Irish Fan

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Caitlin flew over to Dublin a few days after Katie reported for camp. She was a little nervous to be meeting up with Katie's family without her, but she didn't have an international camp to report to and had no excuse not to go watch her girlfriend play, plus she really did want to watch Katie captain the Irish side. She knew Katie would probably consider this the biggest achievement in her life and she wanted to be there to support her.  

Showing up at the airport Caitlin found Katie's ma and one of her sisters waiting to pick her up and take her right to the game. Before flying over this morning she grabbed a green shirt from Katie's closet thinking it would have to do for now. But Ella chucked one of Katie's jerseys at her in the car. "Katie was adamant you wear this"

"Of course she was" Caitlin tried to joke but couldn't even hide the fact that she loved that Katie had thought about this and she would love to wear Katie's jersey.  

Slipping the jersey on before getting out of the car she made her way over with Ella to meet up with the rest of the family and they had a box reserved in the stadium which Caitlin actually liked as it gave her a chance to actually talk to other people in Katie's family.  As she walked around and introduced herself to others she made sure to pay attention to the clock because she didn't want to miss walk-outs and see Katie lead her team out.

Noticing it was getting close to time she excused herself from the conversation she was in and made her way down into a section of seats and recorded the teams walking out, obviously zooming in on Katie.  Its not very often she got to play the WAG role, and this was the first with Katie so she was going to take her job seriously and get alot of pictures and videos.  She didn't realize she wasn't hiding the smile on her face as Katie's Da took a seat next to her.

"Mind if I sit here? Half the people back there don't understand good football no matter if they've seen 1000 games or not." He said half jokingly

"Of course, no problem!" Caitlin said scooting down a seat so he could sit next to her.

"Ya know I've seen her lead that team out a million times and can't whip the smile off of my face either."

Caitlin turned a little red, "yeah well I'm used to walking out with her at Arsenal its different watching from the stands. She just looks so happy. Even if she's got that tough look on her face." Caitlin joked

"That's always been my little girl tough on the outside, but wears her emotions on her sleeve if you pay attention. I know you guys are just starting out, but a dad knows. Take care of my girl, will ya?"

"Always" Caitlin responded right as the whistle started the game. Both of them quickly turning their attention to the game and zoning out everything else.  Throughout the match they both contributed their thoughts on how strategy should change and what they thought was working well. Until Katie came charging in to pick up a lose ball about 25 yards out.  Caitlin knew what was going to happen before Katie even did it and stood up quickly. Katie then fired the ball towards the net and it went into the back of the net.

Throwing her hands in the air, Caitlin cheered loudly for the goal and gave Katie's dad a highfive.  The game ended 1-0 shortly after with Caitlin unable to stop smiling from Katie's banger of a goal.  

Katie knew her family and Caitlin were waiting for her in the box so she quickly finished up her media and took a quick shower. She texted Caitlin before heading up, 

Are you okay? I'm on my way

I'm more than okay! I love your family.  oh. Also, banger of a goal by the way babe. I know that was for me :)

Is someone forcing you to say that you're okay and love us? We are big and loud and disfucntional.
Also, thank you. It was definitely for you.

No I am actually having a great time!! But hurry up I miss you too

Katie soon came in and was greeted by a lot of nieces and nephews running at her, making sure to give and hug and kiss to each one before seeing Caitlin watching her smiling.  Katie made her way over giving Caitlin a quick kiss, she was in front of her family or she would have done a lot more seeing Caitlin in her jersey like that. After a little more talking and catching up with her family her dad came over to her and patted Caitlin on the back.

"Katie I like sitting next to this one in games, make her come back yeah?"

Katie knew her dad never sat next to anyone, but for him to honestly have enjoyed being near Caitlin was him showing he approved of her and that meant more than anything to Katie.  Her ma approved in 5 seconds after meeting Caitlin especially hearing all that Katie had to say about her, but it was much harder to get his approval and she just did it.  

"Yeah yeah I'll do my best think she might be my good luck charm after that goal today."

"Oh I'll be back for sure, but it'll be to hang out with him not be your good luck charm." Caitlin said cheekily back making both of them laugh at her.

Katie had to go back to the team for a few more post match responsibilities, but slipped Caitlin her hotel key card and whispered her the room number.  

"817, go through the back entrance there won't be any media there. Ella already said she would drop you off. Oh and wait for just in my jersey, nothing else." Katie said with a wink as she walked out leaving Caitlin standing their with a hotel key and her mouth open.  

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