Irish Fan Part 2

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WARNING MATURE CONTENT**************************

Oh and wait for me just in my jersey...nothing else

Katie's last words before she walked off played in Caitlin's mind as she was being driven to Katie's hotel room with the spare room key in hand. She barely was listening as Ella drove her around, but quickly thanked for her the ride as soon as she got to the hotel and prayed she hadn't been too awkward, but she had one thing on her mind right now and listening to Katie's little sister wasn't exactly the thing occupying her thoughts. 

She made her way up to room 817 and quickly took in her surroundings. She knew Katie wouldn't be that far behind her, but still had some media obligations to attend so she would have a couple minutes to herself.  Caitlin had done a lot in her time with a variety of woman, but as she was left standing in the middle of the room she realized that this was one situation she had never been in.  She slowly started to undress, leaving just the jersey on, as requested.  She folded the rest of her clothes and put them on the end of the bed.   no no that looks so awkward!   Caitlin was quick to realize she wasn't used to initiating this activity without either already being naked or having her clothes ripped off of her so what was she supposed to do with her other clothes and why the hell is she overthinking this to nth degree.  She opted for throwing her clothes on top of Katie's luggage as now she realized she had to figure out how to pose when Katie arrived.  

She couldn't just stand in front of the door without pants on and wave when she opened.  She tried laying across the bed like they do when posing in movies, but that felt incredibly uncomfortable.  After moving around for about 5 more minutes she recieved a text from Katie saying she was on her way up and would be there in less than a minute.  Having no time left, she chucked her phone across the room and leaned against the bed with her arms holding her up and crossing her legs in front of her.  

She heard the door click up and Katie quickly come in.  At that moment Caitlin realized she was an idiot for ever being nervous and overthinking because the look of awe, love and lust, written all over Katie's face proved it didn't matter how she presented herself.

Katie dropped her bag and made her way over to give Caitlin a deep kiss. 

"mhmmm you look so good in that"

"bit of a turn on is it now?" Caitlin joked with her feeling 100% herself again

"you could say that" Katie said pushing Caitlin backwards and then straddling her.  Katie was very eager as she grabbed Caitlin's hands and moved them above her head while moving her own lips to Caitlin's neck. After attention was given to both sides of her neck she reached under the jersey to squeeze both of her breasts. Normally her shirt would have been long forgotten, but clearly not today. 

After Caitlin's hips started jerking up more and more Katie eventually gave in and reached her hand in between Caitlin's legs and slid her fingers through her folds as Caitlin's breathing became heavy.

"Come on Katie" Caitlin whined 

Katie didn't waste anymore time as she entered her girl with two fingers, slowly at first and then deeper and faster.  After a rhythm had been established and Caitlin was getting close Katie started curling her fingers hitting her G spot with perfection and resulting in Caitlin's head slamming back against the bed and moans escaping loudly as she came all over Katie's hand.  

As Caitlin was catching her breath, Katie started to undress herself down to nothing.  Caitlin had assumed she wanted the act to be reciprocated and reached up to happily oblige, but Katie quickly pushed her away and headed to her suitcase to grab something.

"What are you doing?" Caitlin asked confused, but as soon as she saw what Katie had grabbed she caught on quickly

"You brought that with you?!"

"I had this night planned for a while Cait" Katie responded with a smirk as she attached the harness and strap to her hips. "I want you to ride me with my jersey on please. I want to look at you."

"Hm I think I can help you out with that fantasy darlin but I need a proper kiss first." Caitlin said as she grabbed Katie and pushed her down on the bed to crawl over her and go in for a messy kiss.  The kiss was very distracting for Katie, so she didn't even notice as Caitlin slid down onto the strap until Caitlin had leaned back and placed both her hands on Katie's boobs for support and to give Katie some much needed attention in her mind.  Katie's hands slipped to Caitlin's hips as she helped guide Cait into a rhythm moving up and down over her. Katie was embarrassed at how wet she was from witnessing this and momentarily was hypnotized watching Caitlin until had quickly leaned down for a quick kiss, which Katie had come to realize Caitlin did when she saw Katie's eyes haze over.  After a little while later she noticed Caitlin beginning to tire, but also was getting close, so she moved her thumb to Caitlin's swollen clit and applied pressure while rubbing circles. It didn't take long after for Caitlin to fall forward, out of breath, on top of Katie. 

"That is officially the hottest sex I have ever had" Katie said as she rubbed Caitlin's back to calm her down.

"God such a big ego your own jersey is the biggest turn on. We have had a lot of hot sex without your ego in the way." Caitlin joked 

"It wasn't my ego, it was seeing you with my name on your back that turned me on enough to soak this bed with just you riding me."

"hmm well I think I can think of another way you can soak this bed too" Caitlin said rolling off of her and sinking off the bed, pulling Katie's legs with her and throwing them over her shoulder. 

best. night. ever.  Katie thought to herself as she watched Caitlin between her legs.

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