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The last few weeks have been tough mentally for Katie. Her and Ruesha had been having some relationship problems recently and the thought of breaking up had crossed her mind, but it wasn't just that easy to break up with someone you've been dating for 7 years. To make matters worse for her on a night out with some girls from Arsenal Katie found herself getting jealous and she was jealous over a girl that wasn't her girlfriend.
Katie didn't realize that the annoyed look she had while watching Caitlin dance with a random girl was that noticeable until Jordan came and sat down next to her.
"You seem a little irritated?"
"Nah nah I'm fine."
"Tell that to the daggers you are sending to Caitlin's head."
Katie gave Jordan a stare like how did you know
"Listen Katie I know this isn't my place at all but you and Caitlin are my best friends and I don't want either one of you to be hurt. You're with Ruesha and that's great but the looks you give Caitlin say a different thing. Caitlin is going to kill me if she finds out I've said this but she likes you. She's never going to admit that while you're in a relationship or give any sign of it but there's a reason she's dancing with that girl over there she's trying to get over Lia and the feelings she has for you. So make up your mind break up with Ruesha and be with Cait or stay with Ruesha and stop giving Caitlin hope by getting jealous everytime she's with a different girl."
That was a lot of Katie to process. "Thank you jords I needed someone to tell me that. I think I gotta go home and process this."
And with that she headed home to Ruesha waiting for her. Katie ignored her and went right to bed needing time alone to process. After spending all night thinking what she really wanted. And her decision was Caitlin.
She waited another week before breaking up with Ruesha which led to a pretty ugly argument. An argument that led Ruesha to throw out all types of accusations about her cheating which weren't true but Ruesha had never liked Caitlin because she had a feeling they were closer than Katie wanted to admit. Either way Ruesha and Katie were over.
And now fast forward two months, Katie had admitted her feelings for Cait and they had quickly gotten together but wanted to keep their relationship private. They had done a decent job until Rueshas podcast with her sister dropped.
Katie and Caitlin woke up to an abnormal amount of posts they were tagged in. Katie clicked on one on tiktok and saw a clip of her ex answering a question about what her favorite part of 2023 had been. Her answer?
"Getting dumped. You know at the same time I was dumped, homeless, and didn't have a job. That was really cool and then to find out that my ex was with her teammate just weeks after? Yeah suspicious if you ask me." (AN: I know that's not what she actually said but it's for the story)

The clip had gone viral and Katie and Caitlin were being called out. Katie receiving hate for cheating on her girlfriend. Caitlin receiving it even worse for breaking up a couple that many had loved together.
"Unbelievable." Katie whispered as she was staring in disbelief as her phone was blowing up.
Tears started to form in her eyes. Caitlin took the phone out of her hand and pulled her close to give her a hug and try to comfort her.
"We got to let this blow over. Don't fight her and let people believe what they want. We didn't do anything wrong and as long as us and our closest friends and family know that that's all that matters." Caitlin whispered to her. She had to be strong for Katie but it was affecting her just as much. It was tough to get all of this hate. Katie just silently nodded along.

Katie had hoped to eventually have a normal relationship with her ex but it seemed as time went on the relationship between the two had gotten worse with Ruesha constantly taking little digs at her on the podcast. It had gotten to the point were some fans had gotten over it and were defending Katie and Caitlin. And some were still sending hate to the fans.

It sure had made for some awkward times during Ireland team camp but Katie tried to avoid Ruesha as much as possible and vis versa.
One night Ruesha and Katie had found themselves the last two in the locker room and the tension was high.
"Listen rue I'm not trying to fight. I know you aren't my biggest fan but I didn't cheat. We had a great couple of years but it wasn't meant to be forever. I want you to be happy and I wish you could just be happy for me. I get that might never happen but all I ask is you stop saying things about Caitlin on your podcast. If you must you can keep talking about me whatever but just let the other comments slide."
Ruesha for once didn't have a sassy comeback in store and knowing Katie as well as she did could tell she was being sincere. She didn't want to fight either but couldn't think of anything to say that wouldn't result in her screaming at Katie so she nodded back. Katie assuming that was as good as it would get left the locker room. To her surprise the podcast hate from Ruesha has slowed down significantly. This was just going to have to be her new normal. She didn't love it but this is how her cards were dealt.

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