swiping her fingers through Caitlin's folds before entering her with two fingers with a quick pace and curling them to perfection making Caitlin throw her head back. Katie watched as her cheeks began to flush and chest started to heave, clear signs that she was close. It didn't take long after that before Caitlin came and was completely out of breath. Katie grinned down at her with a cheeky smile before hopping off her lap and saying they needed to shower before their dinner reservation as if Caitlin didn't just have her mind blown. This girl is going to kill me Caitlin thought to herself. 

After having a somewhat calm shower they both were able to get dressed and ready on time to make it down for dinner and ended up having more drinks afterwards on the beach watching the sunset while leaning on each other. 

The second and third days were similar to the first with spending most of their time between bars, beach, and the pool.  The night always ended up with them pleasuring one another whether that be in the jacuzzi again or the shower, bed, even on the kitchen counter which Caitlin was pleased with herself for that one because there aren't many times that Katie McCabe is short for words but after the kitchen event she was pretty sure Katie laid on the counter completely silent for almost 15 minutes. 

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