Flirty McCabe

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Warning mentions of mature content

Caitlin had been waiting around all night to get the text from Katie that was ready to be picked up. She had gone out with some Irish teammates and friends from back home that were in town this week. Caitlin wasn't exactly sure what to expect, but based off of Katie's private snap story she was thoroughly intoxicated.
Finally at 2 am Caitlin got the message that Katie was ready to be picked up. Well that was what she had pieced together from the text she received.
"CaIT! rady for pick from bar"
"I'm drank ;)"
"Want my pretty grl"
Caitlin laughed as she ready Katie's poor English. But she was ready for pickup from the bar and she's drunk. No shocker there. Luckily her friends had went out to some local bars and not all the way in London, so it was only a 10 minute drive. She spotted Katie immediately swaying back and forth as one of her friends from Dublin was holding her up right. Pulling right in front of Katie, Caitlin jumped out of the car and made her way to her drunk girlfriend.
"MY CAITLIN IS HERE!" Katie screamed loud enough for everyone to hear as she got out of her friends grip to run into Caitlin's arms. As Katie gave her a hug, Caitlin was talking over her shoulder to the friend thanking her for staying with Katie and asking if she needed a ride as well, but she was staying just across the street so was good to go. As Caitlin was finishing up the conversation, still holding Katie's body weight against her in her arms, she felt Katie's hands slide down her back until the grabbed her ass. 
"Oi! What do you think you're doing cheeky girl?"
Katie looked at her with the biggest grin, "hoping to be doing you in a few minutes."

"I think that's my queue to leave! Bye Katie fun night yeah?!" Her friend called out.
"Yeah very fun! About to get a lot more fun for me if you know what I mean." She said with a wink in her friends direction.
"Alright let's get ms. Drunky in the car" Caitlin basically dragged her body into the car and leaned over to buckle her seatbelt. The positioning put Caitlin's chest close to Katie's face to which Katie did the only thing her brain could sort out in its hazed state and pushed her body forward so that her face was now between Caitlin's two boobs and wrapped her arms around Caitlin to keep her close.

"Katie! You got to let me go baby"
"Mhmm don't want. Like it here." She replied as Caitlin could feel her smiling even with her shirt separating the skin on skin contact. Luckily for Caitlin, Katie was too drunk to have proper motor skills so it was easy to get out of her grip and eventually made it over to the driver side seat. Caitlin handed Katie a bottle of water she brought along for her. Katie took a few sips, but then the water bottle was put down and Katie's hand was on Caitlin's thigh sliding closer and closer to her shorts.
"Darlin I'm driving!"
"Oh come on we've done this before" Katie slurred out.
"Whats gotten into you tonight?" Caitlin laughed as she put Katie's hand back in her own lap.
"Nothinggg just miss you want to do dirty things to you. Been thinking about it all night"
Caitlin had to take a breath before answering because if Katie had been sober there would be nothing holding Caitlin back after those words came out of Katie's mouth. But that wasn't the case, Katie was hammered and Caitlin was stone cold sober so nothing was happening tonight.
"Baby no you've been drinking all night. Let's go to bed and you can do terrible dirty things to me tomorrow morning."
"How about we go all night into morning?" Katie said in a voice that made Caitlin grip the steering wheel tighter.
"Katie no straight to bed okay! I don't want to do this if you are drunk and I'm not okay?"
Katie grabbed the water bottle and chugged it. "If a sober girl is what you want that's what you got" Caitlin may have believed her for a second if Katie didn't hiccup immediately after that statement. Instead Caitlin just laughed at her as she pulled up their house. She unclicked Katie's seatbelt who immediately leaned over and whispered into Caitlin's ear "I'll even do the tongue thing you love so much as I'm going down on you." Katie stayed a few seconds near Caitlin's ear so Cait could feel her hot breath and her tongue trailing down the side of her neck.
Caitlin had to immediately jump out of the car because she couldn't trust herself not to take Katie in the back of the car after that move.
Instead she made her way to Katie's side of the car and gave her her hand to help her out. Still a little wobbly, Katie leaned into Caitlin's side as they walked up to their front door. Once inside the house, Katie pouted, "can I at least have a kiss? I missed you tonight."
"Of course baby" Caitlin said as she leaned down to give her a quick peck on the lips, but Katie immediately deepened it and backed Caitlin into the wall. Caitlin realized that the easiest way to get Katie to bed was to play into her little game at this point, so she leaned down and picked Katie up wrapping her legs around her waist and carried her to their bedroom. Slowly she set her down and stepped back.
"Okay hands up" Caitlin said indicating she was going to help Katie take her top off
"Finally! Thought my pretty girl was never going to cave."
Caitlin laughed at her, but as soon as her shirt was removed Caitlin threw her pajama top at her that she had laid out in preparation for the night. Then she pushed Katie over on the bed and took her jeans off. A move usually done to lead to an activity that Katie really craved right now, but this time she had a pair of her own Australia shorts ready to put on Katie. She may have secretly dressed her in all Aussie gear because she loved her in her clothes, but Katie was too drunk to notice.
Katie pouted again. "Hey not fair!"
But Caitlin could see the alcohol and tiredness hitting her as her eyes started to droop.
"Hmm maybe if you brush your teeth with me I'll give you a surprise" Caitlin said with a wink. She helped her girl to the bathroom who got a small burst of energy after that. Caitlin held her waist as Katie brushed her teeth, eyes threatening to close the whole time. Caitlin then quickly got a makeup remover whip out and cleaned off her face and then walked her back to bed.
"I'll be right back baby" she said as Katie moaned at the lost contact.
Caitlin quickly cleaned up the bathroom and made her way back to Katie. She had to laugh one more time as Katie was already completely passed out. And already half way on Caitlin's side of the bed. "All talk then McCabe?" Caitlin whispered in the air as she crawled in bed. Giving Katie a quick kiss on the forehead before flipping her around so she could be big spoon tonight.  

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