Bus Buddies

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Katie and Caitlin had sat next to each other on the bus since Caitlin arrived at Arsenal. When Lia and Caitlin started dating katie still sat next to them and then when they broke up it went back to just katie and Caitlin. This is why no one found out that katie and Caitlin had actually started dating. No one had a clue because everything they were doing was similar to how they acted before except maybe being a little more touchy but it wasn't enough for anyone to pick up on. So a secret it remained until one night after an away game.
The game had been long for Katie. Playing the full 90 and playing 3 different positions throughout because of different injuries and substitutions that occurred throughout. Because of this and the banger of a goal she had she won player of the match and was forced to do some media coverage after the game. The exhaustion from the game mixed with trying to keep up a happy attitude during multiple interviews after the game really wore her out. And all she wanted was to get back on the bus and fall asleep on Caits shoulder. Quickly making it back to the locker room she realized she was the last one left and jumped in the shower quickly to try and get to Caitlin as quick as possible.

Meanwhile on the bus Caitlin was patiently waiting for Katie to finish up her interviews and was queuing up songs for their shared playlist so they could listen on the way home. Unexpectedly Steph sat down next to her.
"Hey Cait mind if I sit?"
"Oh um Katie usually sits here" Caitlin said quietly not really knowing how to kick out one of her friends without giving away that Katie and her were together.
"I know but she's taking forever and we haven't talked in forever she can sit with Kyra or something. Plus you guys always sit together don't you miss me."
Caitlin had to play along at this point and nodded along as she tried to hide her disappointment of not being able to sit with Katie.

Katie finally finished up in the shower and made her way to the bus only to feel completely frustrated at seeing Steph sitting in her spot. Caitlin immediately saw her and gave her the 'I didn't know what to do look I'm sorry'
Katie made her way to Steph and tried to be quiet as to not draw attention to the conversation. Luckily everyone was happy with the win so not really paying attention to her.
"Stephy you're in my seat" Katie trying to joke but really trying to get steph up. She didn't know why but when she was tired she became clingy but also irritated whenever things didn't go her way. All she wanted was Caitlin and to be asleep.
"Just go sit with Kyra I gotta talk to Cait. Surely you can be separated for 2 hours"
"Please steph I'm tired and really just need to cuddle up to my girlfr-"
Katie cut her sentence off realizing she 100% just outed herself and Caitlin.  Her eyes were wide and she quickly looked around making sure no one else heard. Caitlin also was shocked and looked right at Steph to see her reaction.
Steph looked between the two girls and laughed. "Oh my god it all makes sense now." She said as she was getting up from her chair to give Katie her spot back. Looking back to Caitlin she said, "if I'm not sitting her you owe me breakfast tomorrow."
"I won't tell but I'm happy for you two." As she was passing Katie she whispered "hurt my fellow Aussie and I'll hurt you."
Katie shook her head in understanding and quickly slid into Caitlin's body.
"I'm sorry I let that slip."
"It's okay chick it's gonna come out eventually. Now come on little miss clingy I made your playlist. You can fall asleep now." She said while patting her shoulder.
"This is why you are the best." Katie said before taking one more glance around to make sure no one was watching and then give her a quick kiss on the cheek.
"Love you" Katie whispered
"Love you too player of the match"

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