Finding Out

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I've been getting a lot of requests for a Ruesha POV so I hope you guys like this one!

The breakup came as a shock for Ruesha. She knew that her a Katie weren't exactly on the same page recently, but they had had moments like this in their relationship before and worked through them. So when Katie came home from practice one day and told her she wasn't wanting to stay together anymore, that the effort to stay in this relationship was too much and she was being drained emotionally from it Ruesha felt like she'd been punched right in the face. Katie had asked to stay friendly especially with how long they'd been together she didn't want to just cut off all communication. But Ruesha was pissed. The fact she didn't even get a chance to fight for it. That Katie had made her mind up for good without a proper conversation beforehand left Ruesha with a terrible attitude and absolutely did not want to stay in contact with Katie.
Using her sister as a middle man, she had Shebahn text Katie to collect all of her things as Ruesha moved in with her sister. For the next month or so there wasn't any communication between the two recent exes. Neither had unfollowed each other on social media yet so Ruesha still saw her posts but stopped liking and commenting on her pictures. Up until now the only pictures had been of Katie playing soccer but that didn't mean that as pissed off Ruesha turned into sad Ruesha that she didn't cry over every picture of Katie's she saw.
After a few more weeks passed and Ruesha was laying in her bed scrolling aimlessly when a photo dump posted by Katie appeared on her feed. The shock of seeing something that wasn't soccer related made her sit up so fast she almost got whiplash. It wasn't the fact that Katie was enjoying a nice vacation that got her. It was who she was with that made her blood boil. Caitlin. Foord. Looking very cozy next to Katie. She stared at the pictures longer than she'd like to admit, zooming in on every detail to look at hand placement and body posture. God she was going to drive herself insane. It was at that moment she finally made a mature decision for herself. She blocked Katie and Caitlin and everyone else on that trip. She didn't want to see anything with the World Cup coming up. This was her career and life goal she had to focus.
Well that at least worked for a little while. But the woso community is small so as stories from the girls that were on the trip spread around their club teams and then to national teams as teams were gathering for the World Cup Ruesha began to hear more about this "suspected" relationship. She did her best to keep it under control. Even seeing Katie for the first time in months on the first day of camp didn't set her off. But the awkwardness between the two was extreme. Both girls did their best to keep civil and it had gotten slightly better over the next few practices... but then they flew to Australia.
In the airport Ruesha overheard Denise talking to Katie about being excited to see a certain arsenal teammate of hers. Ruesha walked away quickly telling herself it was a joke. That Denise saw the pictures and was just giving Katie a hard time. Focus on the World Cup!!!
Ruesha again kept it together until the last straw broke two days before their game against Australia.
It was late and she should be asleep but just couldn't fall asleep with everything going through her brain. Her plan was just to walk to the hotel pool and stare up at the stars for a bet. Fresh air to clear her head and hopefully tire her out enough to go to bed. But when she opened the door ti her room to lead down the hallway she saw something that ruined all progress she has made in trying to control her feelings.
As she looked down the hallway she saw two very familiar people. As she stepped into the hallway she saw Katie rip open her door and jump onto Caitlin giving her a huge hug and then attaching her lips to Caitlin's as Caitlin carried her back into the room. They were so locked in their moment they didn't even notice Ruesha standing outside her room about 8 doors down from them.
And that's when her emotions snapped. Anger, sadness, rage, pity. She couldn't even name everything she was feeling but she felt it all. Needless to say she didn't get much sleep that night. At least not until she cried herself to sleep that night.
The next day Ruesha managed to avoid Katie completely as they only had a team meeting and she could sit away from her. But the following day was the game. She tried to lock in and focus but the second she saw Caitlin all she saw was red. She had already decided the second she saw them kissing there wasn't a chance in hell she was shaking Caitlin's hand or going to play fairly on her at all.
When the final whistle blew and she was hit with the emotions of losing their first game on top of her breakup she had one goal in mind. Take it out on Caitlin Foord. Quickly finding her she made her way over, prepared to throw a few fists honestly. Screw it maybe more than a few but unfortunately for her Denise broke them up and pulled Ruesha away, but not before she was able to share a piece of her mind with Caitlin and calling her a few choice words for how she felt about her.
Making her way back in the locker room she saw Katie give her a glare after hearing about what happened.
"Oh don't you dare look at me like that!"
She yelled, their first real conversation since the breakup.
"What are you on about?! You were going to fight her!"
"Were you going to tell me you are seeing that bitch or did you plan on me seeing you to snog in the hallway."
Katie's face went from anger to shock and back to anger in a second.
"First of all don't you dare call her that. I'm sorry you found out that way but we broke up!! I don't have to tell you who I'm seeing. You need to move on."
"Move on? Katie we were together 7 years. You expect me to move on in 3 seconds? I don't know how you did it. Did I mean nothing to you? Or is foord just a rebound and a good lay?"
Ruesha knew this would get Katie pissed off and definitely said it with that intent in mind.
Katie stood up from her seat quickly and looked like she wanted to fight now. But with their whole team silently observing the fight they were quick to step in when they saw this only going one and that was no where good.
The girls were separated and remained out of each others way the rest of the World Cup. With evil glared here and there but nothing more.
Both girls were surprised that another fight didn't occur but maybe they were allowing their professional side to take over.
As the World Cup ended and Ruesha returned home reality hit her. She was living with her sister. Single. And was in between clubs. And at the same time the Ruesha, Katie, Caitlin drama had gone public and everyone was freaking out over the three of them.  So doing what does best she used her humor to deflect. Over the next couple of months, she Used her two podcasts to send little digs towards Caitlin and Katie. Some fans loved it some thought she was incredibly immature. Either way she knew it pissed Katie off and she enjoyed the attention so it worked for her. But no matter how many jokes she spread there was one thing she would never be okay accepting and that was how happy Katie looked in all the stupid edits of her she saw of her no matter how many times she clicked the 'not interested' button.
She needed to find someone. People had tried to set up dates for her but she didn't go. No one was Katie. No one was ever going to be Katie.

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