Sneaking Around Pt. 2

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Katie quickly made her way back to her hotel room cursing herself for falling asleep in Caitlin's room last night. Now Beth and Steph knew which meant they would have to tell the rest of the team immediately or Beth's big mouth would tell everyone.  Caitlin clearly thought the same thing because the first thing she did was turn to Beth and Steph to beg them to be quiet.

"Please guys keep this between us for now. We haven't told anyone yet and I want to make sure we do it all properly especially for Lia's sake." At the mention of Lia both Beth and Steph dropped their smirks and realized that it was a bit more serious than just a hookup between Caitlin and Katie and that there must be something between them for Caitlin to be pleading like this. 

"Yeah of course Cait, just you know do it sooner than later. You two won't be able to hide it much longer. Alot of us already were a little suspicious."

"Yeah we will. First practice back after our game we will."

Breakfast was awkward for Katie and Caitlin, knowing their secret was discovered, but they had a game today and they had to stay focused. They both avoided Beth and Steph as much as possible, kept their heads down, and just tried to get through the day without focusing too much on what was to come later on. Somehow they both made it through the day and ended up winning the game. They got back on the bus afterwards and sat together in the back. It was a long ride and a lot of people were sleeping when Caitlin finally spoke up quietly.

"I asked them both to keep it a secret for now. Told them we would tell the team at the next practice."

"Are you ready for that? We don't have to tell yet, we can just tell those two we aren't ready for that."

"No I think I'm ready, but I need to tell Lia first."

"Okay. I think we need to tell Jonas and Kim beforehand too. I'll set up a meeting with them and you see if Lia has some time to talk."

The next day they had the day off, so Caitlin got up and went to pick up Lia's favorite coffee and brought it over to her house. 

"Uh Caitlin? What are you doing here?" Lia asked surprised when she opened her door to find Caitlin standing there.

"Mind if I come in? It will just take a second." She said holding the coffee out as a peace offering.

"Yeah sure I guess" Lia said opening the door wider and leading her to the kitchen table.

"Listen I don't want to take up too much of your time, and you may have already heard some rumors, but Katie and I are dating. Its recent, only a few weeks. We are going to tell the team tomorrow, I just didn't want you to be surprised."

"Really one of our teammates Cait? I guess I shouldn't be surprised you two were always so close."

Caitlin looked a little sheepish at Lia's initial snide remark, but Lia being Lia didn't like leaving something on a sour note.

"Nothing happened between you two while we were together right?"

"Oh no no, not at all I promise you that."

"I appreciate you telling me early. I do. Can't promise you I'm going to be best friends with you or Katie anytime soon though."

" I understand and we will really try not to do anything to make you uncomfortable. Thank you for hearing me out. I'll see you tomorrow."

The next day Katie and Caitlin went in early for their meeting with Jonas and Kim to inform them of their new relationship. Jonas was more or less okay with it, just making sure both girls were committed to keep their job first and keep everything professional.  Although he did make one comment about having had this similar talk with Caitlin and someone else on this team before and that he's hoping this isn't becoming a habit. That made Katie's blood boil, but a subtle touch from Caitlin instantly calmed her down.  

Kim was happy to hear that Lia was already aware and agreed that as long as there weren't any inappropriate activities happened then she had no problem and was happy for them. 

But now the big test came. Telling the rest of the team. 

Kim requested everyone stay behind a few minutes after their film session finished up for a team discussion. Katie and Caitlin then stood up a little awkwardly and walked to the front of the room.

"Uh yeah we will make this quick," Katie said, "so Caitlin and I are dating. Its recent, but we are very happy together and just wanted to let you all know."

"Yeah we ask that if at all possible you guys just keep this on the down low. We are still going to keep this from the public for a while. We would really appreciate that." Caitlin added

There were alot of reactions they expected, but everyone being dead silent was not what they thought would happen. Obviously Beth, Steph, Lia, and Kim knew so they didn't expect anything from them, but there were still 20 other girls just staring at them.  Teyah and Vic must have felt the tension as they let out small cheers and smiles indicating they were happy with the announcement, but then that was when all hell broke loose, mainly from Leah and Jen, defending Lia's position. 

As they let out their strong opinions of how it will ruin the team dynamic, it was too soon after Katie's relationship, Lia doesn't deserve to have to watch them together, and so much more. Caitlin wanted the ground to swallow her and Katie wanted to fight back and defend Caitlin but before she could It was Viv of all people who spoke up. 

"Guys! Chill! They are grown women who made a decision. They didn't do anything wrong when they made the choice to be together as they were both single. Yeah maybe it will take a little bit of adjustment and getting used to, but they are happy so clearly happy, so why are we trying to ruin that for them. Both Beth and I dated other people on this team before each other, maybe its a little different as those two aren't playing for Arsenal anymore, but still you were all happy for us. They are our teammates we need to support them."

If Katie wasn't dating Caitlin she would have kissed Viv on the lips for defending her like that, but instead she just walked over and gave her a hug before returning to stand next to Cait.  Most of the other girls realized their wrong and quickly switched mentalities.  Leah and Jen didn't apologize, but they also didn't continue their complaints. 

The first few weeks after they announced it there was definitely some tensions, but over time as the team realized that nothing had really changed, they started to come around and act normal. Katie and Caitlin had always been close, they hadn't changed. The only thing different was the title "girlfriend" between the two and the fact that Caitlin was a little whipped and always would get Katie a plate of food at lunch. 

Lia didn't go out of her way to talk to them, but also didn't actively avoid them. And watching Lia be able to handle it was maturity was enough to persuade Leah and others who hadn't been the nicest to start treating them like normal teammates again. 

No things would never be the same as they once were, but it was football. Every year there were new people on the team and people leaving. Dynamics change. But things were going smoothly and no matter what happened Katie and Caitlin were happy to do it together.

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