Moving Day pt 2

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After a few weeks of deciding what type of place would best suit best of them they narrowed it down to two places. They spent the good portion of a day making pros and cons list of each place but eventually settled on a 2 bed 2.5 bath place with a backyard. It was only about a 15 minute drive from where they practice every day and close to a train station to easily get everywhere else. The best part was that it was ready to be moved into so the following weekend when they didn't have a game they got the keys to their new place made the journey to their new home.
They were like two little kids bouncing in the car with excitement pulling onto their new street.
Running up their front door, Caitlin quickly got the door unlocked and was about to head in before she heard Katie yell
"What? What's wrong??"
"We need to do this properly" Katie said bending down to pick Caitlin up and carry her through the front door giving her a kiss as they passed through.
"Welcome to our home baby"
"You are so cheesy! But wait here I was cheesy too." Caitlin said rushing back outside to the car leaving Katie slightly confused. Until she came back with a bottle of champagne she had hidden somewhere in the car and two classes.
"Here's to us! Can't wait to share this home with you darling."
They popped the bottle and enjoyed their champagne and walked around their new house. Taking notes of a few things that needed touch ups. They spent a few hours getting everything out of their cars and then directing the moving men for their larger items. Everything was officially in the house after a long day except for their bed. They had ordered a new one for this house and it wouldn't be in until tomorrow. So they decided to act like kids and build a fort in their new living room. A couple blankets pillows and air mattresses laid in the middle of the room. In the middle sat a large box of pizza, another bottle of wine, and two giddy girls.
"God if I knew I was going to be this happy living with you I would have suggested it months ago."

"I know same. If I'm being honest I had a few nerves before today. You know just because of how it went last time for me. Im sure you understand after living with Ruesha too. But Katie I think this might have been the best decision I've ever made. You really make me feel things I didn't know were possible."

"If day 1 of living together is this good then we have a great life ahead of us. I can't wait to spend every second with you." Katie said leaning into to kiss her. The kiss got heated quickly both way to happy and in love with one another to even think about stopping. That was until the pillow fort they built collapsed due to a little too much movement from within the fort. All they could do was laugh at the situation they were in. Sweaty limbs tangled together surrounded by a collapsed pillow fort. And somehow neither one of them wanted to be anywhere else.

"The only thing that will make me happier is getting our bed."
Caitlin laughed and shook her head in agreement as the long day was finally catching up with her and she couldn't keep her eyes open. Katie quickly noticed and pulled Caitlin into her rubbing her back quickly lulling her to sleep.
"Goodnight my love. I'm so happy to share this home with you." She whispered right before Caitlins breath evened out indicating she was asleep.

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