Flu Season

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Flu Season always fell in the middle of the WSL season. Because of this the medical staff was always extra precautious about any sickness within the team making sure nothing was being spread around. This year it was reported that the flu was spreading around at a higher rate, so to take precaution it was said that all the arsenal players would receive a flu shot the next day after practice.
Caitlin wasn't standing next to Katie when it was announced, so she didn't see Katie's initial reaction. She did however notice that Katie seemed a little off after practice, but just assumed she was tired from the long day. It was until they were eating dinner together tomorrow that Katie casually brought up that she was planning on skipping practice the next day.
"What do you mean? You can't skip tomorrow we have a game on Sunday"
"It's just one rest day Jonas will understand."
"Why do you need a rest day are you hurt?"
"No I'm just feeling sore"
"Well let me give you a massage that will fix it."
"No I just need a rest day tomorrow."
Caitlin gave her a weird look while Katie tried to avoid all eye contact.
"Katie I've known you almost five years. You've played through every injury and have never taken a rest day. What's really going on? And don't try and make something up again."
Katie was obviously having an internal battle in her head on whether she should admit the real problem or not.
"I'm afraid of needles" Katie said extremely quietly.
"Youre what?" Caitlin asked not being able to hear the barely audible whisper.
"I'm absolutely terrified of needles Cait. I can't go tomorrow if we are getting flu shots. I can't do it."
Caitlin wanted to make fun of her at first but saw the fear in Katie's eyes just talking about it.
"I didn't know. When did that start?" She said taking her hand to try and calm her down.

"I don't really know I have this memory from when I'm younger maybe 5 or 6. My mom would bring all of my siblings to the doctors at once because it was just easier. We were all lined up to get our annual shots and my mom was going down the line holding everyone's hands as they got their shots. But when it was my turn, two of my siblings started fighting or something and took my moms attention away and my older siblings were already out of the room so there was no one to hold my hand. I think that's where the fear started and it's just gotten worse every year since then."

"Oh Kates it's okay it'll be a quick shot, over before you know it. I'll hold your hand too. I promise."

Katie nodded but didn't mean she was looking forward to the next day at all.

She didn't sleep well the night before, even thoughCaitlin snuggled into her holding her extra tight. The next day she woke up and her hands were already sweaty. Caitlin did her best to try and distract her throughout the day with random conversations and cooking her favorite breakfast. Even putting on Katie's favorite music, but nothing seemed to fully distract the girl.
Katie didn't have her best practice by any means, but Caitlin kept encouraging herself so she didn't get down on herself.

Finally the time had come. The girls were all waiting in the locker room being called in to get their flu shots. After she heard the first name being called out, Caitlin privately texted the athletic trainer and asked her to call in Katie and Caitlin together. Caitlin tried to keep in close distance to Katie so she could touch her in some way, but not draw too much attention from their teammates. Eventually their names were called.
Katie was visibly sweaty and took a shaky breath as she stood up.  She could hear ringing in her ears and barely processed what was going on around her. As soon as they were out of sight Caitlin took Katie's hand and grabbed it tightly, leading her to her seat.

Katies eyes were clenched together as she sat down and Caitlin mouthed to the trainer that she was terrified. Caitlin kept ahold of her hand as she saw Katie visibly flinch as they started disinfecting her arm.
Right before Katie recieved the shot, Caitlin squeezed her hand and yelled out
"Omg no no no! Katie! You won't believe this!" Caitlin said as loud and shocked as she could trying to throw some sadness in her tone as well. She knew that Katie would be concerned for her if something was wrong.
Finally getting out of her haze, Katie opened her eyes and looked toward Caitlin.
"What! What's wrong Cait?!"
Caitlin kept her face looking concerned until the shot was officially done and Katie was getting a bandaid on.
"Nothing Kates, just can't believe you just got a shot without even flinching." Caitlin said turning her face into an amused smirk.
"What?" Katie said quickly turning towards her arm, seeing the bandaid, and then the smile on the trainers face.
"You did it Katie! Proud of you!" Caitlin said as she moved Katie out of the way to get her shot over with.
"How did you? I'm so? What?" Once Katie stopped her rambling and finally figured out that Caitlin had planned this whole thing out to distract her at the perfect time so she'd be okay made her get really soft eyes towards Caitlin.
"Thank you. You'll never know how much I appreciate that."
"Anytime baby" Caitlin said giving her a quick kiss  and leading them out and back to their car to head home.

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