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Warning** mature content**

Caitlin woke up in a bad mood. She didn't really know why but she was just grumpy all day and wanted to just hide in her room. The girls had an off day and Caitlin knew her and Katie were supposed to meet some of the girls out for lunch but she just had no motivation to go. Plus she knew if she did she would just be bad company.

Katie was confused when Caitlin told her she wasn't going.
"Did I do something?"
"No not at all I just don't want to go"
"What's wrong Cait? I can stay here?"
"No please just go to lunch. Nothing is wrong I'm just in a mood and want to hide out here." Caitlin snapped back
"Uh okay I guess" Katie responded. She'd never seen Caitlin like this. She was half convinced she'd actually done something wrong. They had only ever wanted to spend every second together so this was new to her.

Needless to say Katie was wrapped in her own thoughts at lunch and didn't have too much fun. Partly because she was distracted thinking about what she did and partly because she missed Caitlin. She didn't like being apart from her even for a few hours.

Caitlin ended up scrolling on her phone and then trying to find something on Netflix. Anything to distract her to get her out of her mood. But the only thing her brain kept going to was the sight of Katie's face when Caitlin told her to go to lunch without her because she wanted alone time.
She knew she could have dealt with that better. Like a lot better. But she needed to get out of her own head before she could apologize to Katie. She thought the best course of action was to take a nap first, maybe some sleep would help her out.

Katie returned home to find Caitlin asleep and didn't want to wake her, so quietly changed into some running clothes and slipped out of the house. A run would help her clear her head and relieve some stress. After grabbing her headphones, she took off on a run through a near by park. It was a beautiful day outside, so it did in fact help her calm down a little bit.

Caitlin woke up from her nap and noticed the sun pouring through her window. She did feel a little better after her nap and decided to go outside and set up the mini pool and get some sun bathing in. That was something that would remind her of home and home always cheered her up. She could use any help she could get to recover from the mysterious mood she woke up in.

Katie returned home and it was still quiet, so she assumed Caitlin was still napping. She grabbed a yoga mat and made her way outside to do her ab workout. To her surprise, there was Caitlin. Feet dipped in the mini pool and leaning back on her lawn chair in her skimpy little bikini.
"Uh oh thought you were still sleeping. I can do my workout inside." Katie said suddenly feeling awkward
"There's plenty of room out here Katie. It's okay" Caitlin said feeling guilty Katie was acting weird around her, but being too stubborn to just come out and apologize.

Katie laid out her yoga mat and started on her ab workout. As she rotated around she caught Caitlin's eyes on her and noticed they quickly moved away before Katie caught her. This happened a few more times before she noticed Caitlin's cheeks getting a little red. And it wasn't from the sun.
Katie knew Caitlin was being weird earlier, but all she wanted to do now was tease her more and make her crack.  Make Caitlin come back to her and stop with this whole needing space thing.
So Katie removed her top leaving her just in a sports bra as she continued her workout. She knew Caitlin loved her abs. Practically drooled over them every time she looked at them and slid her hand over them.
Katie also knew how to angle her body while doing crunches to give Caitlin the perfect view of them.
Caitlin on the other hand realized her brain was hazy. That she hasn't even tried to hide her staring for the last few minutes. But she didn't want to break that easy so she joined in on this little game that Katie started to play. Getting out of the pool, she laid out a towel, and rolled over on her stomach so that her ass was on full display. She waited until Katie turned her again to pull the bottoms up a bit more. Showing off as much skin as possible.
Caitlin could see Katie gulp and try to focus back on her workout. She also noticed that she must have gone running before because her body was sweaty. And as Katie tilted her head back to get some water she watched how the sweat travelled from her forehead to her neck and down in between the valley between her breasts.

Caitlin right there and then realized that being stubborn was getting no where. She had her hot girlfriend in front of her and the only thing holding her back was herself. It was then she wished for two things. 1. That Katie wasn't mad at her and just was trying to give her space earlier. And 2 that none of their neighbors were outside because if they saw or heard anything that was about to happen that would be very bad.
But Caitlin couldn't wait any longer. She quickly got up when Katie turned her head away from her for a second. And before Katie saw it coming, Caitlin was straddling her lap on the yoga mat.
"I'm sorry for earlier, didn't handle that well" Caitlin whispered.
"It's okay baby, we can talk about later yeah?"
Katie said as her pupils dilated and her hands found Caitlin's ass.
After a quick nod of agreement, Caitlin pushed Katie back and attacked her neck with kisses. Katie's hands slipped up Caitlin's back to her bikini string and untied it letting the top fall off and giving Katie a great view.
Caitlin returned to being in control when she slid her hand down Katie's front and into her shorts, not wasting any time to get to the point as she quickly realized that Katie was already very ready for her. Katie's back arched into Caitlin's hand and her eyes clenched shut as Caitlin leaned back down to capture her lips. It was soon after that Katie was moaning into Caitlin's mouth as she came on her fingers. 
Caitlin gave her a cocky grin, but Katie wasn't one to be outdone. She flipped them quickly and ripped off Caitlin's bikini bottoms and slid down between her legs. Katie grabbed one of Caitlin's hands in her own as the other went to her stomach to hold her in place as she used her tongue to do magical things. Caitlin on the other hand had to use her spare hand to get the screams to a minimum.  
They were soon both out of breath. Katie climbed back up to give Caitlin a quick kiss before laughing at how messy her hair was and how much grass was stuck to both of their bodies now after rolling around a few too many times.
"Come on" Caitlin said laugh and pulled katie up and towards the mini pool where they both were praying the fence was high enough no one just saw anything that they just did. But at the same time neither made any move to put clothes on as they enjoyed sitting together in the pool and getting grass out of one another's hair

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