Injury pt 2

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Katie had to spend the night in the hospital before being able to go home the next day. Caitlin had taken the day off from practice which Katie wasn't too happy about but didn't verbalize it. The last thing she wanted was to make Caitlin miss out on training because of her own injury. 
But before her surgery Caitlin had it made it known she was going to help no matter what, so Katie was going to try and just accept the help.

Except here is where the true battle started. Katie had never been good at accepting help or keeping her feelings in. But she was determined to be a good patient. So when Caitlin put too many blankets on her she didn't complain. When she brought Katie a sandwich she didn't particularly want she ate it anyway. And when Caitlin put on a movie Katie hated even though Katie said she didn't care what they watched Katie watched it anyway. But for how hard she was trying to be the perfect patient she could feel her breaking point coming.

Towards the end of the night, Caitlin was telling Katie a story with her back turned towards her as she cleaned up the kitchen so she didn't see Katie squeeze her eyes shut in pain. Clearly the pain meds just wore off. Katie tried to calm herself down, but the pain was too much and she just exploded.
"Can you please stop talking!! I just need some quiet. You've been hovering over me since we got home."
"I'm not trying to hover. Just here to help out my Katie." Caitlin said trying to stay calm.
"Well I don't need help! I just want to be left alone. I could pick just as equally shitty movies and make a better lunch with the one working knee I have. God I just want to take my pain meds and go to bed."
Caitlin was fighting tears, but not exactly succeeding at it as a few slipped down her cheek. She walked over handed Katie her medicine without saying a word. Then turned around grabbed her keys and headed to the door.
"Im not leaving your stubborn ass alone tonight but I just need to leave for a little bit or I'll say something as mean as you did." And with that Caitlin slammed the door shut.

A few minutes later the reality of what she said hit her and she realized she was 100% entirely in the wrong and a completely ungrateful person. She let a bit of pain completely take over. Caitlin didn't deserve any of that.
Katie: please come back. Im so sorry I didn't mean what I said and I really need to apologize to you.
No response.
Katie waited another 30 minutes and still no response. At this point it was dark outside and she was worried. After another 20 minutes passed she called Caitlin and still didn't get a response.
Katie: Caitlin please I'm worried about you. At least respond to the text so I know you're okay.
Another 30 minutes,five calls, and two texts later Katie was officially freaking out. She was about to call every member on the Arsenal team to go find her. But as she was typing in one of their numbers Caitlin opened the door.
"Oh thank god! Where were you!"
Caitlin turned towards her with bloodshot eyes. "You don't get to yell at me again! You had your turn earlier. I needed to calm down. I'm back like I said I would be. Now come on let's get you up to bed."
"Caitlin we should talk. I need to apologize."
"Well. Start talking then."
"Can you come sit next to me?"
Caitlin rolled her eyes but did 
"I'm sorry. I know that doesn't cut it right now but I'm going to do whatever I need to to make it up to you. You have been nothing but perfect to me this entire process and I have been a grade A pain in the ass. I tried earlier to be well behaved and accept the help but it backfired on me. The second the pain became too much I lost it. I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry. The look on your face hurt me more than anything going on in my knee did. Feeling useless is probably one of my biggest fears and hardest things to deal with. I need to get better at expressing things like this calmly instead of with rude words. I don't expect you to forgive me right now. But I need you to know that I appreciate everything you have done for me and I'll do better showing that. I need to do better. But you also really scared me when you didn't answer me for so long. I thought something happened. You stormed out so angry and I- I- don't know I -"
Caitlin cut her off. "I drove my car one block over and parked it there. I couldn't go far in case you actually needed my help."
Katie couldn't do anything but laugh. "Even when I'm the worst I could possibly be you are still perfect. God I wouldn't have come tonight for me."
"I love you Katie. I'm always going to come back. No matter how many times we fight."
"I love you too. I'm sorry again that I haven't been acting like it."
"Stop apologizing please. I forgive you but I can't put up with this your whole recovery. If you are in pain, tell me. If I do something not how you want it done, tell me. I don't know until you tell me. If you need some space because your feeling trapped, tell me.  You need to communicate with me or this won't work."
"Understood and I will I promise. As long as we both promise that neither one of us runs out of the house after an argument again. Even if it is just around the corner."
"You have a deal McCabe"
"Alright help me to bed please this knee has worn me out today."
"You got a deal. And I think I promised you some extra kisses before bed if you are awake enough for that?"
"Suddenly I don't think I'm tired at all" Katie said with a big grin.

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