Talk too Much

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Katie and Caitlin had been hooking up for a few weeks now. It started after a very drunken night when the small touches and lingering glances couldn't be kept in check anymore. But a drunken night led to multiple sleepovers, some early morning surprises, and maybe a locker room rendezvous... or two.  But now that it was clear they were now not just best friends but friends with benefits Katie was unsure if the line stopped there or if they would keep going to maybe something more? Katie thought she could keep this friends with benefits thing going. She didn't want to ruin their relationship by pushing anything and the benefits.. well they were the best she ever had and she was reminded every time her legs wobbled afterward.

But now Katie found herself daydreaming and now about the recent hookup, but what it would be like to hold Caitlin's hand in the streets of London. Or how it would feel to have caitlin hug her from behind as they watched a sunset somewhere. Maybe on a beach. Caitlin loved beaches.
Katie quickly shook from her daydream as she heard her sister Ella return home and slammed the front door shut. Katie internally cursed herself for being so sappy five seconds ago. What was happening to her?? She was Katie McCabe for gods sake.
But as she got up to prepare dinner for her and her sister she couldn't shake the feeling that having Caitlin here to help her chop vegetables would make her night.

The next day at practice they had an early session. As usually Katie was greeted with Caitlin's bright smile in the locker room and all felt right in the world again. Practice was long and tiring but Katie felt good after it. She had played well too, so well in fact that Jonas pulled her aside to confirm she would be starting at the next game and talked a little strategy.
Because of the talk with Jonas, Katie was a little late to the locker room. As she turned the corner she heard a familiar Aussies voice shout, "sorry girls gotta go got a hot date!"
Katies heart dropped and quickly turned the opposite direction so Caitlin didn't see her as she walked out. Instead of heading directly to the lockers like usual she headed for the showers so the sound of the water would drown out the sounds of her tears that she absolutely could not control at the moment. Caitlin was going on a date. She meant nothing to Caitlin. Just a fling to move on from Lia apparently.
But had katie arrived at the locker room 5 minutes prior she would have heard the plans Steph and Caitlin made to go grab lunch. She would have heard Steph yelling at her to catch up. She would have heard the other girls teasing Caitlin for trying her hardest to hurry up and asking her to go to lunch too in a mimicking way. But no all she heard was Caitlin's response back to the teasing that she couldn't go with them because she had "a hot date" aka Steph.

Instead Katie waited for everyone to leave. Grabbed her bag, headed home, and hid under the covers the rest of the day. That was until she heard a knock on her door around 6. She had no idea who it would be so thought they would leave, but she heard a knock again she had to get up despite not wanting to move for the rest of the day.
To her surprise the person standing on the other side was Caitlin. With two bags of popcorn in hand. Clearly none the wiser to Katie's mood either as she smiled and invited herself in pushing past Katie and flopping on the couch.
"What are we watching tonight and what are you cooking im starved?" She said ripping open the first bag of popcorn.
But Katie ignored the question to ask her one of her own.
"What are you doing here?" She asked in a tone.
"What do you mean? It's Wednesday at 6." In her mood today after Caitlin broke her heart she totally forgot that Caitlin and her had watched a movie every week on Wednesday and Katie would cook dinner for them if Caitlin brought snacks.
Left speechless, Katie tried to recover, " I didn't think we were doing that tonight since you had a hot date today" Katie responded getting angrier.
"A hot date? Uh no that def wasn't me" Caitlin said laughing at the absurdity, "haven't been on a date in a while chick. What's gotten into you today?"
"Caitlin don't lie to me! I heard you say it in the locker room. I know we didn't talk about it but I'm not going to hook up with you if you are fucking other girls. Or going on hot dates!"

Finally it clicked what Katie was getting at. "Kates It was a joke. I went to lunch with Steph. The girls were giving me a hard time and I was joking back calling Steph my hot date.  I haven't been on a date."
Immediately Katie's cheeks flushed with embarrassment at the conclusion she jumped to.
"Uh oh sorry guess I heard wrong didn't mean to jump at you with that." She said sheepishly as she made her way to sit on the opposite end of the couch.
"That's okay. Wanna tell me why me going on a date bothered you so bad?" Caitlin said with a knowing grin.

"Well no it didn't. I mean it did but like just because I didn't know why you didn't tell me and we are kinda friends with benefits I guess you could call it? Unless you want to call it something else? I'm not sure I've been thinking we could try to take it a step further you know? See where that goes, but I get it if you don't want to. We can just keep doing this. I'm cool with this. I'd be cool with something more too whatever you want. I-"
"KATIE!" Caitlin yelled at her trying to suppress her laugh as the normally overly confident Katie McCabe sounded like an 11 year old talking to their crush for the first time.
"Has anyone ever told you that you talk too much?" Caitlin said as she slid close to Katie and pulled her by the neck into a kiss.
"Katie McCabe will you go on a hot date with me?"
The flush in Katie's cheeks reappeared as she quickly shook her head and leaned back in to kiss Caitlin again.
"I'd like to take it further too if that wasn't clear." Caitlin confirmed
"Good because you've been the only thing on my mind recently." Katie said back FINALLY getting her confidence back.
"Oh yeah why don't you show me what you've been thinking about" Caitlin said with a wink as she started pulling Katie on top of her, but Katie quickly stood up grabbed Caitlin's hands dragging her to the kitchen. She handed her a cutting board, knife, and some veggies with a huge grin on her face.
"You've been thinking about domesticating me?"
Katie blushed slightly and grabbed more ingredients to cook with only nodding in agreement. But Caitlin didn't make fun of her. Instead kissed her cheek, put on their shared playlist, and started cutting up the food.

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