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My name is Audrey Levesque...Paul Levesque and Stephanie McMahon's 19 year old daughter....and I travel with my parents around the world since they run the WWE.....and I absolutely hate it. I didn't ask to be in this business...I was happy living at home with my Grandpa; the great Vincent Kennedy McMahon (who I idolize and think the world of) but...I was kinda a rebel in my late years at prep school, and that made me develop an attitude problem, and sneak out to go to parties and drink and sass mom and dad. So, when I graduated high school at 17 years old, my dad forced me to come with him on the road-and appointed me the General Manager of Monday Night RAW, so I would have some sense of responsibility. But that didn't stop me from partying. I made friends with a lot of the locker room (Diva's and Superstars) and they took me clubbing regardless that I was 17. My parents didn't approve, but I did it anyway....for two years. When I turned nineteen, things blew up and my parents warned me that if I didn't shape up, they would punish me. But they can't do shit...I'm an adult.


I'm in my office filling out some paperwork when Roman Reigns busts through the door. I've never liked him...or those other two assholes he runs with Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins. I narrow my eyes at him, "I'm busy, what do you want, Reigns?" I growl. He smirks, and walks over to me slowly. I stand up and back up, "Get away!" I order him, he continues to advance towards me. "Reigns, I'm warning you!" I threaten....he continues towards me I back up into the wall, I duck and go to run to my door... but he grabs me and then Roman throws me over his shoulder and walks out the door. I struggle and hit him as he walks into The Authority's room. He takes me off his shoulders....but still has a grip on me. "Here ya go, Hunter. You sure you want to put her under our care?" Roman asks, Dad nods, "I want a complete overhaul of her attitude....you three can do that" he says. "So, you really want us to keep her with us and re-program her?" Roman inquires; dad nods. "Oh, SHIT....dad's giving me to The Shield" I think. "Get the hell off of me!" I yell; kicking and screaming as Reigns holds me against him, "Mom, you can't allow dad to let this happen! This isn't fair!" I protest; continuing to try to escape from the Samoan powerhouse.

Actually, I can and I am....you're not fulfilling your duties as RAW general manager, you're running around doing whatever the hell you want, you have no respect for authority.....you're out of control. So, this is our solution

Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins come in.

Wanting to have fun and doing what makes me happy is no reason to do this to me! You can't leave me with the three of them....they'll torment me!

You're just gonna deal with it. Guess you should have acted more appropriately, but.... you didn't. And now you have to suffer the consequences of your actions...because Reigns, Ambrose and Rollins are gonna be....supervising you for some time....and they are in complete charge of you.

And by 'supervising', you basically mean that I'm their hostage?

You could call it that. If you don't behave, we'll certainly make it that way.

I refuse to go with them.

You don't have a choice. You can walk out of here with them, or get dragged out. Either way, they're in charge of you-and you'll just have to live with that.

(to The Shield)
There's one other thing, boys-I know we've already discussed the basics. My daughter is dating Dolph Ziggler....I don't like it. You make sure she never gets near him again. I want those two separated permanently.

Daddy NO!

You want us to tear an nineteen year old girl away from her boyfriend and beat him up (dad nods)? (snickers) cool, I love emotional, angry love scenes.

If you feel beating him till he's a bloody pulp would convey a message to my daughter, do it. I don't care what you do to Ziggler.

So, we could end him?

Meh, do what makes you happy. Just make sure she watches you doing so when you see him.

That it, sir?

Daddy, I'm begging you to reconsider...

Yep, that's it. Go ahead and take her out of my arena-you boys are done wrestling for the night.

I break free and try to make a break for it, but Dean Ambrose grabs me.

Let me GO!

Roman, gimmie a hand.


Dad says nothing. Roman picks my legs up. With Dean holding onto my upper body and Roman my lower, they thank Daddy and walk with me out of the door.

Hostage- A WWE/ Shield StoryWhere stories live. Discover now