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The first question from the trio content that Caitlin, Alanna, and Mackenzie filmed had stuck in her head long after the footage had been taken. "Who would you take on all expense paid trip"

Obviously the answer would be Katie.  But the real question was why hadn't they thought about taking a trip yet. Well Caitlin only thought about that for a second before she pulled out her calendar for after the WSL season and before the Olympics and then looked up the Irish Upcoming games and found a weekend that she thought would work. She knew she was acting like a little kid filled with excitement right now, but she couldn't help it.  Immediately she called Katie, even though she was halfway across the world in Ireland. 

"Hello?" Katie asked groggily clearly being woken up which Caitlin felt a bit of guilt for a millisecond before the excitement took over again.

"You don't have any plans June 8-15 right?"

"What Cait? its like 5 am here"

"I know just look at your calendar real quick"

"uh no nothing important, one interview, but its a phone one."

"Okay perfect, well go back to sleep love I'll explain later." 

If Katie wasn't so tired she would have questioned it, but figured she could wait for now as sleep overtook her again. Meanwhile Caitlin was busy planning a trip for her and Katie to Belize.  She was never this spontaneous, but the thought of her and Katie, alone, at a resort, for a week, all you could eat and drink, Katie in a bikini... yeah she had her credit card out quick.   

Caitlin waited to tell Katie about her surprise trip in person which was worth the wait because watching how surprised she was and then having her run and jump into Caitlin's arms was so worth it. (Flashforward)

In fact, that was exactly moment Caitlin was thinking about as they walked onto the plane for their flight to Belize.  They sat first class together as they held hands across their lounge chairs and watched movies together the entire way.

The sunshine and heat hit them as soon as they stepped outside the airport making both of them immediately smile and take a big breath while looking up to the sky as if trying to literally soak up the sunshine. Once at the resort they were both handed a glass of champagne and led to their room. As soon as they were alone, Caitlin grabbed Katie's hand and pulled her into a sweet kiss before pulling away moments later "Lets take a look around shall we!"

They had a small kitchen area that had more champagne on ice awaiting them and some chocolate covered strawberries.  To the left was a sitting area which over looked their balcony.  The balcony had a small jacuzzi and views of the ocean.  Caitlin booked the private room, so while they could see the ocean there weren't any neighbors around. Which was obviously worth the upcharge when the thought of Kaite and Jacuzzi came to Caitlin's mind.  After looking at the view for a few moments they went back in to find their bedroom.  A large King size bed with roses laid out on it was in the center of the room.

"Well doesn't that look comfy" Katie said smiling at the massive bed in front of her.

"Shall we try it out?" Caitlin responded back but before getting a response she picked Katie up and threw her on the bed, crawling up after her and leaning in for a kiss which was a little more heated then the last one.

"Don't you wanna walk around the resort first?" Katie asked in between kisses

"We can after... you are all I wanna do first." Caitlin said with a lustful look in her eyes as she quickly went to work kissing Katie's neck and moving down lower and lower. Yeah this was already the best start to this vacation and Caitlin is thanking her past self for being as spontaneous as she was. Absolutely zero regrets.

AN: I'm planning on doing a part 2 about their week, but just wanted to get the intro part out there! 

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